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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Howdy I know nothing about Hero System and was wondering something I do like 'classes' sorta. It allows in very broad strokes one to describe ones character very quickly so we all know where we stand without looking at the character sheets of everyone. We all know what that means and get a rough picture very quickly. It's useful when designing the characters so the players don't step on each others toes. And really handy if and when you get a new guy in the group; you can describe what everyone has without the newbie needing to know the Hero language involved.
  2. Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like? If I design realistic normals most have 2 pd and combat hardened ones would have 3. 4 would be über tough hardmen PD only to counteract stun would be one way to go If you wanted to make a fist of realism while retaining longevity in a fight. Can take a punch! 4 pd, only v stun (-1) 2 points.
  3. Re: Must use villains Seeker.
  4. Re: Gang members Extra presence though, maybe as much as minus one.
  5. Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?
  6. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection Wear this Rep like a medal of honour! Good work, soldier!
  7. Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like? Okay say you roll average. 4 body, doubled to 8 for location take off his 6 pd and you're left with a really nasty cut on the head and a big lump to go with his headache but no chance of impairment or disabilty. That just screams Wrong to me.
  8. Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like? 8 pd? Nobody living. 8 PD means you could leap off a 5 story building and walk away. Be run over by a car at 40 mph and not need medical attention. 8 pd allows you to be stomped by a raging elephant and dust yourself down and take multiple shots from a baseball bat with no lasting harm. If you want to tweak reality a hair you can say you got lucky, landed on something soft, took a glancing blow and survived each and everyone of those encounters but not in our world. 8 def for humans is not realistic. I'd set it at 4. I think it's a great benchmark for cinematic games, John MacLean from Die Hard movies has at least 8 PD for example.
  9. Re: Fighting against more speed There is an optional rule allowing you to hurry your dex but not your speed. You could allow someone to push their speed to grant an additional phase I suppose. Never thought of that until now.
  10. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection I'm no' back in there; yer on yer own, chief!
  11. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection Nice idea.
  12. Re: Must use villains I always rather liked Mechassassin.
  13. Re: Fighting against more speed You can interrupt an attack if you have waited and you make a dex roll/ fast draw contest. That is very in keeping with how many dojo fights end up going. If I was doing a write-up of myself I might flatter myself and include a +1 to my dex rolls to interrupt.
  14. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection Cool, I'll make it part my next 50 buck order.
  15. Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like? 6 pd? He can take a baseball bat to the ribs or the back of the head and essentially be unharmed? If we're keeping it real I'd peg a toughened combatant at 3 pd. Apart from that very minor quibble I'd say that looks like a very reasonable write-up.
  16. Re: Play on words magic items/spells And you'd be able to get tinned tartan pain, a leg of salmon, a left-handed hammer, a long stand and sky hooks would be all the rage.
  17. Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like? I must admit never to having seen any of these matches. Are these guys professional fighters? By that, I mean can they spend 4+ hours a day training? Do they travel to fights Nationally and would it be a viable career choice? Would they spend hours poring over VHS of previous oponents fights looking for weaknesses in their opponent. Obviously if you can dedicate yourself to something 100% then you would be better than someone who trains for an or two after work. For the hour or two after work I'd give them normal stats, perhaps con and str slightly inflated and perhaps 15-20 points worth of Martial Arts and skill levels for 2nd/ 3rd Dan types. For a professional fighter who also has a professional trainer, visits a fitness coach has a dietician to consult and the like I'd make him a 50+50 character. Keep in mind that dedicating yourself to a combat pursuit is going to be more expensive in Hero terms than a scholarly one does. So a Lawyer is going to be based on less points than a pro boxer although both have studied equally hard. That is just the nature of Hero, fighting and characteristics optimal for combat are more expensive than PS: library search and a high Int. Just reading over that I havn't actually answered your question but ho hum.
  18. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection Would you reccomend the UEP as a worthwhile purchase?
  19. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection I don't yet have the UEP. Can you give me a rough overview of the alternate system? Flat cost and -1 per 10 active points in the attack? I rule that MD is just a block v ranged attacks, which means you can block and MD in the same phase. Otherwise, blocking and MD is just not as attractive an option as dodging.
  20. Re: Dimensional Controller I reckon handwavium is the over-riding factor here. If you say powers don't work, well they don't. Done. Little gravity? Not a clue but I'm sure you can look at zero-g rules and work from there. Vertigo - Sounds like the players get a free psych lim there. Darkness - Hero has rules for that. As I say it sounds like you're just changing the enviroment or making cosmetic changes that don't particularly need to be written up in any particular way.
  21. Re: Must use villains All good ones and I'd add Firewing and Zodiac.
  22. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection Exactly as you cannot attack if you block or missile deflect. Or am I missing something game-shattering again?
  23. Re: Gang members A gang member for me is. CV 3 maybe less if they have no combat experience. Body 8 A weapon. Junky, waster gangers just don't put in the time to be good at anything other than intimidation, 10 presence maybe and perhaps 10-12 str if they seriously hit the weights during a stint in jail. Generally speaking being a junky crackhead is not good for your Str/Con/Bod/Ego. No martial arts, no combat training, no weapon skills, no time in the gym and no time on the pistol range. Nothing. If they had a PS they'd be doing that job instead of mugging grannies and shooting up.
  24. Re: Quecksilber Queck means living, so Quecksilber is literally living silver???
  25. Re: WWYCD: miscarriage of justice Th Cat would watch and wait and watch and wait and watch some more. Guys like that always return to crime; they can't help themselves and when they do...
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