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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Crunch numbers first. Then think of a plausible, in-character explanation.
  2. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin People are gullible enough to believe you when you tell them you are not a munchkin, just good at effective builds.
  3. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Narratavists are a whiny bunch.
  4. Read shaded text to players Do you plan your adventures around the party, or do you have a pre-planned scenario laid out that does not consider party make-up? I have never had a problem with my groups complaining they needed type X characters because I plan the adventures around what the party has. No tanks? I send them on stealth missions or something involving guerilla tactics that favors light armor and high maneuverability. No magic wielders? I send them on missions where they must use skills to overcome obstacles. Personally, I do not enjoy playing in a campaign where I have to be a Cleric because the party did not have one. I want to play what I feel like playing. I see no reason to straight-jacket a player just because he was last to the table.
  5. Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke? I must disagree with you here, at least in what I take to be the spirit of your post. Yes, I believe that the GM should review the characters before hand. However, I can not tell you how many times I have been given characters minutes before the game and then expected to approve/disapprove on the spot with the game on hold until I make a decision. Yes, I could have simply disapproved them and made the player sit out but I tried to be a little less heavy handed and get on with the campaign. There is also the possibility that the GM is simply not going to see exactly how abusive a build is until it is used in game. Not every GM will know the rules better than every player. Yes, GMs should be familiar with the rules, but I think it is impractical to insist that every GM knows the rules perfectly or even better than every one of their players. The ratio to GMs to players is bad enough as it is. I think some of the responsibility must fall to the players to ‘not ruin’ the game for everyone else in the pursuit of their own enjoyment.
  6. Re: Things I learned playing a Thief I never understood it either. The fighter does not regularly beat the fecal matter out of the rest of the part. The wizard does not intentionally toast the party with fireballs. The cleric is just the portable first aid kit that the whatever poor smuck was last to the game got stuck with.
  7. Re: Build Me a Fighter, Advanced Class. I am at work right now and can not provide a detailed write up, but how about an EB with OIF (Rocks & Stones), Restrainable or Requires Two Hands, Maybe even throw in Full Phase for picking up a rock and hitting it like a baseball at an opponent?
  8. Re: What I Learned Playing a Mage.... Other classes are wusses. Why do you think munchkins only play magic weilders?
  9. Re: What I learned playing a fighter... Once the party reaches level 5, get yourself killed so you can play a wizard. That is where the real power is.
  10. Re: What I learned playing a cleric Do not try to convert party members to your religion because it is not part of your GM's story arch.
  11. Re: Things I learned playing a Thief Everyone fights better than you do and the wizard can do anything you can without having to roll percentile dice.
  12. Bush made me do it Isn’t this the point where someone says the senators must have been democrats/green party/independents/republicans/bunnies? Oh wait, this is not the NGD. Sorry. As you were.
  13. Another plug for roleplayingtips.com Quick-Start Sci-Fi RPG Tips For Newbies Running A Sci-Fi Game Setting Well: 8 Tips For Newbie GMs 7 Tips For Sci-Fi Burn-Out 6 Tips For Creating Aliens For Sci-Fi Games 14 Elements Of Starship Design For Newbie Sci-Fi Gamers Creating A Sci-Fi Setting With Depth: 5 Tips On Creating Sci-Fi Locations 5 Tips For Sci-Fi Campaign Preparation 11 Point Checklist For Creating a Better Sci-Fi World Tips On Designing General Sci-Fi Locations
  14. Welcome to the Chateau d'If "You wake up in a small cell with a heavy wooden door and a barred window. Your head aches. You have the clothes on your back, some straw for a bed, a bowl and a bucket."
  15. AW r0x0rsss!!!!!1!! Disappointing. I really liked the supplement. I will have to check out those Digital Hero issues.
  16. Re: Turakian Races: the Erqigdlit I would certainly be inclined to play them if given a chance. I would make the character fiercely loyal to friends (the pack). A strong leader or deferring to a strong leader (Alpha male although it would not necessarily have to be male). I would also make lots of references to scent.
  17. Fighter Mark I I generally do not like to put Characteristics in templates. Just a preference thing. Now then, the over-simplified template. It seems to me that by definition, a fighter should be one capable of...well...fighting. +3 with All Combat +3 with DCV Fast Draw 11- WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons Total Cost: 46
  18. Re: Attacking Diviners I hate to go the obvious route... 8 Sense Attack: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) [Notes: This ability allows the Diviner to look into the future and know exactly when and where he is going to be attacked and therefore dodge the attack.] 7 Combat Sense: Energy Blast 2d6, Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2) (15 Active Points); OIF (Object of Opportunity; -1/2), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4) [Notes: This ability allows a Diviner to look into the future and see where his opponent will be so that he can effectively strike with any available missile.] Powers Cost: 15
  19. Just some thoughts If I were to play in this campaign I would be tempted to play a marine and save 30 some points for Combat Skill Levels. This level of details seems great in theory but once you are at the table who really wants to roll their Food Preservation Skill over and over again?
  20. Luck is the new Hand-Wavium
  21. Re: [help] Divine Magic I would suggest brainstorming some ideas of what you believe the player will ask for and what you want the Gods' response to be. If you have a good selection of appropriate responses ready, you can select on the fly...even modify slightly (fireballs instead of lightning bolts). I think it would be much easier once you have a handful of spells/miracles/divine favors statted out.
  22. Re: Ravenswood Academy Yearbook Where did you find the pictures? I can usually find pictures for adults, but sometimes I am afraid of what I might find if I tried to do a search for teen models.
  23. Hey, if the powergaming shoe fits... I am illiterate and thank you for bringing up that painful fact once again.
  24. Think about what you are doing This is the type of power-gaming that spelled the demise of my last group. I plead with you to consider, while this may be fun for you will it be fun for your Game Master and the other players? All the fun you are having will come to an abrupt end when the rest of your group quit/leave/resign because they are bored/tired/frustrated.
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