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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Two things spring to mind, well sprung to mind when I was on the throne: 1. Just tack ranged martial arts onto ego blasts and away you go. 2. The other thought I had was only for mentalist v mentalist combat if you use the optional expanded rules. The block, dodge etc. If those rules are used and when in combat with another mentalist, could one be so skilled in this combat that he takes it to another level? In a similar way that a mental dodge gives you +3 decv a martial mental dodge would give you +5 decv. Now, if you allowed this for a special villain or PC how would you cost it? The same as DYO martial arts? Or would you give a discount as it would have limited use unless v another mentalist? I can see I'm gonna have to go back and have another look at the Ultimate Mentalist. Al
  2. Re: Training away DCV Penalties from Armor There has never been a time where full plate was common.
  3. Re: Gadget Pool: odds & ends Distinctive Features: Always stealing stuff.
  4. Re: Negative Strength and END cost The game was designed as a Supers game and retro conned to a universal system. I doubt if anything like your example comes up often enough to need a ruling.
  5. Re: Negative Strength and END cost Maneuvers always cost 1 end iirc. Picking up a book or something which takes less than 3 str would cost zero end. Can you be more specific?
  6. Re: Children as main characters in a fantasy setting Stats somewhere around 5 and no skills above 8- if they have any bar climbing at all.
  7. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I'm just surprised that a roleplaying, geeky bachelor type has 'light' clothes.
  8. Re: "Stun Target" power -- what am I doing wrong? I've been wondering that too. What possible advantage could having a power where you have to hit them every phase to keep them down rather than just once or twice?
  9. Re: "Stun Target" power -- what am I doing wrong? Well, sure it's advanced Hero theory time now. Just using the rules for the fun of seeing what we can do rather than to do something specific. Okay. To momentarily get some to do nothing for a phase could be done loads of ways. Many have been posted already. One that nobody mooted so far which I considered was a big Presence attack to 'stun' someone.
  10. Re: "Stun Target" power -- what am I doing wrong? Yes but those attacks are just knoncking people unconcious not 'Hero Stunning' them. Think it through. If you want a Star Trek Phaser buy a MP with an RKA slot and a EB stun only slot. Job done.
  11. Re: "Stun Target" power -- what am I doing wrong? Are we coming at this bass ackwards again? Trying to define a power before we have the special effect we are trying to simulate? I never try to simulate meta-rules. Ever. Only special effects. If you can't tell me what the power does in plain English I can't build it and won't allow it in my games.
  12. Re: Children as main characters in a fantasy setting I'd make the 8s across the board and give them 25+25 to play with and set a low NCM threshold on stats and skills. Let's face it a kid is rarely more than a nuisance to a hardened soldier. Really how old are these children? Teenagers? Are they likely to have any combat experience or dedicated combat training? After that I'd make sure they had an idea how they wanted their character to look like as a grown up. Choices make in childhood will 100% affect later life.
  13. Re: A song of Ice & Fire I'd buy the game just to get my hands on the setting.
  14. Re: Switching Places Blows out cheeks. You'll need two teleports with triggers. One will need to be Usable as an Attack. This is going to get very expensive very quick. Then drop on your limitations.
  15. Re: Multipowers Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.
  16. Re: Multipowers Are you suggesting that I would reccomend something not totally rules kosher?
  17. Re: Multipowers For a PC I always round in the player's favour, so 4.
  18. Re: Do you use minis? No. Never have, don't intend to start now either.
  19. Re: Combat Skill Levels How about yae, Shem?
  20. Re: Do you have players justify experience points expenditure? I like to take it slow and build up to a climax slowly... Wrong thread. Er, or hit 'em with a radiation accident to change dramatically.
  21. Re: How do you visualize combat? Very vague is how I like it. Any special effect can mean just about anything rules-wise as far as I'm concerned if that is what makes most dramatic and common sense. I sound like Steve.
  22. Re: Concubine Seeks New Position Too late for my 69 joke I see.
  23. Re: Disadvantage Point Limits. Perhaps you could post the character so that we could see the whole picture so we could help with the disads. Maybe give you our ideas and input and see what would work with your campaign.
  24. Re: Disadvantage Point Limits. I too allow 5 points worth of GURPs quirks. Many new heroes start off with hunteds as part of their origin or backstory. If all characters have problems coming up with disads the GM could simply rule that you only need to find 100 points and that he'd assign some which crop up in game.
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