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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign
  2. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign I'm just picturing normal people standing still long enough to haymaker Angry GodMan. "Oh bugger, missed!" "So puny mortal" with a now convenient O DCV "take this upprecut." Normals head comes off spinning through several gory panels. Angry GodMan gets rolls high on his presence attack (hard not to with all those extra dice after that last attck) and kills or maims all the rest of the goons in short order. Nah, it takes a special kind of psycho willing to take on The Gods and normal cops aren't it imho.
  3. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Mr. Fox - the only thing I have agreed with you in this thread so far is that we shouldn't discuss politics here.
  4. Re: Characteristics in an EC I would allow extra dex (with no figured characteristcs lim) and extra speed if they cost end to use. Sure.
  5. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Your world, GloryFox, must be populated by 150 point characters wheras mine is populated by 0 & 25+25 characters. You give your marines more KS than I give military historians. I reckon on 3 years solid study to get a KS 11- in the real world, you think a few weeks basic training is enough. We'll have to agree to differ. All the best, Al
  6. ..in another thread got me thinking. In a supers world some company has to actually build these things. So a company of civil engineers probably specialise in making SuperBases for Public super teams. I'm thinking of writing this company up for my campaign. Would anyone fancy injecting some input? Is it a silly idea or does it make sense? What would such a company have to think about? Who runs it? How much does a base cost in cold hard currency? Would you get planning permission, what would the neighbours think? etc..
  7. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns No a cop and a .45 would not make a Super (in my campaign) look twice. Especially true if he had a few xps under his belt.
  8. Indeed, Bloodstone. (rep if I can)
  9. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Don't be bloody silly. I train twice for 1.5hours in the dojo a week. Hard. I've cut down since #1 son came along. I used to train 3 times a week. Hard. Most guys going for Dan train 4 or 5 times a week as do some Dan grades. Anywhore, you can take all the maneuvers from the book and all the Weapon elements but that doesn't mean that everyone uses them all when they get into trouble. I asked my instructor what he used when he fought for the German National team (before semi contact was ever heard of) or when he was in the pub and he only ever used a Martial punch. What we do in the dojo and what we do when some nutjob comes at you with a knife are not even remotely similar. a link to my club (in German) http://www.karate-sv1880.de/trainer.html
  10. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns The Saturday Soldier has obviously legal training in his Mon - Fri job. Not any National Guardsman could have done that. I'm sure it wasn't a competition that all guards entered one quiet afternoon. All soldiers have combat driving? And combat parachuting? We live in different worlds.
  11. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns I'm wrong? What happened to opinions, no bad fun, and all that stuff? You give your basic infantryman 23 points in Martial Arts. 13 points more than a black belt has to take and 3 skill levels in it to boot. And I'm wrong? Your basic Infantryman trains more in Martial arts than a black belt? How long is basic training in the US Army cos my dojo takes 5 years on average to make Dan... and I'm wrong? I won't question the other skills, apart from the 3 skill levels which I think is way, way too much for a basic infantryman. The stat inflation I would question too. normal people start at 8s across the board. I'd put soldiers at 10's across the board apart from ego which I'd stick at 11 and con which I'd make 13. I would give them 3 speed if they had seen any real combat. The kind where blokes were trying to kill them and they shot back. I could make a basic GI in 50 points very easily. edit: now this is petty but why give an extra inch of running? Do they teach you to run quickly in the US Army or only for a long time? You are wrong.
  12. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Indeed, same goes for The Batman, he does stuff normal people cannot do, ever! And he does it routinely with no worries. He's a SUPER no matter what his back story is.
  13. Okay. I would write him up on zero points plus a few disads. 25+25 sounds good. Cop/Soldier 50+50 sounds more than competent. National team martial artist/ veteran combat hardened troops/ men that stand out and win medals. 75+75 sounds the toughest guys on our planet and like blokes from fiction. Special forces/Jack Bauer is 75+75 with some xps thrown in, in later series.
  14. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign You think Lex Luthor is a normal person? Is Bill Gates our world version? I doubt if he'd be anymore deadly with a gun than my wife.
  15. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign Well, when that campaign first ported over to Champions II, that'll give you an idea how long ago that was, my character had 225 points and was worried by normals with guns. Now that he has had 400 xps not so much. I wish I played him more than once every few years.
  16. Re: Ground Zero Build Was it Challenges for Champions (4th ed) that had a nuclear group? Dr. Megaton was the leader... the rest were Fusion... and the rest have been deleted from my memory banks.
  17. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign No-one is debating whether a normal bloke shooting a gun is a threat. We all know that anyone with a gun is dangerous to us. The question is, "Is a normal bloke with a gun a threat to Angry GodMan who can toss tanks around with ease?" Not in the world I play and GM in. A world where one character runs round the entire planet as a surprise maneuver. A world where Martial Artists dodging generate dcv's in the low 20's. A world where tough guys shrug off strikes from LAW rockets and strong guys lift aircraft carriers. In that world any super could kill a normal person with one strike before the normal person could react. That is not the kind of places where normal people combat supers.
  18. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign You have an explanation for that?
  19. Re: Devil Dinosaur I have nfi what yoiu are on about.
  20. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign I doubt if we'll ever agree on this. Some people see a skill being performed and think 14- I often think 11- or even 8- is enough. A bloke like Sir Edmund Hillary, the first bloke (part of a team) who climbed Everest. What would you think he had for climbing? 14 or 15 maybe? I can't see him having to have higher than that. Did he climb while being shot at or with little or no equipment? Did he scale sheer cliffs in a blizzard? Did he race up mountains wounded? These are things that PC's regularly do but real people would never dream of. Did he need higher than that? I normally only ask for a skill roll in circumstances where the PC can't simply take his time and work through the problem. I think if you have the tracking skill at 11- you can track an animal through the woods. I would only ask for a skill check when someone is trying to evade capture or if the terrain was particularly bad. One of my friends taught himself to picklocks and can normally pick an easy lock after a minute or two, he'll eventually get any standard lock if he has enough time. Does he have higher than 8-? I doubt it. As I said, I doubt if we'll ever agree on this.
  21. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign Of all these people with skills out of the wazoo do any of them have more than 11 or 12 or less in more than one of them? The 11 or less is enough to be a professional in your field. KS: Law 11 or less is enough to pass the bar exam and be a lawyer. People with multiple MAs will have 12 or less in several subjects not more. I'd be really surprised if your mates have more than 1 or 2 skills above 12 and be staggered if the marksman had more than 6 ocv. Do you really think that you know a group of 100 point characters? I'd bet most people really are 0 point characters and the rest, barring truly exceptional people, can be built on 25 + 25 points.
  22. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign What really sets normals apart is they're inherent squishiness. 8-10 body and 2 or 3 p/ed makes people dead real quick if they get the wrong side of a Super. Get a baseball bat and apply it to a real persons head, any real persons head, and you'll soon see how much pd we have. How much damage do you think you would do with a solid strike with that club? 3d6? 4d6? Now imagine Angry GodMan is using 100 times as much force as you... I think Authority has it right, when Supers collide normals die, even SWAT. Dead. Or toss a SWAT guy off an 8 story building, he'll be just as dead as you or me, no matter how 'tough' he is. You can write them up with 8 pd and he'll survive that fall but he isn't normal or real anymore. Competant normals are still normal people if I GM.
  23. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign Really? How would you describe a competent normal? SWAT? Beat cop? SAS? Olympic Gymnast? Infantryman?
  24. Re: Simple Falcon/ Bird of Prey Oo er, matron! I'll rep you instead.
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