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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Desolid and Strength I for one have no problem with the character. In a high powered game he'd be just fine. Lots of characters have access to a wider variety of powers, the powers, or the advantage needed to affect him. Many more have VPPs. Also any GM, I'm assuming that was you, would know about this power and often tweak the opposition so at least one person could affect him, if need be. Still, that has nothing to do with the fact that we all have the ability to use the PM function. If you don't want your comments to be commented upon on, then don't post in a public forum. If haven't seen anyone else feel the need to give permission as to when we can, or cannot comment on our comments. And, by the way, I didn't post anything 'cos I had nothing to say until you started getting all shirty.
  2. Re: Would this require shapeshift I keep thinking of Mr Fantastic and his ilk; when they shrink they keep the clothes and colour scheme they are wearing. They could be in the shape of a hawk or a chair but they still look like who they are with red boots and a gold belt (or whatever) Could the hawkman not sfx it in a similar fashion when he changes to the hawk form?
  3. Re: Desolid and Strength Unwelcome feedback? Don't post if you don't want feedback. If you just wanted him to know you could have used the PM function. Very bad form, Mr. Moderator Man.
  4. Re: MPAs and Martial Arts I think this is more to do with game balance than making any particular sense.
  5. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales Hmm. Something to think about.
  6. Re: Help with problem with project 275 I always wanted to play a character like the mentalist in the Wildcards series. The guy who had a big end battery for his powers but he could only recharge it through tantric sex. He would have his Harim as a large group of DNPC supermodels, actresses and such. Of course he'd need to be the James Bond of the PSI world.
  7. Re: Help with problem with project 275 I like the idea of a clairvoyant seeing the attack from the attackers POV as the sfx for danger sense. Extra dcv only v humans is another good one as you sense when someone attacks you by picking up on the emotions of the assailant or can flat out read his intentions. You could buy indirect attacks of opportunity, as Vader does v Luke, by using the set as a weapon for a TKer. I also like the mental paralysis power. I thought about something like forcing a persons awareness or POV to an unfamiliar position which would be very unnerving and disorientating and a bugger in combat. Negative skill levels maybe? Telepathically shutting off the signals coming to the brain from nerve endings for a flash v touch. Would also work for any other sense. Enhancing sensitivity in a persons pain receptors to the point where they pass out.
  8. Re: MPAs and Martial Arts So if a mech say, had multiple weapon system, could fire them at once or not?
  9. Re: MPAs and Martial Arts I'm confused, does MPA stand for Multiple Power Attack? Why couldn't you set off all three killing attacks in one phase? That is the very essence of gangfire surely? The thing I have to ask is how you built the claws? In a multipower or not? For example, a lion could attack with claws and bite in one phase as the teeth killing attack is seperate from the claws killing attack and are purchased stand alone. Can you be specific with the build involved, please?
  10. Re: Jokes A man who just died is delivered to a Glasgow mortuary wearing an expensive, expertly tailored black suit. Big Tam, the mortician asks the deceased's wife how he would like the body dressed. He points out that the man does look very good in the black suit he is already wearing. The widow, however, says that she always thought her husband looked his best in blue. She gives Tam a blank cheque and says, 'I don't care what it costs, but please have my husband in a blue suit for the viewing.' The woman returns the next day. To her delight she finds her husband dressed in a gorgeous blue suit with a subtle chalk stripe; the suit fits him perfectly. She says to Tam, 'Whatever the cost, I'm very satisfied. You did an excellent job and I'm very grateful. How much did you spend?' To her astonishment, Tam presents her with the blank cheque. 'No charge', he says. 'No, really, I must pay you for the cost of that exquisite blue suit!' she says. 'Honestly, hen,' Tam says, 'it didn't cost a thing.' You see, a dead gentleman of about your husband's size was brought in shortly after you left yesterday, and he was wearing an attractive blue suit. I asked his missus if she minded him going to his grave wearing a black suit insteed, and she said it made no difference as long as he looked nice.' 'So, I just switched their heads.'
  11. Re: MPAs and Martial Arts Not if it is a 'claws' Martial Art. You always get one W. Element for free. If you want to use unarmed combat and claws you'll need to buy an element.
  12. Re: MPAs and Martial Arts Yes, all if they are a viable element for your M.Art.
  13. Re: [Character] Goblin If his fingers were falling of his little fairy hands we could call him the Lepercaun, I suppose.
  14. Re: Character for review: Seeker Yup, that's been annoying me for years too! How do you wash a waterproof coat? How does the man who drives the snowplow get to work in the morning? These are the kinda' questions he should be seeking answers to! Really nice build btw.
  15. Re: The cost of killing damage I don't see it as a messed up mechanic. The mechanic is what it is and we know what it can do. So why don't you build the characters accordingly? We know that a fall from a plane will do, 30d6 damage. If I want a character to be able to survive that I'll need somewhere around 30 PD. Being immune to small arms fire is a quantifyable power in HERO terms. Just becuse people, me included, have been doing a half assed job of simulating that for years does not make the Killing mechanic broken, IMHO. Of course, we all use the rules in different ways, and that is cool. You say broken, house rule. I say not designing the power we want, correctly.
  16. Re: The cost of killing damage Surely knowing all that, all we have to do is redisgn our bricks. If we want him to be able to shrug of small arms fire, we can buy defences to simulate that. Perhaps - PD Damage reduction, Stun only, only v weapons with 'real limitation' -1. I would rather go that way than take the teeth from weapons as bricks get a good enough deal with Str and Con already.
  17. Re: [Character] Goblin As we're on the Irish thing, I did think about an Irish themed trickster. Now, if we could cut him in half and give him a ginger beard...
  18. Re: Lets talk about: Martial Arts The only problem with the exotic blocks is that they lose the abort function. And if you are playing a brick you don't really want to be waiting with too many of your phases.
  19. Re: Lets talk about: Martial Arts You will show us the finished product?
  20. Re: Energy Staff, Martial Arts You're welcome. You can indeed disarm someone with a ranged attack. Shooting the gun out of someone's hand is a staple of fiction and Hero, both.
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