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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Two Game Masters enter, one leaves If you do not already have a specific purpose to have two GMs I am not sure why you would run with two. Reasons I can think of for needing two GMs would be to have one run NPCs and/or so the PCs can split up.
  2. Take My Hand Fu Cost** Power END 10** Take My Hand Fu: Multipower, 15-point reserve, (15 Active Points); all slots Limited Power Requires Sucessful Grab and Sufficient STR to Lift Second Person (-1/2)* 1u** 1) Can You Reach That For Me?: Stretching 3" (15 Active Points); Limited Power Requires Sucessful Grab and Sufficient STR to Lift Second Person (-1/2)* 1 1u** 2) Let Me Swing You Around: Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1 1/4) (12 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power Requires Sucessful Grab and Sufficient STR to Lift Second Person (-1/2) applied to STR* 1 1u** 3) Let's Combine Our Strength: +15 STR (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power Requires Sucessful Grab and Sufficient STR to Lift Second Person (-1/2)* 1 1u** 4) Second Pair of Eyes: Defense Maneuver I (3 Active Points); Limited Power Requires Sucessful Grab and Sufficient STR to Lift Second Person (-1/2) * 1u** 5) Second Pair of Hands: Extra Limbs (2) (5 Active Points); Limited Power Requires Sucessful Grab and Sufficient STR to Lift Second Person (-1/2)* 0
  3. Experts starring John Travolta Exactly. The way I saw it was that it allowed a character a discount for taking related skills that were in different categories (Area, Knowledge, Professional and Science) without having to take all of the enhancers. Thus, someone from Russia would get a discount on AK Russion, Language Russian and maybe an appropriate PS. It seems like a mini Elemental Control to me. There are three Power Frameworks to make Powers cheaper. It is about time Skills get their day.
  4. How to do this Boston Celtics myth power? I think your best bet is Healing - Resurrection since he could still take damage and be knocked unconscious. You could also do 111 +100 BODY (200 Active Points) No Figured Characteristics (-½), Only Indoors in a Place He Is Residing (-2) (57 Real Points) plus 75% Resistant PD Damage Reduction (60 Active Points) BODY Only (½), Only Indoors in a Place He Is Residing (-2) (27 Real Points) plus 75% Resistant ED Damage Reduction (60 Active Points) BODY Only (½), Only Indoors in a Place He Is Residing (-2) (27 Real Points) or 60 Desolidification Affects Physical World (+2), Invisible Power Effects (All Sense Groups, +1), Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +½) (210 Active Points) Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½), Only Indoors in a Place He Is Residing (-2)
  5. free scenarios wanted Here are a few: http://www.modus-operandi.co.uk/dload.php?action=category&cat_id=43 http://www.spycraftrpg.com/rpg/resources.html (Serials at the bottom) http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20modern/oaa/full http://www.rpgarchive.com/
  6. Martial Arts and without style I have never run a martial arts campaign so I have never used the Style Disadvantage. I have been content with discriptive combat and the mechanics as is. However, it seems you are looking for more granularity. How far you want to go down that rabbit hole is your choice. Are you familiar with G.U.R.P.S. Martial Arts? You could probably simulate something like that relatively easily in Hero. Write up all the possible maneuvers then determine which maneuvers are in each style. Characters purchase the Power Skill with a style and use any maneuver in that style at their OCV/DCV. Each maneuver may have penalties to the OCV/DCV as well. Maneuvers outside of a characters style take a -3 non-familiarity penalty. Characters are free to purchase Combat Skill Levels and/or aditional Power Skills with other styles as they please. You may also rule that certain maneuvers may not be performed unless they buy a style that includes it. Judo may not have a punch, but surely anyone can throw a punch, however, only Ninjutsu has the Dim Mak maneuver. Just some thoughts at 6 in the morning. Flavor to taste of course.
  7. Critter Helpless Damn, too late. I was thinking... Venom Reptilicus Scale Damn, all my ideas are rip-offs.
  8. What are the real Issues/concerns around Flash? I have not had a problem with Flashes in my games so I can not speak from experience. It seems to me that the problem Silbeg has is one of his characters is unbalancingly more effective in combat than the other characters. First, I think a Flash that targets sight and hearing should have a magnifying glass or stop sign. Generally characters are not allowed to have multiple NND attacks that have different defenses. I believe this fall within the same spirit as that law. Second, I think the approach to this problem should come from a more generalized view. Let us not single out Flash but on the overall effect this is having; targets are easily being removed from combat. Silbeg obviously feels this is a problem but did not specify whether it was because the challenges he is presenting the PCs are not challenging or because this single PC is stealing the spotlight in combat. I am hesitant to start altering rules for my own personal reasons. I believe solutions can be found within game and by discussing problems with the players. Therefore, allow me to offer some 'in game' solutions. Challenges Not Challenging Provide more opponents with Flash Defense. I believe this being suggested by many of the posts here. Provide opponents with Drain Flash abilities. Provide more opponents with other targeting senses. Have opponents remove the flasher from combat. For example, Flash him first, snipe him or draw him away from his comrades. PC Stealing Spotlight Provide opponents that have particular weakness to other PC's abilities. Opponents 'gang up' on the biggest threat, the PC. Again, draw the PC away from his comrades. In my humble opinion if you change the cost of Flash or limit its effectiveness as a rule the player will feel singled out and angry. No one really likes having their pet ability 'nerfed'.
  9. Issues/concerns around the Flash Wolverine does not have it but would he recover quicker from being flashed? I am just askin' is all.
  10. CourtFool

    Pulp pictures.

    Boxers I was looking for a boxer picture for a pulp character. I stumbled across this site. There are a few boxers with pictures presented in the links. http://www.genetunney.org/
  11. Re: A New Look at Martial Arts On my first pass I had Advantages on Hand Attacks. When I reviewed the rules I realized I had screwed up. The character's STR is 20 but he would not be able to use more than 5 maybe 10 of that at most. Not what I really wanted. Then I thought about buying Variable Advantage on his STR just so he could use it with all of the Hand Attacks. It was expensive and cumbersome so I decided to go with Energy Blasts. His STR does not add to them but that is o.k. I just wanted to simulate more exotic abilities. I did want the Clinch maneuver to be used as a Grab and Squeeze thing. I was not planning on using it for anything else. Is that a no go? Regarding the Cross maneuver: According to reFrED a STR 20 and a +2d6 HA is 6d6 "base damage" and may be doubled to 12d6 through various means. Am I missing something? I still may not double the damage of a weapon, but none of these maneuvers are meant to be used with a weapon. A STR 20 is plenty to double most weapons' DCs. Actually, he is more effective without weapons. I agree that a superheroic game would be completely different. I tried to keep the reserve down because a 4d6 attack is already pretty respectable and anything more really starts to eat up END. I am particularly proud of Working the Body. It would be extremely useful for bringing down someone who is fairly evenly matched. Wear them down until they can not use their STR and then finish them off with whatever you like. It is also a good way for the character to lay the smack down on a normal without worrying about doing serious damage.
  12. Raise Dead Threads, how do you build? Hooked on Thread Necromancy worked for me!
  13. Hiding from Detect This being Hero... 21 Dispell 4d6 Detect Vampires, Invisible Power Effects (Hearing and Sight; +¾) 07 Darkness vs. Detect Vampires (10 Active Points) No Range (-½) 90 Drain 4d6 Detect Vampires, Invisible Power Effects (Hearing and Sight; +¾), Ranged (+½) 17 Flash 1d6 Detect Vampires, Invisible Power Effects (Hearing and Sight; +¾) 40 Mental Illusions 8d6, Set Effect (-1) 35 Suppress 4d6 Detect Vampires, Invisible Power Effects (Hearing and Sight; +¾) Levels will have to be adjusted accordingly. Dispell, Drain, Flash and Suppress would require that Vampire to know who was doing the Detect and successfully attack them. Unless you want to do an Area Effect, Continuous thingie. Darkness would probably also need Reduced Endurance, Persistant to be much use.
  14. A New Look at My Boxing Framework So how abusive is this? 15 Boxing: Multipower, 15-point reserve 1u 1) Accurate Punch: EB 2d6, Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) 1 1u 2) Clinch: +15 STR (15 Active Points); Limited Power Only For Martial Maneuvers (-1/4) 1 1u 3) Combination: EB 2d6+1, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (15 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) 1 1u 4) Cross: (Total: 14 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) HA +2d6 (10 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus +2 with any single Strike (Real Cost: 4) 1 1u 5) Hitting Below the Belt: EB 2d6, NND (Rigid Armor; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) 1 1u 6) Hook: HA +3d6 (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 1 1u 7) Jab: (Total: 15 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) HA +1d6 (5 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +2 with DCV (Real Cost: 10) 1 1u 8) Rabbit Punch: HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (15 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) 1 1u 9) Working the Body: Drain END 1 1/2d6 (15 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) 1 Am I being a munchkin here? Skills require GM permission to go in a Framework but I thought it would be reasonable since they are similar to Martial Maneuvers. The Jab's +2 DCV are the 5 point varient, so they could apply to ranged attacks as well. Is that abusive?
  15. Pirate Traveller Hero arrrrrg!
  16. Re: Animate Shadow, how would you build? This being Hero... Drain 4d6 STR (40 Active Points), Continuous (+1), Indirect (+¾), Ranged (+½), Uncontrolled (+½) (150 Real Points) Telekinesis 25 STR (37 Active Points), Uncontrolled (+½) (55 Real Points) Much more expensive and taxing (END). However, if you are willing to alter the concept just a little you could go with Ego Blast and Telekinesis. Only have the shadow animate when it makes an attack and then it returns to its place.
  17. Re: Victorian Women's Art of Self Defense Actually, I would buy Penalty Skill Levels vs. Being Prone and Being Bound. Then just buy standard maneuvers...maybe from Cinematic Brawling/Fisticuffs if any at all.
  18. The players should be thankful I do not kill them outright. Damn players! Who do they think they are?
  19. Yeah! More D20ers are brought into the light. [thread=30709]In need of help![/thread] covers this exact topic. I hope it helps.
  20. B.A.S. sucks What are you and your little association of 'yes men' going to do about it? If you want to start a group for people who are under-appreciated, how about police officers, fire fighters, armed services or hell, even people that give blood regularly.
  21. English is dead. Long live Ebonics! I disagree. The fact that English is constantly evolving is a sign that it is alive and well. The use of slang and foul language can be perceived as a lack of intelligence and/or vocabulary. The use of 'big' words can be perceived as condescending, self-important and annoying. Know your audience. Shakesphere got away with it unscathed.
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