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HERO Member
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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Re: Review of Rescue at Karadonna Thank you for the review. A link would have been nice. I had to look around for it and I am a lazy llama.
  2. Re: What I Learned from "What I Learned" threads I learned the rep whores will scurry into any thread.
  3. Fear the Llama I learned that I am a closet munchkin and that I frighten other gamers.
  4. Re: Help with an odd Time Power Clairsentience with Area Affect maybe.
  5. Re: Draining SPD to Zero I believe Entagle would be more appropriate and cost effective. The victim's SPD has no baring on when he can take damage. Are you suggesting a normal with a SPD of 2 can only take damage on their phases? If you are trying to build this into the SFX of the power, then that is a different matter.
  6. Re: If Healing was a flavor: HERO = Vanilla What about the Healer that becomes more combat viable? Or the Rouge who learns a healing spell? Are you trying to enforce schtick through mechanics? I have never found that to work. I believe the best method is to have the players respect each other’s schticks. If you want the healers to progress at a controlled pace, then creating multiple healing spells is a way to go. I would also control the level of healing. Maybe a Multipower with a base equal to some percentage of the character’s total points (1/10 = 150 pt standard = 15 Active Points). This would give some cost break over having to know 10 different healing spells while still requiring them and controlling the Active Points. After a session they could learn a new spell or save up for a few sessions and raise their cap. 1/10 may be too restrictive. You will have to play with the numbers.
  7. Are Clerics the new Wizards? What exactly is the balance issue you are having?
  8. Re: Everyman Skills I believe most of the official examples are roughly 8 skills. This is quite a departure from that, but it is your world. Of the skills you listed, I belive CK: Home Town, AK: Home Region (e.g. province, barony, etc.), KS: Local Religious Doctorine, CuK: Cultural Laws and Customs, CuK: Local Legends and Lore and CuK: Local Heraldry are redundant. AK: Home Region should cover most of this. I do not think Survival should be an Everyman skill unless this list is for a group of nomads who really do live off the land. Even for a small village, most people would grow and/or barter for what they need. Nomads would probably not have a hobby or career since most of their time is spent hunting and gathering whatever is needed. This is just my opinion. I am, by not means, an expert on early cultures. I think I see where you are going with this; considering you are coming from Rolemaster. When I converted from G.U.R.P.S. to Hero I spent a lot of time trying to add multitudes of skills to replace the granular feel of G.U.R.P.S. While there is nothing wrong with inserting this much detail in Hero, it does cause some unbalance for Skill Mongers. Just keep in mind the breadth of skills can be quite costly compared to the depth of skills. There are few cost breaks for skills as opposed to Skill Levels. That may be why you see more experts than generalists.
  9. HERO = Tofu I believe comparing Hero to Vanilla is incorrect. Hero allows you to build Vanilla, but it also allows you to build Chocolate, Strawberry and even Vomit flavor if you so choose. There is nothing preventing you from building 100 different spells that allow you to heal very specific types of injuries. How finely detailed you want is completely up to you (Only to Heal Lacerations Received From A Metalic Object; -1). Personally, I would not want to play a healer in a game where I have to dump 30 points in 10 different spells just to do my job while the fighter/warrior just adds +10 OCV w/Blades
  10. Re: Racial Package Deal I would say a 1 point Perk that can only be taken at character creation.
  11. Welcome I believe pretty much everyone that posts on this board is going to recommend Hero. We are biased, so keep that in mind. I would like to specifically answer your questions from my opinion. I do not believe Hero is any less expensive than D&D. There are more D20 products that you can buy than Hero so I suppose you could make that argument. In theory, all you need to play D&D is the PHB, DMG and MM. In theory, you could play Hero with reFrED and the Hero System Bestiary. I do own the Hero System Bestiary, but I think I have only every really used it for a character who could shape change into any animal. Not to say it is not useful, I just tend to use human opponents in my campaigns. Hero is a very large departure from D&D. So far, in fact, that many people have difficulty grasping certain fundamental concepts in Hero. Hero is very flexible, but with that flexibility is a bit of a learning curve. Again, this is part of the departure from D&D. In D&D everything is very specifically detailed. In Hero, you peel back the layers and look for the end result. The details are left up to the players. This is why Hero is commonly referred to as an effects based game. A sword and a fireball are quite different things, but their ultimate affect is to cause damage. I hope you will find this forum friendly and helpful. Feel free to ask stupid questions about anything you like...except rep. It's a sore subject.
  12. Re: What I've Learned Playing An Alien Commander Riker will sleep with you.
  13. Re: What I've Learned Playing An Alien ...opposable thumbs; not just for humans anymore.
  14. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Be sure to load up on OAF. Should you ever be relieved of your precious focus, demand to know why the GM is unfairly nerfing your character.
  15. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin
  16. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Psychological Limitations you never intend to role play = free points.
  17. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Making 'in character' tactical decisions that put you at a disadvantage is stupid and demands ridicule.
  18. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin The other players' enjoyment of the game is inversely proportional to your own.
  19. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Always have blackmail material on the GM and/or one or two other players that will threaten to leave with you when the GM becomes too heavy handed.
  20. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Padding your post count in Other Genres will get that forum removed from the totals.
  21. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin The rule book is the bible. It is the letter of the law that is important, not the spirit.
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