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About kuriequinn

  • Birthday 06/12/1979

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    Government Wage Slave

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  1. Re: Mechanics Question I, unfortunately, don't have that book. How I am going about making this character is making each of the multiforms as individual characters. It's a layered mulitform form. There is the base id that has the mulltiform to the superhero and then the superhero to the bird. As for the powers, I have an idea of a few of them Flight based on wings is one. The regen idea you suggested is a good one. Enhanced sense, claws, beak is also a good idea. My husband suggested a damage shield for a fire based attack.
  2. Re: Mechanics Question I have neither of those books. I have the 5th book, the 4th book and alot of 4th books but none creature books. Thanks!
  3. Yeah, I have a basic question. Sort of. I am trying to create a character that is based multiforms. The character would have it's base, human form then the super hero form and then a phoenix form. A human sized phoenix form. What kind of characteristics would you give a phoenix? I mean str, dex, con, bod, etc? Can some one give me a place to start, I think i could ge the rest. If this sounds confusing, I'm sorry. Oh, and I am using 5th ed if that matters. And sorry again, I double posted this thing because I think I put the other one in the wrong area.
  4. Yeah, I have a basic question. Sort of. I am trying to create a character that is based multiforms. The character would have it's base, human form then the super hero form and then a phoenix form. A human sized phoenix form. What kind of characteristics would you give a phoenix? I mean str, dex, con, bod, etc? Can some one give me a place to start, I think i could ge the rest. If this sounds confusing, I'm sorry. Oh, and I am using 5th ed if that matters.
  5. To be honest, I like both. Right Now I am playing in one high powered game, the Character is 650 points with 345 points of unspent experience. I am running/playing in another world that is 100/75 point scale. In a way though I think I prefer the lower power campaigns because the tendency of anything being at a cosmic scale is a lot lower if not almost impossible. Where as in our high power game, EVERYTHING is at the cosmic scale.
  6. Thanks for the responses. More information needed. The idea of the character is that he some what controls time, space and dimension. This particular power I want him to be able control the age as in how old it is. In some cases it is meant to restore things in others, destroy. However, he would not be able to restore something from ashes or complete destruction. It mainly would be able to reverse the effects of time on something. Example, he is trying to get away from some one, ends up in a dead end, he could age a wall enough to the point the wall would fall apart. Well if he really wanted to. His other powers probably would be better for this example. As I said, I am not sure it will affect living things yet. If it does include affecting living objects, then yes he'd be able to turn a egg into a chicken by rapidly aging it. Or the reverse. The other thing is it would be a gradual effect. Much more useful that way. He can control how far he wants to age or de-age something. His other powers would include: extra-dimenasional movement, he'd be able to open doors to other dimensions teleport missle deflection and a force field based on the fact he can create a bubble of slowed down time and avoid being hit and retro-cognition, he'd be able to view the past. there would be a focus on this though, only in a body of water he'd view it. All of his powers are based off the idea of time, space and dimension manipulation.
  7. Hi All!!!! I want to run this power I am trying to create by you guys. I ran it by my husband, who we refer to as the walking champs book and he wasn't too sure. The power I would like to create is the ability to age things, either older or younger. Right now I am thinking maybe it only affects non-living things. The extent of this would be he would be able to age a piece of paper until it was so old it would turn to dust. On the flip side, he would also be able to de-age something back to original condition. What I have so far is this would be a major transfomartion, with the advantage continous. The questions I have: Should anything else be added? Should there be a body drain since it is destroying things by aging them? LAstly, if I decide to have this affect living things, how does that change the mechanics? We are playing 4th edition and at the super heroic level.
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