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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. llama = the new Stuffmart greeter Welcome aboard, Balta.
  2. llama = the new NSGist I smell a lot of gamists on these boards. Filthy bunch, the lot of them.
  3. llama spit: NND Does Body (defense is shield or Force Field) I believe it was needed to build certain constructs, but yes, it does open a can of worms. As long as a GM watches it closely it should not be a problem. It is certainly not the only advantage that can cause major issues if not contained.
  4. Re: Pip? Picture in picture
  5. Yes and No As a lot of people have said, a lot depends on where you spend the XP. It has never happened to me because I never have enough XP to build my concept. I play for wish fufillment. What do you expect?
  6. llama = the new Detect junkie Are you calling me an equine?! Why I aughta...
  7. Re: llama = the new advocate for English teachers everywhere That was very nationlist of me, wasn't it?
  8. llama = the new advocate for English teachers everywhere
  9. Re: Premonition? Information that pertains or is related to situation but is not detailed or conclusive. Do you think the two are mutually exclusive?
  10. Ole Bill would be proud From reading a lot of the previous posts I think to kill or not to kill is linked with gamist and narativist. My observation, flawed as it is: "Typically the risk is from poor play, sometimes from exceedly poor luck." = gamist = to kill "Death of a charcter does not help roleplaying, because said character is dead." = narativist = not to kill I like to emulate cinema when I role play so the 'good guys' always look cool and if they die they go down in a blaze of glory; not tripping over a rock and fumbling their weapon.
  11. Re: Hero Mods I thought the majority of Everyman skills were 1 point skills. Language and Professional Skill being the two deviants. I like this idea, though. There have been times I thought a particular skill might use a different characteristic. INT and PRE skills can have a lot of overlap in the right circumstance as can STR and DEX skills. What about Intimidation if you want to have it as a skill and not just a PRE attack? STR? PRE? Maybe even INT if you are a lawyer.
  12. llama = the new Detect junkie This being Hero... Detect Relevant Information (10 Active Points); Concentration (½ DCV, -¼), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1¼), No Conscious Control (-2), Vague and Unclear (-½) (2 Real Points) More questionable builds from the stand point that the effect is the PCs gain information: Aid: 4d6 to Knowledge Skills, Invisible Power Effects (Sight, +½), Ranged (+¼), Variable Effect (Any Knowledge Skill One At A Time, +¼) (80 Active Points); Concentration (½ DCV, -¼), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1¼), No Conscious Control (-2) (18 Real Points) KS: Future Events 11- (3 Active Points)
  13. Re: How Much Of A Tinkerer Are You? 3 I put most of my energy into creating the world, NPCs and adventures. If a better wheel comes along, I will use it but I do not want to invent it myself.
  14. Re: Hero Mods Proposal #1: Note: When I converted from G.U.R.P.S. I really liked the fact that it was possible to be really good at a broad range of things including combat skills. It is much more skill-centric and follows the format of the majority of skills in Hero. Weapon Familiarities are often confusing to new players. Having a simple skill listed with a number seems universally easy to understand. Skill vs. Skill would also be in line with the Hero spirit. At first I did miss this from G.U.R.P.S. However, DCV does somewhat fufill this role. I think it really comes down to do you want more dice rolling or less. Proposal #2: I like this since it keeps things consistent. Proposal #3: I would rather the progression be based on failure. I believe we learn more from our failures than our successes. Note: You could also base it on more than just an 18. Perhaps you gain ¼ pt. for each 'important' failure. Important would mean something other than repeatedly trying a skill with the intent to fail. This would cause rapid increase at lower competancies tapering off around mastery. Proposal #4: I do not really want to go back to G.U.R.P.S. Sorry.
  15. Re: Idle Scalability Notion Damn you all! I will have to have Ben set it back.
  16. Trebuchet = the new fight picker or is that nose picker Insightful?! How dare you, sir! If I had opposable thumbs I would slap you with a glove.
  17. PS: Competent Design I would be very leary of allowing it as it is, at least partially, circumventing a Limitation. That being said, if you are hell bent on allowing it I would make a new skill with categories. 2 pts for the base skill which includes one category and then 1 pt per additional category. Categories could be like metal components, wood components, animal components, ect.
  18. Zornwil = the new heretic Hey Zorn, which parts of the system are you going to keep? Again, I was glad Hero based combat on DEX. I have never really had an issue with it. Thieves finally got their day in court. There was much rejoicing. If you want your characters to have high OCV and or DCV without being agile...we call them Combat Skill Levels. This being Hero, the SPX can be whatever you like.
  19. Re: Trying to evade con-stun I figure you got a little better than 50/50 in a Fantasy campaign. I guess I should have added Missile Deflection/Reflection.
  20. Re: Ten Commandments of Game Mastering How I wish I could find a GM who obeys #3.
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