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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Well, in response to that and other acts of pro-active violence I set up a scenario where the PC's bloodthirtiness played against them. Deep in a swamp the evil sorcerer is sacraficing the young virgin to ressurect the father of necromancy, the original vampyr lord. The PC's sneak up and fill the poor Necromancer full of arrows before he can complete the spell. They are all congratulating themselves on a job well done when they notice the blood from the necromancer is not staining the ground... or his robes or even the dead body he was trying to bring back to life. They squirmed when they noticed that the Vampyr Lord was starting to stir...his corpse is starting to fill out and they realise thier stupidity. They realise too late, far too late that sacraficing the Necromancer was not the best option...
  2. Re: How to make a sword who weilds you. I think this is just SFX. Build character, give him magic sword and allow him to redesign himself every time he dies.
  3. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" In one fantasy scenario I ran I had planned for the characters to storm an evil tower, kill the magician and save the kidnapped kids. The usual fare. A doppleganger was in the mix somehow, I can't remember why. I had planned for the d.ganger to disguise himself as a kid and mix in with the hostages and bump off the party one by one, starting with the NPCs of course. Anyway one player encountered the 'kid' on the stair and not locked up, suspected foul play, and lopped it's head off. Cue me needing to design another scenario for next week's game...
  4. Re: A 'realistic' supers world? In Germany, where everyone and everything is registered and everyone has an ID card it probably wouldn't be a problem to force through. However in Britain, where a National ID card is often seen as a bad thing and a civil liberty under threat, it would be hell to push through Parliament. I dread to think what someone like Mugabe would do to his population and neighbours if he had access to Supers and no-one wanted to stop him. Again this would depend on power level, a Superman clone could wreak havoc on a small country whereas Heroes level powers would make only small ripples. Human tragedies rather than national disasters.
  5. Re: GMing for Dummies 5a. Don't stop play to look up rules. Shout and roll and check for the rule later. 5b. Tell your players when you do it.
  6. Re: System Gurus...help? Seems to me the Fire guy is holding all the cards...and the MA is basically in the brown. Or the MA just takes an attack and hopes for the best, if he's not stunned he clobbers the blaster Increase the MA's dex by 4 and speed by 1 or 2 and you'll have a more balanced exciting combat.
  7. Re: Comeliness based skills Just a second here, I can't discuss this but you can rip into my point and I have no right of reply. That seems fair.
  8. Re: Comeliness based skills Sure thing, no more Comeliness warmongering from me.
  9. Re: Long-Term Endurance Infliction What does this power do in English, not in HeroSpeak? Does this power stop you getting your breath back after you exert yourself and stop you recovering from unconciousness? If yes, then Rec drain would be an option. What do you want it to do?
  10. Re: Comeliness based skills It just shows how 'useful' Comliness really is when we have to battle to come up with skills like lapdancer to make it worthwhile. Anyway most skill applications here scream Presence not Comliness. YMMV.
  11. Re: Do you have any "deal brekers" when it comes 6th edition? There are no deal breakers for me. I'll use what I like and drop what I don't. If there is more in 5e that I like than 6e I won't buy any new products or I'll be much more selective about which products I do buy.
  12. Re: No scarring Basically any body from an killing attack is going to scar. You can limit the scarring with medical attention. I haven't played in a game where a character accrued scars unless he had a Distinctive Features or the player wanted to track them as 'trophy wounds'. Handwavium or Distinctive Features for me.
  13. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies If any take 3 or more body they're out for me too.
  14. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies Sure, and fully unloading with a large DC attack against a 2 pd normal is showing an intent to kill, maim and or seriously injure. If the player 'pulled a punch' or used less dice I'd be happier to insert a bit of leniency.
  15. Re: 4th ed vet-- how different is 5eR? I always thought of Hero as a language. A language for RPGers but a language as valid as any computer speak. Yeah between 2 & 3 in my opinion too.
  16. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies For me a grungy gang member is a normal bloke with a gun or knife. Nothing else. 3CV, the stats for the weapon you want, and if they take a half decent hit he won't partake in anymore violence. Depending on the damage the might be dead, dying or just in an awful lot of pain.
  17. Re: Random WTF moment... The Cat - Would hang around and observe, possibly get a coffee and a paper to kill the boredom of it all.
  18. Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ? The character might not 'know' his skills but the player most certainly does.
  19. Re: Gun and Armor Critique. I have a problem with that RKA too. It should be a 5d6+1 RKA If I GM anyone who uses any attack which does body is using a lethal weapon. People with 2 pd/ed hit by big attacks will be just as dead whether they are hit by Energy Blasts or Killing Attacks.
  20. Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ? Hong Kong Phooey had his martial arts through a focus too, of course.
  21. Re: Shared Clips Actually the real weapon limitation would allow you to use real bullets in your real gun.
  22. Re: Martial Arts for Ranged Attacks That's what we're here for.
  23. Re: "Never Miss" powers One for Steve methinks.
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