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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I was pondering the nature of the way my chosen field affects the wardrobe choices we techies make, and the style that follows. Our "working uniform" tends to be black, functional (lots of pockets are common), tight enough to work safely around power tools and climb in, with footwear that has good traction and ankle support (Combat boots, docs, high tops), gloves, and generally something of a utility belt with usual suite of keys, multitool, flashlight, and often some sort of cargo pouch. Multimeters, c-wrenchs, Knives, tape measures and/or cordless drills all make fairly frequent appearances. Kneepads aren't uncommon, nor are kidney belts and elbowpads. No wonder our personal styles tend to run into "action hero" territory.
  2. Re: Identifying Quotes, favorite sayings, and battle cries pondering the subject, I'd have to say I'm partial to the old classic... "That all you got?"
  3. Re: For your post-apoc learning needs Yeah, I know... I got Minecraft and sorta stopped interacting with the rest of the internet for a few months.
  4. Re: the FN 303 air rifle Coming soon to a demonstration near you!
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings from a bit on the Daily Show, "100% of the people who eat food will DIE!" I LOLed
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Started watching Supernatural from the beginning. Somehow this slipped under my radar. I'm up to s4 now, and in general I approve. Been able to second guess the monster of the week with round a 40% hit rate, got annoyed at the mispronunciation of Samhain in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester" (They exorcise demons. Proper pronunciation should be pretty important.). but I'm still watching. Glad to see the actor who plays Dean get hisself a decent role... I liked him in Dark Angel.
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? O.G. Original Gamer- MC Lars & MC Frontalot
  8. Re: For your post-apoc learning needs It's a fun show. I was hoping for a nice long run, but they put season 3 on a "semi-permanent hold" just before it was due to air. There's a petition to keep the show running floating around the interwebs, but no info on why the abrupt decision. I'm guessing they had some kind of on set problem that might be presenting legal issues.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos nice. in the same vein... This is awesome! A reedit of the Lazytown video to go with the Alestorm cover of the song... In an aside, I was quite amused to discover that Alestorm's lead singer is actually one of those soft spoken laid back scots offstage. I liked him. Buy his stuff.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Salted, smoked, and/or pickled penguin wasn't that uncommon a ration back in the age of sail. Just sayin. And I take cold comfort that Lucius is, after myself, only the second person I've ever met to invoke the Penguin Nun joke.
  11. Re: Weird ship names requested. Low Bid Baby Schrödinger's Cat "Figure we've got a 50% chance of surviving a jump?" Sharkjumper The Reason I'm Broke
  12. Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"? There's a core of truth there. Bigger guys kinda have to learn to be careful or things can get unpleasant.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, I was tall but rail thin until late high school when the testosterone and had work turned me into a wiry powerhouse seemingly overnight. I'm pretty sure my mom initially introduced me to martial arts to help channel my aggression. it works quite well, but they seldom tell the parents that the discipline you learn also lets you very effectively weaponize your aggression should you deem it the appropriate action. Of course, working as a stagehand from Jr. High on meant learning how to advantageously use the leverage my long limbs gave me. When I suddenly sprouted muscles I suddenly stopped getting harassed. Pitching a bully into a wall headfirst in gym class had a bit to do with it as well...
  14. Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"? Something to add to my personal write up I shall call it "It's like a baby's arm holding an apple!" to immortalize the phrase that got me one of my nicknames. (Borrowed of course from The Tubes) BTW, the common term for those to whom the SA works is "Size Queens"
  15. Re: What FTL Drives do people use in their campaigns? And what techno bable do you us Very nice. "Must spread" yadda yadda For my new setting I'm going with Scalar Wave Theory. It's worth reading up on. The Scalar Wars site is almost dangerously crazy but it has a LOT of great campaign potential. Note: That site did trigger my popup blocker. proceed with caution.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Man, I miss having some sort of violence as part of my regular routine.
  17. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? mine has been best summed up by a bumper sticker, "My God is too big to fit in your religion"
  18. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) This cracked me up.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]40000[/ATTACH]
  19. Re: Effects of "Heightened Libido"? to continue the side tangent a bit, the latest thing I've read among the journals now supports the idea that men & women's arousal mechanisms are virtually identical, stemming from the pleasure principle. Social programming is obviously still involved, that said. I'll see if I hunt up a cite.
  20. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? well reasoned, Sir!
  21. Re: What to do with Mars I'm kinda fond of the idea that the Barsoomian Martians are the descendants of Lemurian test subjects taken by the cephalopod martians (who themselves could be a technician species of the Great Old Ones), who are also responsible for importing or creating most of the other martian lifeforms. They were driven uinderground and into near extinction by ancient enemies, and they slept in stasis for many long years. The after effects of the war destroyed the climate of the world, and the test subjects came to rule the land. When the martians rewoke, they unleashed weapons that destroyed all life on the surface of the planet, then launched their attack on Earth. Those Barsoomians, like the Lemurians, now only exist in survivor settlements. Underground. Mostly at the poles. And if Carter survived... well, he is immortal... Edit: Oh, yeah, now I remember what I'd planned for my campaign backstory. Just as above, except the martians didn't burn Mars... the Barsoomian's were beating the Martians (ala LXG 2) when the Mi-go decided that Mars needed to be sterilized and bombarded it with meteors from Yuggoth, containing many, many, many Devourer seeds (Such as were described in the story The Colour Out of Space)
  22. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? Saw this the other day, and thought it kinda related to this thread... Gold fever hits criminal-world
  23. Re: Blasters: why? Hey, Rocks are almost the only weapon used in the S/F novel A Killing Star Granted, rocks moving over .9 C, but rocks none the less.
  24. Re: Repercussions of mass-producing comic book technology Dude, the Reality Police are here. Bummer
  25. Re: Transplanted Immortality Short form. I'm down. Long form, I am of the opinion that *I* am the combination of an amazing neural network, and the soup of chemicals my body cranks out in order to make said network do it's dance. As long as I consider myself me, I'm me. Oh, and I do believe in reincarnation (actually, much like McCoy, I BELIEVE in reincarnation. Long story.)
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