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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: First Adventure Questions Quick thought re the monlk and the fighter unbalance. How many points did the monk spend on combat abilities, include his 20 str in that. Now how many points did the fighter spend on combat abilities? Is there an imbalance? Why could the the fighter not buy a martial art? Or an extra d6 killing attack to add to his weapon damage?
  2. Re: Martial Arts for Ranged Attacks As you are talking relatively low damage thresholds and magic items I'm guessing you're running a fantasy campaign. Well, for me the balancing factor for anyone sweeping, be that HTH or Ranged attacks, is the 1/2 dcv penalty. Being at half dcv is a sure way of getting clobbered if ever there was one. I have ran Hero in many guises for a long, long time and see no problem with sweeps either ranged or HTH or matial arts, either ranged or HTH. As for damage the thing to remember that you cannot do more than double the damage class of a weapon. A 2d6 RKA bow will still need 6 DC to get up there. You will need many damage classes, maneuvers and skill levels to max out a weapon. For me the only thing to watch it for is that Martial Damage classes increase the base damage level. A 1/2d6 killing strike could become a 1D6+1 with Str added. However if damage classes were added you could get a 1d6HKA base and add another d6 with Str. Perhaps you could allow them in your game with the previso that they are only provisional and that if they don't 'work' for you you'll remove them?
  3. Re: "Never Miss" powers Well, no, Hugh, that is why I said, "many". I do take your point and agree with it. A player's job is never easy.
  4. Re: Martial Arts for Ranged Attacks Many of the maneuvers help with range mods, or ocv and dcv,not just damage. Much like HTH martial arts. Do you have a problem with them?
  5. Re: Martial Arts for Ranged Attacks The ability to shoot twice a phase is no more deadly or unbalancing as a guy with a sword sweeping. Well, I have found it so anyway. And the 4d6 RKA is just as deadly as the 4d6 HKA, no more no less. I don't see the problem, can you elaborate?
  6. Re: The Spiritual Martial Artist Why not stick a ranged martial art on an Ego Attack/TK Multipower? Did I type that out loud?
  7. Re: Incarcerating Gadget/Focus Villains 'Cos the villain payed points for it that's why. His power will find a way.
  8. Re: YOUR RL Skills I'm pretty sure I could design myself on 0 poits. And have some to spare at the end.
  9. Alibear


    Re: Middle-earth Wyvern, yup.
  10. Re: "Never Miss" powers The desolid of a speedster has to have a common way of hitting him as a drawback. But it's a problem I never considered. Needs more thought.
  11. Re: YOUR RL Skills I would guess I have a 1 or 2 pt Martial Punch and a similar level Kick. I never use anything else in a fight, blocking and dodging? No chance. I might have a skill level in MP and one dex skill level for interupt only. Maybe. I'd put my Dex at 11 all the rest would be the 8-10 range. Perhaps slighly higher Int; I scored 130 IQ when I did one of those TV quiz things after a few bottles of wine. German Language, Fluent in my everyday life but loads of vocabulary is missing. so 1.5point in German. A KS Munich 8-. The rest would be what I get as my everyman skills. Makes me wonder what I'm saving all my points for? Radiation accident on the cards perhaps?
  12. Re: "Never Miss" powers Well, many AoE attacks are blatantly obviously AoE. No point dodging, DexBoy, that 40 foot wall of water thundering towards you is actually and Area of Effect attacK!!
  13. Re: Rogue Trooper Biochips A duplicate with 1 non recoverable charge, triggered on his death? The thing is, as always, what can these personality chips do? Not much really, they're just special effects for Rogue's fancy weapon and gear.
  14. Re: Damaging Block http://www.iol.ie/~alexm/club.htm
  15. Re: Damaging Block If you are 'waiting' for someone to punch you it's ideal. And simulates the ninjutsu style as practiced in (the UK & Ireland at least) now. Basically you block by punching the incoming arm away.
  16. Re: Damaging Block You can build a damaging block easily enough but you have to leave out the abort part when you build it which costs a point anyway. When I get back from work I'll work one out for you.
  17. Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help.. Good advice, Caris. I'd also suggest that you don't worrry too much about the rules as you play. If you don't know the correct rule for something during play: - Don't stop the game to look it up! Kepp the game flowing! - Do make a decision 'off the cuff'. Just apply a modifier which you think is reasonable and carry on. -Take GM notes of rules you want to check after play or when the players are having a smoke break, or whatever. -Make sure your players know that you'll be doing this. GM - You're sitting in a traffic-jam, in your Secret ID, tempers are starting to flare and horns are sounding! All of a sudden, in your rear mirror, you see a man wearing military fatigues, a full face helmet, running past the back of your car and suddenly he opens up with an assault rifle! Player - Eh, I'll stick the car in reverse, stick the pedal to the metal - hopefully taking him unawares!! Eitrher the GM goes to look up surprised rules and how much damage a car does while driving in reverse!! This really kills Hero, bad GM's not knowing the rules and looking them up in game. Or, the GM says make an attack roll, and if he doesn't mess up too badly ask him to roll a handful of dice damage!
  18. Re: I got some players!!!.... But I need some help.. For a starting campaign with new to Hero players I'd design the characters yourself. Design several archetypes, Brick, Energy Projector, Martial Artists etc, be sure to give them a schtick to hang the design on. If the Brick has a 'Body of Steel' then several powers are obvious choices. The Martial Artist might be a Zen Master travelling the world looking to test himself in combat. The Energy Projector might be a mutant who has amplified his powers with Supertech of his own invention etc. That way each player will have a character you design, and hopefully, you'll have several balanced chracters. Next start small and easy. Run uncomplicated plots and let the Heroes shine. (you can complicate them later on by adding hooks and layers later) You have the opportunity to run all the classic crimes to stop. Bank Robbery, etc. For example - A single Villain and his henchmen are robbing a downtown bank. Now, at first the players might think it's just for cash. Is it? If it is why do they need the cash? Or, were they after something in a safety deposity box or was it just a distraction to keep the cops away from another more serious crime? You don't even need to decide now you can bring that plothook back in later in the story-arc. You need to decide how you want to get the characters together into a group. Are they a group of hand picked supercops or are they a secret Govt organisation or did they come together by chance to fight threats they could not manage on their own?
  19. Re: "Never Miss" powers The attacker doesn't alwas lose; people fail that Dex roll. Anyway we're not talking about me and you, 8-11 dex-men, dodging bullets we're talking about Spiderman, 35 dex, dodging bullets, ffs!
  20. Re: Limitation? Or just flavor... Erm that is still a disadvantage unless he can read with his ears and make out colour some other way. Can he hear through soundproof glass? Anyway, the blindness is no longer as limiting but it is still a disadvantage. Back on topic: I would say flavour unless you or the GM can come up with a way for the GM to use that limitation against you.
  21. Re: MMO already bringing in new Hero players... Good Luck, Steve. I hope this really works for you and the other DOJers.
  22. Re: "Never Miss" powers That is very cool. Rep.
  23. Re: "Never Miss" powers Your reality crashes in on itself and you have to start the Time/Space continuim anew.
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