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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System Doesn't that sound needlessly complicated to you? An entangle, or even dex or str suppression seems much more elegant to me.
  2. Re: How do you build this Multiform. Design man with sword as one form. When they merge and become manswordthing they change to form 2. Without you being more specific I can't either.
  3. Re: How do you do a 'Limit Break' style power? Sounds like a pushed attack, say +6d6 which you can only use off a specific end battery and the end battery only recovers as you take damage.
  4. Re: A bit of advice for fellow newcomers... And Champions II had a random supers generator IIRC. (or was that Champions³)
  5. Re: A bit of advice for fellow newcomers... Champions iirc.
  6. Re: How do you do a 'Limit Break' style power? I've never played final fantasy so I have no idea what a break limit is. Anywhore you can buy a power, and give it a limitation value based on how often you'll be able to use the power. If it is only after you've lost half your body I'd call that a -1 limitation. If is only when you are at negative body, I'd call it a -2. What exactly to you want to model, in plain English?
  7. Re: Mental Martial Arts Madness? Interesting. I wouldn't use it myself, I like the MA rules as is, but I like to see the building blocks in action. Good work, Markdoc. OT - Why don't you have any rep power, Courtfool? Have you been a naughty boy?
  8. Re: True Jack Of All Trades I see where you're coming from now. I'd be more pissed off with the constant tried and failed rolls slowing the game tbh. The constant "Can I check my ...." would do my nut in.
  9. Re: True Jack Of All Trades Having a wide range of, or indeed all, professional skills at 11 or less is not going to create seething resentment from anybody in my experience. Especially if you spent 20 points getting it.
  10. Re: No Damage Knock Back Wave Flight usable as attack. Job done.
  11. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System I'd love to be hit by a taster. "Oh, Big Boy, let me taste you!" "Go right ahead, love, but remember just tasting, no swallowing!" I agree with the entangle idea btw.
  12. Re: Linked Damage If the familiar was bought with duplication you could take the linked damage limitation on it.
  13. Re: Hammerspace If he can pull anything out it's a pretty swanky VPP
  14. Re: Shunamitism I couldnae be arsed loking for it. Thanks anyway;)
  15. Re: Mental Martial Arts Madness? After getting my grubby hands on The Ultimate Mentalist I see Steve is way ahead of me. Good work Steve
  16. Re: Gestalt of Electability How do you come up with this stuff, Sean?
  17. Re: Mental Martial Arts Madness? Very good point about non-mentalist buying a Mental Dodge but why would that stop PC's buying an offensive blast or Lightning attack? They'll just buy more skill levels wouldn't they?
  18. Re: Ditching PS12 Maybe he just loves questioning and debating things? He is a lawyer ffs!
  19. Re: Ditching PS12 Having rec 1 means you recover 1 body per month, two when in hospital. Seems about right. I've already ditched post segment 12 along with end.
  20. Re: Mental Martial Arts Madness? Kung Fu/ Chi guys would be the perfect example of such a beast.
  21. Re: Mental Martial Arts Madness? The Way of the Mind, cool. If the Martial Maneuvers only added to ecv would that be a limitation?
  22. Re: 6th Edition WAGs Posh Spice is a WAG.
  23. Re: How Much Experience? I generally hand out about 2 xps for a 4 hour session. If someone does something really cool, makes me snort beer out of my nose, something really heroic or very in character I'd give another.
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