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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Combat, Aborting & Phases edit: you are considered dodging until the GM says, "Ninja dude, what are you doing?"
  2. Re: Combat, Aborting & Phases My question is why Ninja dude isn't continuing his phase 6 abort on Gobbo dude's attack on 8? He didn't dodge? He failed his block roll?
  3. Re: Desolidification and Teleport Damage Nobody is perfect and you probably make her laugh. You know how women'll lower their standards for comedians.
  4. Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System? Hero works for me.
  5. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion I've only ever changed the cost of Strength to 2:1 in one campaign. That was a fantasy wizards campaign and I wanted to promote bookish weaklings, nerd, geek, heroes. It did what it was meant to do but I don't think I'd repeat the process. The MP is the great leveler.
  6. Re: Desolidification and Teleport Damage I always knew you were a man of taste and discernment.
  7. Re: Desolidification and Teleport Damage Very true but I'm not the type to worry about a problem that hasn't came up yet. It's not something I'll give too much thought to. I'd be a quivering wreck with a toddler and another on the way if I worried about all possible problems. "Jeez, I wonder if Finn is okay at the Kindergarten? Should I phone to check?"
  8. Re: Limitation comments... Damage classes increase base damage, which can then be doubled iirc.
  9. Re: "Sense Motive" In Hero This is Hero. A throw can be anything you want and doesn't neccesarily need any hands to perform.
  10. Re: Desolidification and Teleport Damage Has this ever came up for you in game?
  11. Re: Desolidification and Teleport Damage I'd allow it as a one off but if a player seemed to want to use it often or abuse it I'd ask him to pay for Safe Blind Teleport. Still, If I play Hero for another 50 years I doubt if it'll come up more than once.
  12. Re: temporarily negating limitations What about using the pushing rules? If you make the ego roll you get an extra 10 points which you can use to buy off a limitation rather than increase raw power? It doesn't work in every situation, it plain doesn't make sense for many sfx's but might work in certain circumstances.
  13. Re: BIG Combat? Nah, go for it. His DCV of 6 represents his ability to shrug off many blows thus avoiding serious injury rather than the ability to actively avoid being hit. All in the sfx.
  14. I've never ran a combat between giant opponents before and I plan on running one on Thursday. Now, my question is how do you deal with the DCV penalties for being BIG? The combat is gonna be between a bloke in a MECH and a giant Ape with Drunken Monkey Style Kung Fu and I picture both as being basically quick and nimble, not having limited DCV, at least full DCV against each other. Do the Giant rules make allowances for that? The other thing is that I thought they be basically immune to small arms fire from non giant weapons. Is there anything else I should think about?
  15. Re: Moving Hit Locations We have a maneuver for this already, it's called 'roll with the blow' isn't it? You're taking a hit and you decide to try and 'cover up' and take less damage. It's what we're talking about here isn't it? Just sfx it that Steve sticks his arms up to cover his body from you're blows.
  16. Re: Flying Dodge Thanks, Derek, no wonder full move dodge is less popular than the clap. So, for 5 points you are immune to HTH? House rule all the way.
  17. Re: Flying Dodge Really? Pfft, that makes no kind o' sense. Is there a page number for this?
  18. Re: Flying Dodge Is that a house rule? It just doesn't make sense to me any other way. As Steve says himself, we've bought the game, we can use it any way we see fit.
  19. Re: Flying Dodge I resolve attacks before the character really moves away. Bloke A attacks. Bloke B Full Move Dodges and gets +4 dcv. Bloke A rolls a 5 and clobbers Bloke B before he has a chance to clear the hex. Bloke B is stunned and wondering why he didn't dive for cover?
  20. Re: Flying Dodge Really? I haven't seen anyone abuse either of them yet. What are your experiences with it?
  21. Re: Flying Dodge Glad to see I've been doing right all this time.
  22. Re: Blocking/Counterstriking... Knockback (unrelated) If you're tactiaclly incompetant having a higher Dex might, in certain situations, be a limitation. But, overall, going first is a huge advantage. Getting the other guy to dodge is always better. Getting the other guy on the back foot is usually the best bet. Being proactive, in Hero, like in real life is always better than being reactive.
  23. Re: Military Campaign I think you might want to think about a Special Forces unit rather than infantry as you'll have a greater scope for scenarios. Perhaps even, a Rainbow unit drawing forces from all over the place to counter a threat be that terrorism, Aliens, the Chinese or whoever you have planned as the bad guys. That way you can have a bit more variety. Spetsnaz, Seal team, SAS, Gurkha etc. After that you'll want to make sure they each have their own schtick. Sniper, frogman, heavy weapons, medic, radioman etc. Points-wise if you do decide to go the Special Forces route I'd reccomend a higher point total. 100 + 100. They're are loads of ex-Army/ Navy guys who can help with specifics if need be.
  24. Re: Disad Power question and power build question sausage
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