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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Who supplies Millennium City's Underworld? Shamrock - Irish, brick luckster.
  2. Alibear


    Re: Shard The extra dcv levels won't really cut it v Area Effect attacks so I would just rack up his ED only v light. Buying Missile deflection on top of that is a good idea too. Even though he can't ever walk without making noise often it won't limit him and it isn't that limiting. I would class that as no more than a 10 point disad. You might consider buying invisibilty only when underwater.
  3. Re: Converting Call Of Cthulhu To Champs... To be honest their are only two real things that makes CoC what it is. The fact that the investigators are real people and Sanity rules. Working out how you handle the san loss and tumble into insanity is the key to capturing the CoC feel.
  4. Re: Disadvantage Point Limits. Exactly and if you do something unbelievably dumb, or something earth-shattering happens and the GM fancies giving you an extra disad he'll feel free to do so.
  5. Re: Disadvantage Point Limits. In the future I'm giving players a set amount of points for their characaters to spend and letting them take whatever disads they see fit to take. They won't get any extra points for taking them. I'll award them a Hero point or extra xp if I use them in play. I'll also hand out whatever disads I think the character should have. Not exactly canon I know but I'm gonna give it a go.
  6. Re: Looking for a good name I was making a joke on his poor grasp of English. See location btw.
  7. Re: Looking for a good name Make him a German and call him Doktor Unpossible. Of course yxou have to add a bad German accent into the mix but I doubt if that is a problem for you! Drop zee ve-ponn!
  8. Re: Hand-to-hand stun weapon Well, the electric stun gun we have now is 8d6 NND so it will be all or nothing to most 16-20 stun normals.
  9. Re: Stun Only vs Reduced Penetration.
  10. Re: Drain to Add Transfer it to an end battery perhaps.
  11. Re: HERO Noob, be gentle Oh Yummy, fresh meat! Err.. I mean, welcome.
  12. Re: About a martial artist type
  13. Re: Prone Combat Effects I quick and dirty house-ruled that firing at anyone prone doubles range penalties. You still have half dcv when prone.
  14. Re: Power down day She should have bought IPE on her str.
  15. Re: How would you use a true name as a vulnerability? As ever I have to ask what the problem of someone knowing your name actually is? Can he force you to do his bidding? If so it sounds like an uncommon total physical limitation to me. Does it render you powerless and unable to attack him?
  16. Re: Special Effects vs Rules No. We good.
  17. Re: About a martial artist type And the guys who can lift tanks or who can shoot lasers out of their eyes don't get it automatically? Sounds like nonsense to me. Self defence is self defence no matter how well trained you are. (in Britain at least)
  18. Re: Power down day The Cat likes being a hero and loves a good scrap. He'd carry on protecting people even though he is bereft of his heightened senses, hyper reflexes, chi powers etc. As long as everyone else is in the same boat he wouldn't worry overly much. In fact he'd relish the opportunity to test his skills. He might use this opportunity to hunt the really powerful bad guys, Doc Destroyer and the like. The type of bad guy that would normally eat a wee 0 resistant def hero for breakfast would be fair game.
  19. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid The Cat isnae much good at anything but busting heads. He'd climb into the Team Spaceship and haul on out there find out who is responsible & kick some ass. He isn't one for making up complicated plans.
  20. Re: I need to give away my money I wouldn't allow a disadvantage like that for 20 points. No way, no how, never. For 20 points I'd expect to have no posssesions of any kind and give away all money he recieves. His clothes would be rags and he would have to beg for food every day. Your game, your rules, of course.
  21. Re: Telekinetic "Push" That's how Europe does it too.
  22. Re: This old wound... Psych lim; Grumpy old bugger - he's so often in pain it's soured his mood nearly all the time.
  23. Re: This old wound... Lots of stuff here. Old War Wound - Physical Limitation: when strenously physically exerting oneself the PC must make an ego roll or suffer -2 ocv and -2 dex rolls. It's up to you to decide how often that comes up and how much it's worth, maybe 10-15 points. He could also take a vulnerability to a hit location if you are using those rules? Old War Wound II: Vulnerability to location 15 - x2 stun. I don't have my book right now to check the cost. Old War Wound III: Noticable limp -2 inches of running Old War Wound IV: Distinctive features: Limp. etc.
  24. Re: I need to give away my money Well, if you don't want to go down the psych lim route you could.. Stick a limitation on the powers he would lose, perhaps a -0.25. Or, buy it as a physical limitation: Must give away half of his earnings or lose power x. In my fantasy campaign that would be worth about 5 points as money isn't really that important a part of the game. In games where money is a big deal and tightly controlled it might be worth more.
  25. Re: Origin 'Disadvantages' Many campaigns will start off with package deals for PC's but for many campaigns the GM just won't have the time or the forsight to list all this stuff. Sure It would be nice and as a campaign developes you can start to add that sort of stuff but I persoanlly wouldn't and couldn't invest the time needed for that off the bat. I've noticed though that as I GM I make a decision about something and usually stick with that and build an internal consistancy that way instead of making loads of decisions up front. In my Fantasy campaign world Vampirism is just a very specific form of magic use following very, very strict guidelines & costums. No-one but the original Vampire/ Necromancer, Vlad Hann von Hannenheim, knows this. Not any other magicians alive and not the player characters or players themselves have put the pieces together yet. I've hinted at it and left a few clues but nobody has made the leap yet. Published campaign worlds by HERO do have this kind of detail I notice.
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