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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Hey Gang! Why do the cryptic guys have so much cooler avatars as us? edit: ..than us. Typing in Bavarian for a minute then.
  2. Re: Why are so many people upset that Cryptic is only using the Champions IP? The Hero System character creation comes with a massive GM Stop sign. The Mark I GM Eyeball is needed to give every character the greenlight in a pen & paper world. I doubt if a program could pick up on all Hero's potentail for abuse. MindMoleMan sysndrome anyone?
  3. Re: 8pt CSL I wouldn't say useless but Dex is more useful. However, there comes a time in most characters career's that the player has to say enough is enough. My longest running character topped out at 35 dex. He also has 2 overall, 2 all combat, 2 HTH combat levels and 2dcv levels tied to his acrobatics.(a hangover from earlier edition I know)
  4. Re: 8pt CSL The best thing about the 8 pointer is that it is only 2 xps away from an overall level.. :drool:
  5. Re: Characteristics in an EC Well, I don't use 'em normally that much but I do make a point of ensuring that disads and lims come into play. One character had only in Hero ID for his different armours which would teleport on or off him when he wanted. VIPER waited until he teleported out of one set of armour, and then before the other could be telported on to him, the activated a teleport suppress field. You shoulda saw his face when he realised what happened.
  6. Re: Characteristics in an EC I would allow that EC as it stands.
  7. Re: Ancient Map Of Britain It's no wonder we hate the soft, southern bas****s!
  8. Re: How Much BODY does a human body have? Eh? How long have you been away? You fall unconcious at -10 stun.
  9. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Fantasy Hero if you don't already have it is a must. The Bestiary is very good too.
  10. Re: Talk of a base... Little boats are so fragile? I can't help myself sometimes.
  11. Re: Talk of a base... Clean rooms?
  12. Re: How do others deal with Multiform? My only house rule is that the other forms can't be more powerful than form 1 less what he spends on Multiform.
  13. Re: Talk of a base... I know that but it doesn't feel right to me. I like to give a nod to realism in my Supers world if I can.
  14. Re: Superheroes and lethal force It's to get rid of recurring villains that would push my players to kill. Wtf is wrong with Ben Nevis - The Man Mountain?
  15. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns
  16. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign YOU ARE WRONG! Remember that? Anyway, it was a joke. Lighten up.
  17. Re: Talk of a base... Unless your PC's are a construction crew or civil engineers in their secret ID's I don't know how that would be possible. Offer it out and see who tenders the best plans..
  18. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns The Grace Under Fire rules are really very good to simulate people with zero combat experience.
  19. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns I would accept that and only question/ tone down the ocv and speed until he had proved himself in combat or be prepared to use the Dark Champion optional Grace Under Fire rules.
  20. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign Good point, I blame The Fox of Misinformation!
  21. Re: Jokes Can't imagine they'd be that hard at work, at his age.
  22. Re: Homo Sapiens and their guns Indeed I can't imagine too many PC's letting old Lexxy away with that type of behaviour for too long. I would really love it if one of the PC's was actually as nice a person as Supes but I'm yet to see it. My players would have dropped him off the top floor of his office block long before now.
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