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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Jason Voorhees It takes 8 body to body the average person in the dead or on the way there bracket in Hero. Only 26 stun to make them unconscious. 2-3d6 is going to achieve that admirably. Add in hit locations and and bleeding and most people will be functionally dead with one or two average blows from a machete.
  2. Re: Jason Voorhees The machete looks very beefy too. I mean it's basically a shortsword you chop with not a claymore.
  3. Alibear

    Dr Phantasim

    Re: Dr Phantasim 65 Presence? Yikes.
  4. Re: Jason Voorhees Don't forget he's used to fighting incompetent normals, zero pointers at the most - he's gonna look better on screen that he actually is.
  5. Re: Funny thought: Plot seed Let's see.... 0 dex anyway. The big guy needs to make a dex roll to do anything. Psych lim: Easily distracted: Must make an Int roll to continue doing the same thing if something else comes into field of vision. Psych lim: Must try to eat everything it comes into contact with - especially anything dangerous. I would give him an AoE for those pudgy little hands. Physical Limitation: Unsteady on feet - Can only walk along walls and other upright objects.
  6. Re: Body for focuses Something about dramatic and common sense.
  7. Re: Half Baked Idea: Optimal Conditions Silly indeed.
  8. Re: Half Baked Idea: Optimal Conditions Why can't you haymaker a 'real weapon'? You just have to aim really, really carefully and viola you have a haymaker.
  9. Re: Funny thought: Plot seed There speaks someone who knows kids.
  10. Re: The Mentalist Wrestler You could mentally close down the area of the brain handling perception. A flash to sight and touch based on Ego perhaps.
  11. Re: Speeding Up Combat Normal soldiers in WWII had a helmet which covered location 4 and that was it, no body armour. With they're 2 or 3 PD and 8 body they'll all be toast after any attack which hits. Anyone who takes an average 10 body hit will be at zero body and bleeding to death or thereabouts instantly. Not too many people will continue fighting under such circumstances.
  12. Re: Speeding Up Combat Forget end - just throw it out of your window. Little people don't fight to the death - one good lick and they're out. Little people don't dodge or block or do anything complicated. Don't roll unless it affects the character directly - if 15 stormtroopers attack only roll the 6 that attack the PC's the rest is just GM narrative. The Heroes should shine - if someone rolls a great damage roll let him put the baddy down. No Baddy's recover.
  13. Anywhore - while playing with my kids, aged 3 and 10 months, today I had a funny idea for a scenario. The 3 year old has a lego train set and it's set up and going swimmingly. He's happy. Baby comes along and starts grabbing track and cars and wee lego men and generally being a menace to lego life. My idea was if that baby was gigantic. but still a baby, terrorising a campaign city how would heroes react? Would they unload as if it was a normal giant monster or would it stop them in their tracks and try and come up with some other way of saving the city? If the baby was 100 feet high and could toss cars around and demolish houses how do you stop it without hurting the 'little fella'? Next part of the scenario is how did it get so big and how do you get it back to normal? Where do you get nappies that size?
  14. Re: Laughing Gas Got him for you.
  15. Re: "Hull? I can't be in Hull!"
  16. Re: Martial Arts Idea When we're thinking about M.Arts, why are ranged M.Arts so much more limited than the HTH variant?
  17. Re: "Hull? I can't be in Hull!" If you'd ever been to Hull you'd wish you been transported to the 1920s. What a hole.
  18. Re: Advice on building a brick character No arguments from me.
  19. Re: Utility Belts A VPP with 6c maybe...
  20. Re: Utility Belts You could have 50 slots but only 2 or 3 might get used and they are the 2 or 3 he brought with him especially for hyper-intelligent, planned for just this eventuality Batman types.
  21. Re: Questions from a New Hero I'll be sure to say hello to anyone at The 'Fest sporting on of those T-Shirts.
  22. Re: Rules: arrow build. So, Randy, assuming poor wee Jarrid gets any experience points in the future, which limitations are you letting me get away with? 1 charge which takes several hours of loving work to replenish. 13- An activation roll equal to his fletching skill. OAF - The best arrow a man can make. Anything else?
  23. Re: Advice on building a brick character Another thing to consider is True Bulletproof: +30 PD, only v small arms with the real limitation.
  24. Re: Advice on building a brick character Have you a damage shield? Punching a statue must hurt.
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