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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Eberron Champions I have toyed with the idea of running an Eberron Champions campaign where the PCs would be 'supers' but in the Eberron setting. Magical origins and all that. Specifically, I thought they would be Citidel Elite stationed in Sharn. I think Sharn makes a great fantasy Gothum. I have also thought that I would make Warforge 'complete' automoton abilities (Does Not Bleed, Takes No Stun, No Hit Locations & Life Support: Total). I really think they should have all of those, but that is 100 points in a fantasy campaign. Not really practical...but in a Champions campaign it should work fine. The PCs will be battling the Lord of Blades and all of his minions. (insert evil laughter here) Brick = Ogre, Troll, Warforged Gadgeteer = Artificer Mystic = Mystic (der!) Metamorph = Shifter, Druid, Were-thing Patriot = Paladin, Knight Martial Artist = Monk Weapon Master = Weapon Master (really, work with me here!)
  2. Re: Spells - Discount for Prereqs I have also considered using G.U.R.P.S. Magic as a basis for spells. I have also toyed with the idea of Highest Active Point Power = Number of Spells x 10 (or 5). You can still have dabblers, but they can not buy just one 60 point fireball.
  3. How to get them off crack This has been covered in quite a bit of detail before. Here are some linkies. [thread=19352] Bringing new players to HERO System[/thread] [thread=12682] It's Hard to get d20 junkies to try HERO System [/thread] [thread=14336] Hero System vs. d20[/thread] Personally, I take offense to the comment that D&D is 'solid'.
  4. Paying for Items, yes and no. I think a lot of this comes from the Fighter-Wizard argument that fighters get all their weapons for free where wizards have to buy their fireballs. Personally, I do not agree with the argument. A fireball is not the same as a sword and there is nothing stopping a wizard from picking up a sword (unlike some systems). In the campaigns I have run, I have never charged for mundane armor, equipment or weapons. I do charge for magic items so they tend to be very rare. I doubt not charging for magic items would have plunged my campaign into chaos. I just wanted to discourage Monty Hallism.
  5. Re: Stat Increase = Skill Increase? I am just curious, Intrigue, which Skill Levels do you allow? Do you only allow the 2 point Levels? If not, what other Skill Levels do you use and what is your reasoning behind allowing them? Maybe I am misunderstanding your point, but it sounds like you want skills completely self contained with no relation to anything else. While I can understand this approach, I disagree with it. You penalize characters with a specific concept since they do not get a cost break on related skills (tight group, all one Char, ect.) Skills also become more expensive, which discourages buying skills. Maybe your group enjoys playing extremely tightly focused characters. I would not.
  6. Yes, Virginia, Stat Increase = Skill Increase. D&D (3.0+), G.U.R.P.S. and Hero base skills on attributes just to name a few. Based on this discussion, I would not say that is right or wrong but a matter of opinion. It does seem that there is precedent for it though. My personal preference is that skills be based on attributes and that when the underlying attribute is increased, so is the related skill. For those of you who prefer not to have skills related to attributes, may I suggest you buy your attributes with a Limitation of “Does Not Apply To Skill Rolls†for either a -¼ or -½. I believe this will achieve exactly what you want without having to change anything. It should even work in Hero Designer. Just click on “Do not add to totalsâ€.
  7. Re: Back to the fold It has been said before, but it is worth repeating. Keep everyone at the same SPD. It does eliminate some flexibility/options, but will help speed things up quite a bit.
  8. Looking for Llama Resource The campaign does not need more guns. It needs more llamas!
  9. Does Unluck Really Screw You? And if so, how much does she charge? I wonder if gamist/fear of gamist mentality is a major factor in taking or not taking Unluck. Just wonderin' out loud.
  10. Re: Skill Levels--limits? I do not normally put limits on Skill Levels. I want to encourage characters with skills. I suppose it could be abused, but with the exception of my own creations I have never seen a skill higher than 18. That was for a Magic skill so there were large penalties to overcome. I believe I have created characters with a skill of 21.
  11. Re: A really variable variable power pool I think you could use Aid to increase the pool. I could be wrong because I do not have my book with me. A more complicated way would be to build three seperate VPPs. You would also have to overlook the fact that Power Frameworks generally are not allowed to add to another power in another Power Framework.
  12. Mount Unreal I would search through the Player Finder discussion and then post in there.
  13. Re: Money System Whenever equipment becomes an issue (the focus of a campaign) I am tempted to charge character points for all equipment, or at least weapons and armor and/or use Resource Pools. This is just a personal preference. I never cared much for the Monty Hall effect.
  14. Dude, you are so Simulationist The way I see it, Chris and Stan are pretty much on the same page except Chris suggest Simulationism means to simulate a particular reference not necessarily reality and that Stan has taken each view to its extreme where it appears disfunctional. I do not think any three of the views is right or wrong, merely different. I also believe that the three are mutually exclusive which many will disagree with. Those of you who insist you are 100% Gamist and Narrativist are 50% Gamist and Narrativist. Deal with it. I believe I am 20% Gamist, 60% Narrativist and 20% Simulationist. I become more gamist when surrounded by other gamists as a survival mechanism. I just do not like to be made fun of for my 'weak' characters. Of course inevitably, I will have less fun in this scenario.
  15. It is fun to make fun of our friends I found this on another board, but thought it very applicable.
  16. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!
  17. Re: Money System What type of campaign is it going to be. My gut reaction is that $300 for a 10 point Disadvantage is easy points. So there character does not start off with all the latest equipment. After a session or two he will probably make up the difference. Are you expecting your players to load up on equipment?
  18. Re: Special Powers in Power Frameworks
  19. CourtFool

    Shameless Plug

    Seameless Plug Our second session is coming up! Wallace is ready to add more yaks...er...I mean to carry forth in the face of adversity. I just realized I should have included Wallace's 'Letters Home' here. Drat!
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