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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Disad Power question and power build question Oohh, Brain-suasage.
  2. Re: Military Campaign You're not being very specific. What kind of genre are you talking about? And welcome btw.
  3. Re: Blocking/Counterstriking... Knockback (unrelated) What the archermoo said.
  4. Re: Flying Dodge I mean with a passing strike.
  5. Re: No combat respect I'd sink some points into that sucker's speed at some point too. 4 speed is slow by most campaigns standards; is it slow in yours too?
  6. Re: How would you write this up? Cool idea.
  7. Re: Blocking/Counterstriking... Knockback (unrelated) Wait till Dex 1 is it? Not if I GM, you don't. Any GM worth his salt would stomp that metagaming stuff into oblivion and beyond.
  8. Re: Flying Dodge Which explains why it's called a passing strike? The name implies that you can move past someone and hit them. Is this an official Steve ruling? btw. I'm sure you're right from a rules POV but it just feels to me like you should be able to run past someone stick a fist out and continue on your way.
  9. Re: Is this a foci Sounds to me like a destructible focus with the sfx of the repair that it heals back.
  10. Re: That number in those brackets Page number, please?
  11. Re: power build question Has flash still got Area of effect as standard?
  12. Re: Flying Dodge Why not? I just treat a flying dodge as extra dcv which allows you to move. It isn't an über dive for cover!
  13. Re: Flying Dodge I'd allow it.
  14. Re: Do opposed skill rolls work? Ah well, I'll be classing that as a draw.
  15. Re: Do opposed skill rolls work? Why did the 2nd guy win?
  16. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! NCM, carry on. edit: Gotta spread rep.
  17. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! 13 Conditioned Reflexes: +1 SPD (20 Active Points); (Only in Hand-to-Hand Combat; -½) Eh?
  18. Re: Entangle A breakout roll isn't an attack though. Not if I'm GMing anyway.
  19. Re: Entangle Remove 'Damn Near' and you're correct. You can haymaker any attack.
  20. Re: What is Your Favorite Item? Similar type of thing. The idea was that I wanted to hand out Magical Items to the players but that the items would not need to be upgraded as the power level increased. I also wanted to promote heroism in the players. HERO BLADES. Ten magic Items made by the worlds most powerful ever Articifer to arm his country's generals in a rebellion against an evil empire. 800 years later and one turns up and works it's way into a PC's hands.. The blades themselves are twinned with the wielder and start to take on the characteristics and power level of him (or her). The more Heroic the wielder is the more powerful the weapon becomes. A side effect of the blade's power was that the blade bought off the NCM for the wielder. I never told the player that, I wanted to wait and see if anyone was willing to pay to go beyond that threshold and then I was goona tell 'em.
  21. Re: Flexible Active Point Limits: What Do You Think? The Mark I Human Eyeball is always the best tool to check this stuff.
  22. Re: Pet Powers Probably Martial Arts and lower than average defences. Got to keep on my toes.
  23. Re: Jokes Pfft, I only post the very best jokes.
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