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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Drinks the blood of their killed foes I do not really see this as needed. I see Psychological Limitations as limiting and/or making the character put themselves in disadvantageous situations. Not all Psychological Limitations would be seen as 'bad' character trait (Honest, Code vs. Killing) but I would think at least half of them would mean the character does something that is not socially acceptable.
  2. How did that make you feel? What did you not like about it? You wanted to make sure you could nickel and dime the protagonist down? Luck based is a limitation so it should affect the power at some time. It is not as clearly defined as some other limitations (Activation Roll) but that does not mean you should just avoid it. I think a GM decision is perfectly allowable here. I doubt many players would cry foul.
  3. Re: Variable Power Pools Allow me to suggest Killer Shrike's Fantasy Hero material and more specificially his Vancian magic system which uses VPPs to simulate that other role playing game's magic system.
  4. Jack of all Trades As a player I love them. I always like to play a jack of all trades; a skill monger if you wish. Overall skill levels allow me to be good in a lot of different skills and still be viable in combat. As a GM I have not had much problem with them. My players have rarely taken any, prefering the cheaper levels for combat and skills. I think they are priced about right. 5 Overall Levels unbalancing you say? 50 points in just about anything can be unbalancing. I think Overall Levels are an excellent equivelant to most other systems 'Levels'. In other systems, whenever a character 'Levels' up they get a boost in all of their abilities...just like an Overall Skill Level.
  5. The Simple Life The Simple Life - Really take their inheritance away and never give it back.
  6. Re: Background Bonus Any extra points for a character picture? Not personally drawn. No opposable thumbs makes most llamas dreadful artists but I like to steal something from the web.
  7. Llamas can figure, I think... It was in reaction to a lot of comments, but hey, if the glass slipper fits... It was meant in good humor.
  8. Dice are for gamers The gamists are coming out of the woodwork.
  9. Re: Champions Diceless Role-playing Digital Hero #1 has a system for Diceless Hero including combat, skill rolls and hit locations if I am not mistaken.
  10. Re: How would you build a digital camera? Personally, I like the fact that Hero System can model even the most mundane items. You can use those same principles to model less than mundane items. There is no need to build a Power Framework within a Power Framework. You simply have two slots in the Multipower. One Images vs. Sight (stills) and one Images vs. Sight and Hearing (movies). You can set some kind of limitation that they are mutually exclusive and that movies require more space.
  11. CourtFool

    Rough Magic

    D&D is bad, mkaaaaay? Charges on spells is wrong regardless of what Killer Shrike says.
  12. Curse their industrious ingenuity! I wouldn't. The Japanese would just make one that is better, smaller and cheaper. Images anyone?
  13. Seduction vs. Persuasion I think the Reputation was the best suggestion in this particular case, however, I wanted to argue that Seduction would have been the Skill to grant and not Persuasion. At least from the brief explanation given. I believe Seduction is defined as building long(er) term relationships vs. Persuasion's immediately influence.
  14. Artificers I would use the Guild Member Table in Fantasy Hero on pg 101. Maybe add a point or two to the cost since the Dragonmarked Houses are extremely powerful in the Eberron world.
  15. Punish the players! Remind me never to play under any of you guys...except maybe Keyes Bill. Yes, yes, lets punish the bad players for not playing the way we want them to, precious. Let's show them how our way is so much cooler than their way. Bah! I think you need to find out what kind of game your players want, tell them what kind of game you want to run and see if you can find a happy middle ground.
  16. Re: New magic idea from Jim Butcher Just FYI, Killer Shrike's Totemic Shamanism sounds like it would be an excellent model for the nomad tribes.
  17. Re: Submitted For Your Perusal (Kult Conversion) It sounds like reviewing Disadvantages individually is the best way to handle this. Determine if each one is positive, negative or neutral and assign a value based on severity.
  18. Re: Should it be this detailed? Artistic discretion.
  19. Mouse/Mouses ...especially when the bards start singing Where Have All The Danga's Mouses Gone.
  20. Horsey only flight, no fight I like this idea. As contrived as it may sound, this could really add some interesting detail to the world.
  21. Re: Submitted For Your Perusal (Kult Conversion) I would not try to recreate it exactly as it appears in Kult. I would be inclined to just add a new Attribute called Mental Balance which characters may or may not be able to spend points on. You could base it on arbitrary values of their Perks/Powers/Skills/Talents and Disadvantages. I can see different Disadvantages affecting Mental Balance differently. Would Physical Limitations affect Mental Balance at all? Would 'Protects Innocents' affect Mental Balance the same as 'Casual Killer'?
  22. Re: Should it be this detailed? Would you use it in your game? Would your player's interest remain the same? Would it be more fun? Would it waste a ton? Would you serve it with green eggs and ham? Would it just be a bunch of spam? Sorry. Couldn't resist.
  23. Aarn I do not know about the rest of Herodom, but Aarn just begged to be supplemented to me. While reading over Sharn: City of Towers from that other company, I could not help but think, "I will use this in Aarn."
  24. Re: Why no heavy cavalry? Expense seems to be a popular choice. I would say because heavy calvary would trample all the bunnies. And we can't have that, now can we?
  25. Chickens! Why did it have to be chickens? Which region do the Chicken-Men reside?
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