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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: 6e Characteristics Physical: Str Dex Con PD ED OCV DCV Body Stun Speed Mental: INT Ego Pre Mental OCV Mental DCV No end, it's too fiddly to keep track of.
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Sounds about right. We seriously need or SIX to be out already.
  3. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far No, not in one phase.
  4. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far You are indeed correct.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I certainly can't argue with that. Dramatic realism in a Judge Dredd game is totally different from drmatic realism or CoC or paranoia. The realism of a young lad who learns magic is diiferent frm the realism of Conan. Hero should be able to handle both sorts of games.
  6. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Hero sells itself as a Universal toolkit not as an action genre toolkit no matter what it's roots are. The Hero system works tremendously well simulating reality if we're careful and thoughtful about what we build and why we build it that way.
  7. ... do famous people get made into Supers? or Villains? In mine several have been Supered: The Spice Girls became a Supergroup not a pop group. Stephen Hawking built his own set of SuperArmour and battles crime from his University base. Tony Blair has secret mass mind control powers etc. That kid from Essen will be Meteor Lad in my game world. His powers will surface soon enough. What you got?
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far The thinking with a taser is that it incapacitates you not knocks you out cold. That's why I'd use entangle.
  9. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I'd be inclined to make those monsters AP.
  10. Re: Partial Growth Hero is a special effect driven game. What you haves described is purely cosmetic according to hero rules. You can be anywhere between 4 and 9 feet tall without growth or shrinking. To grow a foot, in Hero terms, is purley cosmetic. If you say growing a foot makes you: -more visually striking (extra pre), -more pleasing on the eye (extra com) -but it only works through the amulet (focus)
  11. Re: Partial Growth Extra presence through a focus?
  12. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I think you have a totally weird idea about what a warhammer is. You think this is gonna ring your bell? No people would get their skulls crushed not "their bell rung" when smacked by a warhammer.
  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Failed your PS: Hero Geek roll, you did!
  14. Re: Appearance Effects, special and other Lost your train of thought eh?
  15. Re: House! I've scrapped end. 4th gen Regen and instant change. Natural 3 means max damage. Hero points. Realistic games mean pd is limited to 4. In Six I'll be adding that PD doesn't stop stun from killing attacks without resistant pd. Summon can't summon a beastie with more active points than the character without express GM permission and a bloody good reason. I'm not inclined to grant that permission. Oh, and I ditched Com last year. edit: full move dodge doesn't mean attacks automatically miss. You just get 4 extra dcv and get to move if you aren't stunned or knocked back.
  16. Re: STR Adding to HKA's Indeed, most characters in my campaign have similar levels of damage. They just get it different ways. My MA i played since the 80's has a 17d6 attack. He doesn't have much PD and no resistant so he dodges alot.
  17. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I reckon I have my first house rule for SIX. Normal PD will not stop the stun of killing attacks in my game. But I will be using half d6 stun damage.
  18. Re: Naming the baby What you talking about, Rod it's 2011 already.
  19. Re: Naming the baby I'm nearly 38 wie two kids, if i don't know what I'm doing now then I'll never know. SexEd out Six in.
  20. Re: Naming the baby I'm call ing him Six and that's final.
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