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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Master of Several Martial Arts The 10 point Martial Art minimum should be thrown completly out of the window. Real people don't save up points and then buy martial arts in groups of ten. It makes no sense whatsoever. It is the GM's job to sto abusive builds.
  2. Re: Run by shooting I would allow it and might rule that any lessening of damage was due to not being able to aim properly and not hit the desired part of the body. I'd have to lok at damage for the character involved to make a ruling. It would make great dramatic sense for a John Woo Hero type to take a Ranged Martial Art maneuver with movement included.
  3. Re: Not "Secret", not "Public", just "Identity" What this bloke said. I'd rep you but I must spread the love. Spread the love.
  4. Re: Senses in a multipower--legal build? Buy the powers with lockout. If one is on the others are not. No MP.
  5. Re: Thor's Hammer, Mjöllnir It just isn't a focus, if it can't be moved, it's a special effect of Thor's powers.
  6. Re: Picking a codename that, like, a million other characters haven't already used. Bent man of power. Maybe not.
  7. Re: You. Make. The Call. If he is forcewalling someone then he isn't doing something else like clobbering them or throwing them under a bus. He's using his power so it can't do something else and being stuck behind a wall is not the worst thing thatc an happen in a supers fight. I would recommend that you let him play it as is but with the proviso that if it seems broken after a few game sessions you'll change it.
  8. Re: Picking a codename that, like, a million other characters haven't already used. Dreadnought was a British battleship and character from our campaign. Project 3000 has come a long way I see. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=603&page=42
  9. Re: You. Make. The Call. The 4 pd/ed thing means he has to hold some MP back for his defences or he'll be a greasy stain on the tarmac by the end of phase 12. I still think I'd allow this character.
  10. Re: Picking a codename that, like, a million other characters haven't already used. We had a list of many thousand names kicking about somewhere.
  11. Re: You. Make. The Call. As far as I can see the spirit of the MP is that he can have a big attack and no defence. No offence and a big defence or something in between. What's the problem exactly?
  12. Re: You. Make. The Call. I'd allow it, I think. He'll be weak in so many other ways so not at all indestructible. If he uses that massive TK hammer to full effect he'll have no defences so that is fair, I think. I would like to see the character as a whole, but yes, I'd allow it.
  13. Re: Hit location chart Have you looked at The Hero Bestiary?
  14. Re: Immunity to Electric Attacks Area of Effect?
  15. Re: Western Hero Resources Some of the write ups in that book leave me cold, Sundance especially, but most characters really are over inflated for my taste. Other than that Western Hero is an excellent resource, one of the best imho.
  16. Re: Ordeal Lightning Reflexes is cheaper, if that truly is the intention, but Dex brings the price of speed down by 1 point where LR does not.
  17. Re: Distinctive Feature: Always Shows Up In Tarot Divinations as Individualized Card 'Twas always a toss up between law and crime and you chose to become a dirty thieving scum lawyer!!
  18. Re: Immunity to Electric Attacks Me laughed.
  19. Re: Immunity to Electric Attacks This makes me think that we do need a Universal Special Effect Defence power and then we cost it or limit depending on it's usefulness.
  20. Re: Worth a thousand words? Psych Lim: Must get dressed in the dark.
  21. Re: Distinctive Feature: Always Shows Up In Tarot Divinations as Individualized Card If it meant something to the person reading the card and they could have a negative reaction in some way then I'd call it a 10 point disad and ask the GM to run with it. It might be a nice way to bring in the occult and urban fantasy into a game. Good idea. Repped.
  22. Re: Liquid Water on Mars? By life, you mean... you mean Elvis is alive after all?
  23. Re: Duplicator without Duplication God, we're getting old. Especially you. I printed it up and have it in a folder somewhere, I'll try and find it later and see if you missed anything.
  24. Alibear


    Re: Recoil Me failed PS: Hero Gamer 8-
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