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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. You all know who I am talking about. For some people. I would name names, but that is just bad form.
  2. Run away! Run away! Just give them Penalty Skill Levels vs. Hit Locations and let the blood spray free.
  3. Re: A Percentile Analysis of Relative OCV Ooooo! Are we doing Percentile Hero now?
  4. Re: Chickens? There are plenty of people insulted by the suggestion that we are cousins to monkeys.
  5. Llamas are not known for thier intelligence That certainly cleans it up a bit. Thank you.
  6. CourtFool


    Dude! The captain would never do that!
  7. Re: Two Weapon Fighting as SPFX If he is going to pay points for the RKA don't forget to give it Reduced Penetration.
  8. Halliburton I would contract it out to the lowest bidder. It is the government's way.
  9. Re: Campaign Paradigms A lot of good stuff. I am not very well read in Fantasy and most of my experience has been with RPGs and movies. I had never thought about much of this in such detail. If I may, the only criticism I really have is that it was a little difficult for me to understand at first. Specifically the multiple references to Paradigm, Genre and Subgenre. It may just be me. I had to read it three times before I could tell what you were talking about.
  10. Prepare to execute phase alpha, Muffy. Ah, my agent is in place. Good, good.
  11. Re: Armor Spell Failure Allow me to put forth an argument made by Outsider to me in private at my request. I am not saying I agree with him 100%, but it certainly is worth considering.
  12. Re: The Art Of Myers-Briggs It has not been tested in Windows95 but I am fairly certain you could run it in Windows95. Macs too. How about that for compatibility?
  13. Armor Spell Success! I have always let mages cast their spells in armor without penalties in Hero. When I was a D&Der, I thought like a D&Der, I spoke like a D&Der...
  14. The Art Of Myers-Briggs Roll 4D6 1-3 Extrovert 4-6 Introvert 1-3 Sensing 4-6 iNtuition 1-3 Thinking 4-6 Feeling 1-3 Judgement 4-6 Perception Oh! You wanted more than this?
  15. I'd rep you again, but... I think Killer Shrike's web site should be a sticky on the Fantasy Hero genre forum. Just sayin' is all.
  16. Yeah, but he is an introverted bard. I thought of creating a random Meyers-Briggs personality generator. Just something you could roll up quickly on the fly.
  17. D&D Badness I think you are better off house rulling something along the lines of -1 to Magic Roll per 2 points of DEF or whatever ratio you feel is appropriate. Of course this assumes your magic system requires a Magic Roll. You could also house rule an activation cost based on DEF without allowing the players to take the limitation on their spells.
  18. If a tree falls in the woods... [b]Cost Power[/b] 6 Hearing Group Images 1" radius, +/-2 to PER Rolls, Side Effects, Tree falls, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; +0) (11 Active Points); IIF Bulky (Focus, Tree; -3/4) [b]Power Cost: 6[/b]
  19. Re: Vehicle Search Side Effects: -2 COM to Driver
  20. No world for you! President isn't enough, bunny? Now you want an entire world? Personally, I think a cross genre 'world' would show off Hero's strengths. The problem is this would be far too broad to really execute. I am thinking of settings such as Stargate, G.U.R.P.S. Alternate Earths and Time Travel, GrimJack and my own Dimensional Travel campaign. I think we should probably get some kind of go ahead from DOJ before we go much further. I think we all agree we want to help, not hinder. That being said...I am not a big fan of TE. Cast my vote for Galactic Champions.
  21. Re: Background I am not a writer, so take my advice with a grain of salt. If you have the ideas but can not get them down on paper, how about just jot down the ideas however big or small they may be. Then add details of Who, What, Why, Where, When and How. This should not make any sense to a casual passer-by, just brainstorming. Once you have a few sheets of scribble, you should be able to start writing something down in a more cohesive manner. Review, edit, repeat.
  22. The fArt Of The NPC II: The Annoying
  23. The fArt Of The NPC Well I thought I was on topic. Shows you what a llama knows.
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