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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Best wishes to your pop, Logan. And to you.
  2. Re: Hell's Heroes Yeah, good points.
  3. Re: Suggestion to the company and Steve for a book. I'd be all over this book. Eurostar is my fave villain team.
  4. Re: Hell's Heroes Sounds pretty cool! I'm wondering how Joan of Arc and Robin Hood ended up in hell, though...
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures It's one of the crazed flutists dancing around Azothoth!
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings And since most of you guys are witless...
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings That's funny. I've known where you worked for, like, ever. Did you tell me in person, or did I just use my Seekrit Bunneh Telepathy Powahz on you?
  8. Re: And off we go! Hey Mark, I thought you were on sabbatical right now... how are you still gaming (or are these episodes just "catching up" from when you were still at home)?
  9. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. My buddy was looking at the Dragonborne in the PH and commenting how scary they look. I told him, "Hey, go check out Storn's thread on the Champs board. He drew a female Dragonborne and she's adorable!" "Adorable?" my friend scoffed. "A big scary lizardy-thing is adorable?" "If you doubt me, just go look," I dared. A few minutes later, I heard him mumble.... "Yeah, OK. Um... that is really cute."
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Roswell's a funny place. There's "alien" crap everywhere. Even the streetlamps look like little UFOs.
  11. Re: Fantasy Art Thread Nah. Old-school Tieflings could have varying appearances, depending on their infernal bloodline. The new ones are a race unto themselves, and they all have a particular look: No cat-people in 4th edition, but I'd be shocked if we don't see one show up in a supplement in the next year.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio used to have a lucrative career in the pr0n business. He went by the stage name "Ginger Lynn."
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  14. I relate to him on so many levels! I like Belkar. He's small, fuzzy, and psychotic... what's not to love?
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  16. Re: The Silence of the Catgirls or too much realism in fantasy I once ran a game in which I set up a couple of ground rules: No tech-based characters and no super-agents/highly skilled normals. I didn't tell my players why, I just told them that those were the rules. I explained that there were superheroes, but nobody really knew where their superpowers came from, or how they worked. I got a variety of character origins from my players -- an alien, a mutant, a magic-focus character, an accidental chemical spill, etc. By the end of the campaign (which lasted over a year) the heroes finally discovered where all the superpowers came from. Essentially, everyone with powers was a living conduit to another dimension, and could channel the energy of those dimensions to create a variety of effects. Each character's origin had to do with which dimension they tapped into (IE, what powers they had). I had been laying the groundwork and dropping hints about the "big reveal" since day one, so I don't think any of the players were really surprised. Good game. Fun times. I've thought about revisiting that world at some point...
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Mighty Huntress stuns a goon then makes a very impressive PRE attack, so she decides to take him prisoner: Rocket Ranger: Who the heck is that? Mighty Huntress: I dunno. Some guy. I call him "Pete." Clubber: And just what do you plan on doing with him? Mighty Huntress: I thought we'd take him with us, and... um... that's as far as my plan went. (She dragged poor Pete up eight flights of stairs before finally throwing him at another goon...) After a shockingly successful plan results in a half-dozen unconscious badguys in a single phase: Mighty Huntress: Huh. Maybe there is something to this whole "plan" concept after all... Havoc (deadpan): Yeah. There's a surprise. We've reached the top of the zepellin: GM: It seems to be living quarters of some sort. There's a lounge, some bunks, men's and women's bathrooms... Mighty Huntress: Oh thank god! C'mon, Havoc. We'll be right back, boys.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings The cover letter is kinda a formality. Some places don't even look at it. Those that do, mostly look at it to (a) see if you're capable of basic written communications, and ( see if you actually read the job requirements or if you're just throwing resumes out at anything and everything that looks like a job. So with that in mind: (a) Make sure your letter is written in good, clear English. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation matter, as does a basic understanding of the proper formatting of a letter! ( Read the job requirements completely. You don't have to have every single qualification (some HR departments seem to be looking for a cross between Jesus Christ and Superman), but make sure you include little tidbits about why you're the best man for the job. Myself, I have a generic cover letter that I use for just about everything. I customize the first and the last paragraphs -- the first paragraph says what the job is I'm looking for and where I heard about the job they're advertising. The last paragraph lists my qualifications, and is tailored to match their advertisement (if they're looking for someone who knows InDesign, tell them about my Adobe training rather than my expertise at MS Word). The middle paragraphs are just a description of where I worked last, and what I did there. I'd be happy to review anyone's cover letters and/or rez if you'd like.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Really it's just one player in particular wants to play, but she exerts a huge influence on her husband (who is our group's other GM).
  20. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character The first superhero I remember creating was named Golden Eagle. I drew a picture of him. He had a green bodysuit with an ornate gold eagle on his chest. I think he had wings under his arms, like Marvel's Falcon, but I don't remember for sure. I have no idea what his powers were. I'm guessing flight and super strength. I must've been maybe... 7 years old, I guess. There may have been others before that, but he's the first one I remember (and not that clearly).
  21. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas! Blue Oyster Cult. Never heard of either of those other two songs.
  22. Re: The cranky thread Every afternoon, around 1-1:30, I like to take a quick walk around the block. 20-30 minutes, just to get some sunlight and a little exercise. Last week, I was given a new assignment: Watch the door. When delivery people come by or someone has forgotten his/her keycard, I need to open it for them. Nobody else is allowed to open the door, due to security concerns. Fine. I'm the secondary guy, for when the primary guy is out. But for the last two weeks? The primary guy has been out almost every single day. So I can't take a dump, go to lunch, go to a meeting, or go on my little walk at all for the past two weeks. And I'm starting to go a little stir-crazy because of it. And here's the topper: I work from 7am to about 3:30pm. I have always worked those hours. Always. I told them that when they assigned me the doorman job. I explained that someone else had to do it after 3:30pm. So the first day I did it, I went home at 3:30. 4:00 rolls around and a delivery guy shows up. Nobody will open the door for him, because word came down From On High that no one was to open the door except me or the other guy. The next day when I got in, everyone was pissed at me because I f***ing left at my f***ing usual time and the regular guy is off dicking around somewhere else and can't be bothered to open the f***ing door, so I'm the one who catches s**t for it. And I can't go on my daily walk to blow off a little steam, so I'm a little pissed about the whole thing.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Wierd. My gaming group and I are taking a break from our regular game (Fantasy Hero) and we're discussing what to play next. A bunch of them are all like, "Wow, I'd really like to play an old-school D&D game with lots of monster-bashing and lewt-stealing." So I said, "Hey, how about we try a short game of 4th edition? I've been reading the new Player's Handbook and it looks like it's all about killing monsters and stealing their stuff." And everyone is like, "No, that's not what we want at all." So I'm confused. :confused:
  24. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas! I recognize BOC's Godzilla, but what are the other songs?
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