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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Re: Turning Undead I never brought this concept into my Fantasy Hero games either, but… How about give all ‘undead’ a Psychological Limitation “Repelled by True Believers” or some such and hand wave it to an EGO vs. EGO roll? Give your more powerful ‘undead’ more EGO or bonuses to EGO rolls to resist.
  2. Everyone is an Automotan STUN is slowing down combat? I would think that, in a lot of ways, STUN speeds combat. CON stunned takes a combatant out of the fight for a phase. That speeds things up in that you do not have to wait to see what they are doing (rolling to hit, moving around, ect.) All they can do is recover. They make nice targets too. It is much easier to bring someone down to 0 STUN than 0 BODY, especially with resistant armor. Once unconscious, the combatant is out of the fight. Nothing speeds up combat like eliminating a combatant. I think those two factors would speed combat up and make it fairly lethal in that you can be taken out of combat and left very vulnerable without ever taking a single pip.
  3. Re: New Player freaks the heck out of me. This sounds like a guy I almost ran a game for online recently. He bought a magical sword with Independent and then had most of his powers built on the sword. When I told him that he would eventually loose the sword, he accused me of being on a power trip and threatening him. I smell munchkin. I Smell Munchkin - Detect Munchkin (5 Active Points), Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), Only From Second Hand Account of Activities (-¼) (2 Active Points
  4. Re: Old Testament Hero Leave it to Llama to inadvertently start a flame war.
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Bionic Manimal
  6. my hat of d02 nose know bounds I think part of the problem I experienced came from dealing with players from the Game Which Will Not Be Mentioned. I am frequently assaulted with questions like, “What class can I be?†When I answer, “Whatever you want.†I get a blank stare. They fear freedom.
  7. Re: Turakian Age: Changing the Future I am not a huge fan of the official time line. Not that I do not enjoy the settings that are put out, I just see no reason to try and contrive how they flow from one into another. If I ever used The Turakian Age, I would use it as its own setting whose future is unknown. Let the characters be significant in their world. We can all be insignificant in this one.
  8. Sticky! Sticky! Sticky! Shameless bump because KillerShrike’s site should be sticky anyway.
  9. Curse you and your little dog too Your mother was a troll and your father smelt of faery brambles. Now go away before I curse you a second time.
  10. Curious Honestly, this is not meant as a troll post. Please take it as honest curiosity and not criticism. What appeals about this setting to you?
  11. Earph! When I was planning on creating my own world, I had planned on using a map of Earth either wholesale or a couple of continents.
  12. Champions of Faerûn I had tried to create my own homebrew, but I was no where near completed when I started a campaign with it. The players really noticed that it was not complete and I think it hurt that campaign badly. Since then, I have not had time to sit down and really bang out a world. I know a lot of people suggest starting small, with say a village and build as the players begin to explore. That is exactly what I had tried to do, but failed miserably. I now use Eberron and Forgotten Realms. There is plenty of material to use and most gamers are at least vaguely familiar with the settings. I found quite a wealth of free material for Forgotten Realms on The Website Which Shall Not Be Named. I have seriously considered using The Turakian Age. I may in some future campaign.
  13. Your argument is weak, as are you. I thought there was a feat for bull rush.
  14. Re: Well, I finally gmed Hero System (long) Agreed. More options = more opportunities for abuse Having to spend points to buy everything is a mis-conception. In a Superheroic campaign you are expected to spend points for any item which is consistently used in game. I believe the definition of what is consistently used in game is left vague enough for the GM to make the final decision. If you search the forums you should find a few threads discussing this very topic. Personally, I watch for play balance. I do not charge character points for cell phones. I do not think any of my groups have ever wanted some sort of team communicator that they all had to pay points for. Guns are rarely a problem either since most of the characters in my games have more powerful attacks and more than enough armor to stop anything short of a .50. I think it really comes down to balance. Is it fair to charge Flame Boy for his Fire Ball ability while Gun Girl gets her .45 for free? If this is not an issue in your campaigns, feel free to ignore it. Just don’t come crying to us when Flame Boy’s player starts complaining. Agreed again. More options = more time. As already suggested, I would go with standard effect for a little while until you get more familiarized with things. It would remove another die roll and a lot of the counting. Healing can be a problem. It is either too powerful or completely nerfed.
  15. Re: Character Creation Challenge: Horror Speedster I do not have my books with me, but I would build a “Skittish†Multipower with Gliding (OIF Objects of Opportunity), Leaping and Running. Maybe toss in Extra END on Leaping and Running, Limited Power - Only at beginning of combat and/or only to run away. Incantations throughout? Screeching in terror? I would also give the character Enhanced Senses (Nervous, Paranoid) and Lightning Reflexes.
  16. Re: How to handle Western Hero Duels/Showdowns
  17. Re: The King who Doesn't Know It How about a dual personality with the 'king' personality currently 'inactive'?
  18. Re: Moving from D&D - rules issues Get ahead? I thought it was survive?
  19. Guess what! I am not really a llama! Sorry, Robyn. I don't show off in front of you. Just the others.
  20. Re: Magic and Mechanics, to you One thing I have always tried to incorporate into my magic systems is that magic users can automatically sense magic including other magic users. Sort of like Mental Sense for magic. The stronger the magic, the easier to sense, the more difficult to conceal. If a magic user drops a big bomb (usually high AP) then all the mages/sorcerers/wizards in the area are going to come running to see who is doing what. Not to mention a nasty Demon or two.
  21. D20 D20 rots your brain. It is like T.V. with less interesting content.
  22. Just sayin' is all Isn’t it about time we make Killer Shrike’s site sticky? Sort of a Fantasy Hero F.A.Q.?
  23. Re: Magic Missiles ...and that is why Dex added to Hit Points, no wait...well at least that is why armor soaked up damage, er, no... My own personal opinion is and feel free to disagree, although you will be wrong, is that they mechanic was flawed from the begining and they were just scrambling to apply some sort of logic to it. In the same breath, I happen to like Combat Luck. But, yes, it is starting to swerve in the same direction. While I like the idea of an Always Hits Advantage, I would be extremely hesitant to allow it into a game. This just may be because I seem to attract all the munchkins, but I can just see everyone buying AHA and no DEX or Combat Skill Levels. You could argue that it would be expensive and would leave your DCV vulnerable, but we all know the munchkins would find their way around that.
  24. Re: Moving from D&D - rules issues My first response is to ask, “Is it really needed?†I think this really depends on your preference. I think it is less of an issue in a Superheroic game. I would broach the subject with your players first and use Held Actions. If, after a few sessions, this appears broken, then I would attempt a house rule.
  25. Re: Magic Missiles Then why do you need a Cleric to 'heal' you?
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