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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: London Knights I'm pbeming in a fantasy game for the first time as well at the moment. Here are a few samples of my play style. 1 Jarrid absently-mindedly rubs he stubble of his hair straining to hear something. Anything. A soldier has to know patience but this is brutal. The knowledge that violence and certain death is so close for some, maybe Pae, maybe Efram? Maybe me! That knowledge is like a physical thing - almost it reminds him of the first time he lay with a girl; he was desperate for it to happen but scared shitless that it might. Please, Ro, let me be brave enough to loose arrows straight and true. 2 I've said my piece, I reckon I better get on with digging some holes. Jarrid has a a quick look around to make sure nonody has anything against it and goes to look for a pick and shovel. When he finds some tools he'll look for a nice spot in the shade of a tree with a nice view, strip to the waist and get to work. Taking care to leave his unstrung bow and a few arrows close to hand. It's funny this is exactly the kind of thing I'd be doing if that bloody minstrel hadn't filled my head with nonsense. Digging holes, clearing fields, planting and herding cows. It's honest work but a bit repititive and it leaves your mind to free to wander and go over the past. Killing, rape, tortue, burning and raiding, plunder and theft and it's a far cry from the heroism of the Balladeers but that's what war is not shining armour and chivalry. I doubt if I'll ever get the look in that first man's eyes out of my head. The man running at me with a spear so full of hate and fear. And joy as he saw me piss myself and the way my arm trembled as I fumbled back the string. The shock on his face as the strength went from his legs and he saw the goose featherd ash sticking from his hip. The next arrow carshed into his heart and the light went from his eyes. I was only 15 then, nowt but a boy but that last look he gave me is with me forever. I see it in my sleep or when I my mind wanders. I see it now and I'll take it with me to the grave. 3. We want fear & panic, terror & confusion! People running this way and that saving what they can. We want smoke, fire and we so much off it that the soldiers'll be too busy saving their loves ones and themselves to bother about us. To bother about more screams in the night or a burning Inn. To bother about saving Hurtang. This is war and war is hellish but we can't pull back from our duty. We have to toughen up and act like soldiers. Act like men. They're be time enough later to think about the women and children. Time enough when we're alone in the dark. Time enough for guilt and second guessing. Time for what if, the hows and why nots and the beating yourself up. Right now is a time for action. We have plans to make and quickly before we're sent out of the village and the time passes. We need to get as many of the empty houses primed to burn as much as possible. We need to find a likely roof suitable for archery. We need to check if we have access to the roof or if we have to cut through the ceiling. We need to get our bows there. And our horses nearby. The building should be stripped of flammables to make sure we don't go up with the rest of the town. We need to think of a place to meet , out in the woods, it all goes tits up and we are separated. We could perhaps leave supplies there. Just in case. We need to think about how we get the Inn on fire. Do we have any oil? What about pushing a burning haycart straight at the front door. Let's get planning soldiers. ------------------------- Obviously Jarrid is a soldier not a superhero so Helana would think, act and speak differently.
  2. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Much appreciated, that's almost exactly how I envision her. Make the sword, shield and armour glow and lose the bob and you're there. Top stuff.
  3. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Just realised I didn't actually buy affects desold for her strength... need to rejig her.
  4. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Halt die Klappe!
  5. Re: London Knights Oi Knuckles, Can I play too? I was thinking of a character I designed years ago but never played would fit with a little tweaking of disads. Alistair. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28443&highlight=gladiatrix
  6. Re: London Knights As a Brit I would just point out that the UK, and London especially is a culturally very diverse place. A real melting pot of the worlds nations, races, cultures and religions. Don't limit yourself to playing British stereotypes, although they are cool to play too. Stiff upper lip and all that.
  7. Re: Hero Philosophy - SPEED A 350 point hero will squish a 0-25 point thug like a bug. I think speedbump is far too generous a term for such a beastie.
  8. Re: Hero Philosophy - SPEED After watching the Chelsea Liverpool match last night I can categorically state that a 4-4 game is a thousand times better than a 0-0 played out by the same teams.
  9. Re: Hero Philosophy - SPEED Great idea and repped.
  10. Re: Opinions wanted on a custom limitation Apart from the wife swap powers?
  11. Re: Help with disad Physical lim for me. Uncommon, greatly limiting.
  12. Re: Active Point Levels Well, keep in mind i've been playing and GMing Hero since Champions II but just recently I decided I wanted to speed up combat so I did away with point caps and gave rougher, loser guidelines. I want higher attacks and lower defences. 2 good hits on average should be enough to end any but the most resilient hero/ villain. Normal attacks around 15d6 and highest level attacks 20d6 but only on one use or unreliable powers or powers only in situation x. Average defences around 20 and speed 5-6 but slower 4 speed characters might have 30-40. Higher speed, 7-8 might get 15 def. The thing I try to look out for is the builds which add to each other. Massive strength and scads of movement & movement skill levels. Invisibility, high stealth and big attacks and or find weakness. No guidelines can cover all the MIND MOLE builds so you have to look over each character and weigh up the merits. Anything gets through the net can always be hoovered up by retroactive changes after a few weeks play. edit: or what those two blokes above me said.
  13. Re: Active Point Levels I use the Mark I human eyeball approach instead of DCs and Active point totals.
  14. Alibear

    Help with gear

    Re: Help with gear I went the other way and reccomend that my bulletproof characters buy extra pd only v real weapons.
  15. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts I've never read anything like that. It makes no sense in the real world either. If you have some poor schmuck in an arm lock you have hime at your mercy and can exert your full strength.
  16. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts Yeah but that isn't a particular problem of TK and martial arts but loads of superpowers. Players will come up with clever (and sometimes annoying to the GM's cleverly laid plans) uses for their powers and that should be lauded not discouraged imo.
  17. Re: affect desolioification granads? Yes but a naked advantage on what? And at what level? It just doesn't fly at reasonable point costs.
  18. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? The OCV weapon length modifier is a great advantage at lower levels though.
  19. Re: Run by shooting Quick and dirty ruling.. If someone ain't moving they don't get full dcv. If you aren't actively trying to avoid being hit you're at half dcv.
  20. Re: Run by shooting I'd allow you to open a door with your casual strength and basically just ignore it as an obstacle.
  21. Re: Run by shooting Pat on the back all round?
  22. Re: Run by shooting I'd call it -2ocv, -2dcv but yes that's what I'd go with. I might consider an extra penalty v range to represent not being able to use sights properly but yeah that looks about right.
  23. Re: Randy Orton I've never even heard of the fellow.
  24. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts Martial Block? Why? If you block at range then I'm guessing your blocking on someone else's behalf. That already has it's own penalties. If I'm missing something please feel free to enlighten me. On reflection one possible problem might be the continuing block for everyone syndrome. I've made my block so why not try and block for the rest of my team as well? It might be at minus 4 but what have I got to lose?
  25. Re: affect desolioification granads? You've asked two different questions there. Do you want to make intangible people tangible? Suppress desolid would work. Or do you want to grant "Effects desolid on someones attacks"? The 1st way is simple enough the second one would require you to define many attacks based on the campaign and how it's set up. Can you be more specific?
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