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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Simple Falcon/ Bird of Prey You have heard of humour on your planet?
  2. Re: Help with a name If he is a Spidey clone why not think of a creepy crawly name? The Arachnid? Kid Arachnid if he is a child genius.
  3. Re: Need help with character I normally leave 20 points for every character as a mystery disadvantage which I decide in game. Either it'll be something from the past or a new disad will present itself in play. One character who was buried alive and had to dig himself out with his bare hands developed Claustraphobia. Another was hit with a flamethrower and had really, really nasty burns. He picked up distinctive features and a fear of fire.
  4. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign To the average real person supers are gods and could kill them a 100 different ways before they could blink. Cops just don't fight Supers. I do have a group of psycho, bad-asses armed with anti tank weaponary and are highly trained in the beasties they hunt in my campaign. However, they are only real people, no matter how well trained, well armed and armoured and know that the average supervillain will have them for breakfast if they are not smart. Also, most bulletproof types by extra PD only v real weapon small arms and will be totally immune to the average person armed with a handgunh up to and including .50 caliber.
  5. Re: Speculation on the Hero Games 2009 schedule In an ideal world I'd like Hero to be given rights to DC and Marvel and Star Wars to be getting on with..
  6. Re: Simple Falcon/ Bird of Prey It needs to be combat flight or it's gonna be OCV 0 and all kinds of dead as it splats into the deck when it can't pull up in time. I'm gonna have to check the build when I get home.
  7. Re: Problem with force field I roleplay with all adults so adult themes like nudity do get explored. The violence inherent in my games would give them an 18 rating anyway.
  8. Re: Ground Tentacle Attack! Does this happen instantly or would you take slightly extra time? Would it leave the guy with his arm stuck in the ground less mobile?
  9. Re: 1 pt CSL's, can I do this? Ultimate Skill? I honestly can't remember.
  10. Re: 1 pt CSL's, can I do this? No the maneuver is strike/ shoot. Set and braced are seperate from that.
  11. Re: Knockback on a speedster How does that work? Can you not land? I don't understand the sfx. I'm also trying to find the disadvantage to it? Other than knockback, what are you getting the points of that limitation for?
  12. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics Lots of people train to increase body mass but can hardly walk the length of themselves. Strong does not equal fit. You need to lift heavy weights to be bigger and stronger. You need to lift less weight and do more reps to get fitter. Rec has nowt to do with Str.
  13. Re: Decoupling Figured Characteristics There is nothing stopping a brick lumping Strength in an MP under this model.
  14. Re: Ranged Martial Arts and TK or Entangle I would allow TK in either a ranged or a HTH MA.
  15. Re: Ranged Martial Arts and TK or Entangle Have you a specific rule in mind or is that just what you always thought?
  16. Re: Bow & Arrows separately. For me, you're making something needlessly complicated for little return. Still, ordinarily arrows are not throwable, we use bows to increase our throwing range and Strength, right? But....what if someone was really strong, could they then throw arrows, basically cutting out the need of a bow?
  17. Re: Ranged Martial Arts and TK or Entangle TK Fu is one of my favourite power sets. I'd buy a ranged MA for his E Blasts and RKAs and buy his TK as an MA element. What if someone had a non ranged EB in the same MP, could he lump that into the same MA or would he need to buy a seperate HTH MA? The latter, I suppose.
  18. Re: How do you balance encounters? Start small and build up slowly from there. Once they handle lesser encounters you'll get a rough idea on how they'll handle bigger foes. Bad guys would normally be built on 25% - 30% less points than the PC's as I never stat out non combat stuff unless they are very important and likely to be regularly occurring NPCs. Things like KS, contacts, transport fam.s and the like are really for the PCs not my NPCs combat character sheets. As ever though, experience running combats is an invaluable guideline.
  19. Re: Multiform, OIHID or just sfx? A Secret ID is the classic way to stop you just changing. I really like the roleplaying of the 'normal' character having to stop the bank robbers knowing he can't use any powers. I saw a character take a bullet for a woman once in just such a situation. 8 body to his tender yeilding 12 body flesh. Wasn't he was really pleased when I gave him an extra xp for doing something truly heroic.
  20. Re: Multiform, OIHID or just sfx? That sounds exactly what I'd use OIHID for.
  21. Re: Opinions: A 'Hero' Stealing Their Gear.....???? Booster Gold did it, why not here too?
  22. Re: Susano's Guide to Adapting Fictional Characters to HERO I liked the idea of the VPP to simulate true masters of The Force for Vader and, I'd guess Yoda. Lesser users would have MPs, I suppose?
  23. Re: Flash and AoE GM's bunnet on. If a player wants to expand a power he already has, in this case to add AOE I would allow it if he pushed or if he had a relevant power skill. If he wanted to do it again he would have to pay points for it. GM's bunnet off.
  24. Re: Susano's Guide to Adapting Fictional Characters to HERO Nice, very nice. You're short a Luke though..
  25. Re: Speak to the Dead I designed a character who could see and interact with dead people while most others could not. She basically bought the ghosts as a massive group of contacts.
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