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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Jedi powers but swords instead of Lightsabres - Could it work?
  2. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD Looks really good, Steve. Thanks for the sneak peek
  3. Re: Are PD and ED far too cheap? Not in my experiece, you might have a case for reducing the cost of Stun though.
  4. Re: Can't start a thread on the 6E Forum?
  5. Re: Magic, magic, do as you will. Hmm ... this 'll take some thought, nice idea though.
  6. Re: Michael's Mook-Mashing Concept If you want a rule for that, instaed of GM licence you could use the 'Grace Under Fire' rules from Dark Champions.
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far True, I've made up my mind to buy SIX. Almost all of the changes that Steve has let us see are what I would consider beneficial to my style of GMing and play. I'm quite excited about it actually.
  8. Re: How much should strength cost? Have to? Where does it state that?
  9. Re: How much should strength cost? If that was the case Strength wouldn't be allowed in frameworks but are. Anyway it looks like SIX is gonna make this a moot discussion.
  10. Re: How to use always on and how to shut the powers off in interesting ways.
  11. Re: Speed Power NND TK with a dex roll to control the movement perhaps?
  12. Re: Michael's Mook-Mashing Concept To be Spiderman's DNPC?
  13. Re: Talking hitS My quick and dirty house rule for being prone is that it doubles range mod penalties.
  14. Re: Michael's Mook-Mashing Concept The rule I have for mooks is that if one attack does enough body to need hospital attention then they never* fight on if they have the chance to run away, play dead, surrender - whatever. Basically I have a 4 body rule, or stunned and your out rule too. Baddies in my games take one good whack and never recover. Ever. *Unless they are zombies, mind controlled, or otherwise acting unnaturally!
  15. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? I'll just have to try and live with that.
  16. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? This is the one saving grace for End for me. Maybe they could burn stun to push instead of End and still have the same heroic result. In fact that's what I'll do. To push one simply loses 2d6 stun instead and End is gone from my games. Thanks all for helping me think this through.
  17. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? Do we need push and haymaker? We can haymker anything nowadays so do we really need both?
  18. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Probably for the best.
  19. Re: Only You Can... The Cat carries a a staff (after a very long an convuluted campaign) which is basically the God of Law's avatar on our earth version. Any foul or unclean beasties like Vampires or creatures of darkness are bought vulnerable to it. His martial punch with it 17d6 normally, a porent enough threat but when that is doubled against the unclean it's more than enough to destroy any he's encountered so far on contact. If and when he meets a real evil godlike threat, Cthulhu or the like The Cat feels the staff will make the difference. edit: It turns out one EX PC is Ithaca's (the Windwalker) daughter. He would make a decent threat.
  20. Re: 6e Characteristics Nice but PD/ED?
  21. As I GM mostly I never bother with End. I don't control my players to see if they keep track of end unless someone comes back from unconcioussness or if someone is constantly pushing. I feel it's just one more thing to keep track of for no good reason and as a GM I have enough to worry about. I've decided to eliminate it from my games but not playtested it yet. Can anyone tell me if they forsee any potential problems with this? Has anyone done anything similar or does anyone think it's a really bad idea?
  22. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I can see the possibilty of getting Mental DCV confused with Mental Defence so it would require playtesting on Hero noobs I think.
  23. Re: this weapon HD don't know the rules.
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