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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? What Sean said.
  2. Re: Campaign Limits I'd reccomend 75 point attack powers but then I want quicker combats. I'd say get started but be ready to change if you think things are no working out as you want.
  3. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman I don't think it's a code v killing as much as fear and ignorance and incorrect training or lack of it entirely. The Grace Under Fire rules go somewhat to simulate normal people being thrust into abnormal situations. It's a big deal to actually hit someone if you haven't grown up in that kind of environment. It's actually surprisingly difficult to hit someone back even if you've been hit yourself. Our society frowns on casual violence and not to disregard the law and is drilled into most of us from an early age. Fighting is a skill just like any other which needs to be constantly practiced to be useful. If your dojo doesn't train for self defence but only for sport you'll likely be screwed in a real fight. For a real person to write up a maneuver on his 'character sheet' he should have actually done it in a real life, life or death situation or it doesn't count.
  4. Re: Partially limited Multipower 40 point get's the focus limitation. The other 40 doesn't. eg. 40pt reserve with OAf would cost 20 points, the other 40 would be full price.
  5. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman And being hit by baseball bats and run over by cars?
  6. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman I gave three examples of damge we know from the system. Being hit by a car, smacked by a baseball bat or falling off a high building. All are normal damage according to the hero system but perhaps should be killing attacks? No pro boxer can take being run over by a car at 40 mph but if they had 8 pd they could and walk away quite nicely. The only way to keep high pd and attacks lethal is to exchange all attacks bar unarmed ones to killing. The bat becomes 1d6k, the fall and the car becomes 2 & 1/2K. This makes perfect sense to me. If you don't do that you can't have people with more than 2 pd and be realistic. Maybe that is the answer, a realistic campaign has all but fisticuffs converting to killing attacks?
  7. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman Well, do you think A pro boxer can leap off a tall building or shrug off an attack from a baseball bat? No? Then they don't have 6-8 pd. No-one in the world does. Still cinematic realism is not the same as reality. But that wasn't the question, the question was what characteristics we can safely model. We know what damage does. That's our benchmark. Not Bruce Willis in Die hard who I'd give 8 pd without blinking.
  8. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman I've studied karate on and off for 15 years. I've done competition, my brother trained with Stephen Wallace, the then Scotland Tae Kwon Do team captain. My current trainer, Sepp Kröll was on the German national team for over a decade. I've seen a lot of good amateur fighters. I'm yet to see anyone justify the +4d6 kick. I'd rate my punch at +0dc and my heaviest kicks at +1dc. Maybe +2dc if I'm on top of my game. I reckon my ocv + dcv is a bit better than your average bloke's but I don't think I hit that much harder. You quite often see accidents in the dojo and I rarely see anyone with anything worse than a broken finger/toe /nose, bruised ribs or a burst lip. The best boxers and martial artists in the world might generate 7-8 but I don't think they really do or there would be a trail of dead bodies wherever they fought and trained. I think 4 or 5 damage classes is more realistic. 6 tops. In those full contact martial arts programmes how often are people seriously injured? Really seriously injured? Boxers do die but it happens so rarely that you have to think that was the exception, a freak accident, not the rule. There was a case in Scotland of a Tae kwon Do black belt flipping out and beating up his step dad(who had beat up his disabled brother) The guy was in hospital, not the morgue, after a heavy and sustained attack.
  9. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Perfect.
  10. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman Well that's where we disagree, I think the Hero system does a very good job of simulating certain kinds of realism if, and this is a very big if, if you build characters you want.
  11. Re: Alive through Force of Will 10 Extra body. 1c lasting 1 minute, requires ego roll.
  12. Re: How-to build a Defibrillator effect Penalty skill levels to remove negative body penalties for paramedic rolls.
  13. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman This is my opinion only but I doubt if anyone alive has more than 3 pd. Nobody can leap off tall buildings without messing themselves up. 8 pd in a realistic campaign is simply ludicrous. Boxers might have an extra 1 or 2 pd only against punches to simulate very, very strong neck muscles which stops their brain bouncing around in their skull too much. I once saw Alec Arthur train by sitting on his heels and the back of his head (imagine the crab with no hands) rolling around on his head to strengthen his neck muscles. He also has a kind of head harness he uses to lift weights. The real art of boxing though is avoiding taking damage. With a combination of dcv, blocking but mostly from rolling with punches boxers hang in there. Every time you see one up against the ropes hiding behind his guard and covering up he is rolling with the blow imho. They'll have high con and really high recoveries. Pro boxers train really, really hard. Most will have skill levels which can be shifted to dcv. The best will have dedicated dcv skill levels have skill levels in roll with the blow. Most will have a few maneuvers and the odd one will have a damage class or two for his signature punch but they'd be the best boxers on the planet.
  14. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman I don't need to keep track of it. I know it without looking at the rules.
  15. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman If you pay for you weapons with Character Points you can do what you like. As soon as A Normal picks up a weapon off the rack and pays cash money instead of Character points he should be governed by the real weapon limitation, str min, charges etc.
  16. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman No Str min? I'd call it 3d6N str min 8, myself.
  17. Re: Hero Version of The Everyman PD is the other stat we can quantify, I think. We know what damage a fall does. We know what damage a baseball bat does. We know what damage a gun does. for example: A baseball bat swung at someone does somewhere in the 3-4d6 damage range depending on strength. It would seem reasonable that if someone could whack you as hard as they could and you didn't need a trip to ER then you have at least 4 PD. If you do need a trip to the local hospital then you might have only 2 pd. Does that make sense?
  18. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. First Internatinal Strategy & Tactics. What about the scene in Leathal Weapon III where they show each other their scars? Didnae detract from her hotness in the slightest
  19. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Well if the scars are only on hre body not her face she could pull it off, surely?
  20. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. My campaign world's non US version of SHIELD. THE US has it's own orginisation called EAGLE.
  21. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Like this
  22. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Long and wavy I think. She could stick it in a ponytail and stick it under a helmet (useful for extra padding) in combat and have it down and free when she's at book signings or in her leisure time. More like the blond one from Charlie's Angels (original series not movie) edit: I really like the fact that she isn't a typical hollywood 'red roman'. House Bruuti was it if I remember Rome: Total war correctly?
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