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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Psychological Limitation: Dangerous When Bored.... Martuin Riggs has it in Lethal Weapon II.
  2. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? A thread hasn't reached it's maturity till it's wandered off topic at least twice. And frankly, is hardly worth reading until it does.
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures I've got coffee all over my monitor now. Repped.
  4. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Have you not seen Kung Fu Panda? Get it watched. Now! That was simple. Is that all I have to do? to work out how far someone falls? I could work that out in my head in about 10 seconds I reckon. The trick for me is knowing what I have to work out.
  5. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? No, normal people don't have 1-8 pd. No person I have ever seen does. Cars, falls and baseball bats have left me convinced of that. Your mileage obviously varies so let's leave it at that. edit: I actually sometimes wonder if we have any PD/Ed at all.
  6. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? And dice.
  7. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Maybe we aim too low with 12d6 punches? 30 damage class attacks would be much more fun to roll.
  8. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? My thoughts exactly. 10 Str, 10 Dex, 10 body goon is a tough guy. Edit: especially if he has 2 pd.
  9. Re: How would you stat up gods in Hero System?
  10. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? If we say all 'normal' people have 1-3 pd then the falling rules work at a cursury glance don't they?
  11. Re: Hard sci-fi adventures? Displaying a power - +1d6
  12. Re: Weapon Look-a-likes http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.flight-toys.com/rings/art/chackrumall.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.flight-toys.com/rings/chackrum.html&usg=__n0_NKCQEAJJk_5pHdCkPrdpWoNw=&h=317&w=648&sz=30&hl=de&start=36&tbnid=O0TL-gE2sFlA0M:&tbnh=67&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchakrum%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18
  13. Re: Weapon Look-a-likes Those indian blokes had throwing rings iirc.
  14. Re: Sword MA and question. double post
  15. Re: Sword MA and question. I agree and personally don't like to mess with the rules when we just need to apply the rules we have a bit better. (imo) To wait and interupt an opponents attack you use opposing dex rolls. Skill levels in that cost 2 points each.
  16. Re: It's Darna, heroine of the Phillipines! And she's smokin' hot.
  17. Re: Hard sci-fi adventures? Sorta like firemen use to cut people out of cars?
  18. Re: Fantasy Art Thread That is all kinds of awesome. Repped if I can. edit: And I can't, must spread the love etc.
  19. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? All that table needs is number of dice as they go splat and it'd be good to go.
  20. Re: Character post I'm not really sure what to say without knowing more about the campaign and other characters. My first thought was that he's a bit skills light and stats heavy. If you take the sword off him he basically can't do anything else.
  21. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? Do you know what - I'm going just stick to punching people. Karate is my 'thing' not maths or physics. Thanks for playing though.
  22. Re: Campaign Limits Mk 1 human eyeball is the only sure method of catching munchkins.
  23. Re: The Distinctive, The Special, The Cool The little things really. Like being able to bleed to death and heroicly go out fighting. The difference between immunity to alcohol and environmental movement: alcohol. The first I saw the character with the big claws who had +4dcv only v characters without resistant defences. A real epiphany for me. Being able to define loads of different real ways of fighting and being able to build it. Want your character to specialise in groundfighting? No problemo. Being able to build just about anything.
  24. Re: Someone Please Explain This to Me? I've toyed with treating KA just like normal attacks and using the same mechanics just changing the price. A 12d6 killing attack is is counted just like a normal attack. Roll the dice and count the body and stun as you do an energy blast, punch or whatever but only rpd against body etc. I could never decide on the cost though. Maybe a +1/2 adavantage on a normal attack like a limited AVLD attack.
  25. Re: Sword MA and question. This bit is quite important and easily missed so I'll highlight it.
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