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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? What about just doing a chart with a few numbers in it that I (we maths thickos) could reference when we needed it? 5 seconds you've fallen x metres and are doing x speed = x damage on impact
  2. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? That makes sense as and when I read it. Two minutes later it's like trying to grab smoke with my bare hands. It just seems to slip away from me. thanks for trying and repped if I can.
  3. Re: Sword MA and question. For every 5 str above the str min, yes. Damage = Weapon damage (+1d6n for every 5 str above str min) + Maneuver damage + Damage classes + Skill levels if applied for damage (every two can add 1d6) Er, I think that's it. Why don't you post a character for us to look at and we can perhaps offer advice and options?
  4. Re: Sword MA and question. Thanks for the info.
  5. Re: Partially limited Multipower My thoughts exactly.
  6. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Yeah well maybe so, but I have an interest in learning Hero rules.
  7. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? I really have to learn to keep my nose out of Physics/ Maths stuff.
  8. Re: % str If 6e seperates Str from REC? I hope it does, I hate figured chars.
  9. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Why? You're not using your strength & movement you're using gravity's.
  10. Re: Book or PDF I like dead trees. I do a lot of flicking through the books on the throne and a PDF wouldn't work as well for that.
  11. Re: Partially limited Multipower Common sense? What sense group does that belong to?
  12. Re: Proportion of used STR Why not rule that you don't pay end until you exceed your casual strength?
  13. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Inches to metres?
  14. Re: Sword MA and question. Clever.
  15. Re: Sword MA and question. As I'm at work and without having my books I seem to recall that the exotic blocks had no abort maneuver. The fact that you can only abort to defensive actions is a pretty big part of The Hero system. As I said waiting and skill levels in abort will get you the same effect.
  16. Re: Muskateer Erm, musketeer. Have you read The Three Musketeers? Perhaps works on the English Civil War might inspire you?
  17. Re: Sword MA and question. Still can't legally add abort to Bind maneuver. Still for 10 points you could buy 5 skill levels in interrupt. Bind becomes so much more useful then.
  18. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? I failed maths but got a 1 in both English and Arithmetic. Letters for writing, numbers for counting.
  19. Re: Manouevre and combat bonuses We had similar. Hit by half or less of what you need to hit gives max damage. If you had ocv 6 and your opponent had a dcv of 5 you'd need to roll a 6 or less to get a 'crit'.
  20. Re: Manouevre and combat bonuses I have already skewed damage and defences in favour of attacks doing more damage. Damage dealt is around 15d and a one off or difficult to preform super attack in the 20d range.
  21. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Giruy!
  22. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Letters are for writing with not for adding together and multiplying by yet more letters.
  23. Re: Manouevre and combat bonuses If the poor sap is just sat reading the paper, minding his own business and a dastradly PC sneaks up behind him, aye. Not if the fella is in combat already though.
  24. Re: Manouevre and combat bonuses I often let the player get a surprise bonus halving his opponents dcv.
  25. Re: Sword MA and question. Bind doesn't have an abort part but you could wait and interupt the attack.
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