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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. I'm playing in an on-line fantasy game and my character is an archer. Waves to Randy and co. I want him to be able to build a perfect arrow. Not magical or anything just the best an arrow can be if someone lovingly spent hours and hours straightening the shaft, sharpening the head, making great glue, perfect fletching etc. So I was thinking: The perfect arrow: +1 ocv and +4 v range. How do I build the limitations?
  2. Re: How many different ways to mitigate damage? <boredom caution: metagaming be here> I house ruled that years ago.
  3. Re: Double Ended Weapons Princess Lea in the gold bikini? I dig it.
  4. Re: Catch the Punch Don't forget if you use any of the exotic blocks, block/throw, block/grab, block/strike there is no abort element. You have to have a held phase to use 'em. That means you need to buy two blocks, expensive, be really quick, expensive or just rely on your bog standard block when you need to abort. Realistically that probably means you have an exotic block and dodge when you need to abort.
  5. Re: move through damage When the attacker misses or can use his PD to shrug off the attack.
  6. Re: expert traveler Yeah but the problem then is how well he knows an area? All on 11- for 20 points?
  7. Re: Spear of Destiny Nothing in Jesus's write up to suggest that he was immune to normal weapons. I would call it a normal weapon with a bad rep and call it done.
  8. Re: Spear of Destiny For a game or for the real world?
  9. Re: Character for comic and game. Copyright issue? If DC has the name copyrighted, and find out about your use of that name they'll be obliged to go after you or risk losing the copyright protection.
  10. Re: Triggered Weapon Takeaway Is this the part where I say Duplication?
  11. Re: Other emotions for Enraged rules Some would work well. Good idea. Repped.
  12. Re: Requires Skill roll with multiple skill levels Yup. 14- is -1/2 no matter if it's RSR or activation.
  13. Re: Taser I like this one very much.
  14. Re: Problem Player (?) Any RPG relationship is the same as any other. Honesty is always the best policy for all concerned. Tell him what you think and how you feel.
  15. Re: "Es lebe die Freiheit!"- German Resistance Champions edit: picture broke the page
  16. Re: Jokes Speaking Scottish is very bad for the heart as well.
  17. Re: Jokes Makes sense for UK but doesn't explain why Americans have heart attacks.
  18. Re: Caps and averages for your campaigns 12-15 dice normal attacks. Many have one shot (per run) much bigger attacks in the 18-20 dice range.
  19. Re: Duration spells inside of VPP Why not make the duration dependant on the power? The more powerful the effect the longer it lasts. Active points in minutes or somesuch.
  20. Re: Grappling expert and the 1/2 DCV grab penalty I think you have to go the 1st route though that seems ridiculously expensive. I would explore buying an entangle if you have a MP? I would allow the skill levels, costs end (must keep moving) in an MP as well btw. btw - I've been watching Kung Fu Panda loads recently and noticed that most fighters block if they have their opponent grabbed. Often with the opponent's own limb or tail.
  21. Re: Brainstorming - PCs are the first supers This is something I've been thinking about for the last few days... Maybe Bush and Blair were lying about the WMD bit. A stretch I know but stay with me on this. They were trying to stop Iraq develope system of producing supers. The system is viral in nature and would have affected the Middle East first and most strongly. Obviously this would tip the balance of world power away from the West and into Persia, not something Bush & Blair could allow. Somehow the virus escapes Allied clutches and disappears in the confusion. I was thinking of a 12 monkey's style release where it opens at an airport so you'll get a concentration of supers in one country but which allows it to spread worldwide. What the virus does exactly nobody is sure but it kills some, flu-like symptoms for most but a very small percentage, (perhaps people that have Neanderthal genes however diluted) gain powers. The powers would be mostly Psionic (the neanderthal were powerful telepaths after all) but also have Psionically augumented Str, toughness, flight etc.
  22. Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement :blows out cheeks: Dunno, never thought of anything like it. Perhaps PS: Body Lanuage as a comp roll to PS: Dance. If a martial artist tried it I'd allow a MA Power Skill to do it. I can see Jackie Chan attempting something like that. Other power possibilities would include precognition and telepathy. Can you be more specific? edit: you might need to buy extra speed and movement in a VPP to keep up if they were really shifting.
  23. Re: Extreme Weather, Et Al. Volcanic eruption.
  24. Re: Extreme Weather, Et Al. Earthquake. Meteor strike. Bush fire. Blizzard conditions. I'm struggling here. Landslide. Avalanche. edit: Tsunami
  25. Re: Flaming Swords Fair for PC's, sure but NPC's? Who gives a damn about fair for NPC's? Anyway, in a Star Wars game I would imagine the players would be happy with the premise that only Jedi carried a lightsabre but would be burdened with powers and skills other 'classes' would not. Failing that all players could play jedi for fairness' sake.
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