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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Beware the VPP It may just be the people I have gamed with; never allow the power-gamer a VPP. If you decide to go the VPP route, allow me to point out some of the problems I have encountered through experience. Moderation. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Power-gamers will put 90% of their character points into the VPP. Why spend points anywhere else, you can also cast a spell to make up any deficiency. Schticks. A large enough (Active Point) VPP pretty much makes the rest of the party supporting cast. Power-gamers ignore the fact that this ruins the game for everyone else. Choices. There was a fable I have long forgotten the specifics of, but the gist of it is a fox and a cat are attacked. While the fox ponders which of his 100 techniques he should use to defend himself with, the cat, knowing only one, runs up a tree. The fox is then eaten. VPPs allow such flexibility that everyone may be sitting around the table waiting for the mage to build the perfect spell for the situation.
  2. Re: Espionage Air Pirate already provided links to pre-made adventures that I am aware of for Espionage. I believe that most of the material available on Modus Operandi is easily converted to Hero. However, if you are new to Hero or do not want to spend a lot of time converting material, you may be better off going with Spycraft. I hate saying that because I honestly feel that Hero is a better system. There is just not the same level of ready to use material.
  3. Re: New Advantage: Robust Immunity I misread the Robust version.
  4. Re: AARGH! How do I build this power without exceeding active point caps? I would go the simplest route and build it as an Energy Attack with NND. It will still do damage to inanimate objects, although less because of the cost of the advantage. Sending undead and creatures of evil magic to hell is pretty much the same as killing them…just special effects.
  5. CourtFool


    Maybe elves deserve a little bile now and then
  6. Re: Need designing a magic system I would suggest Talent: Charter Mark as a buy in cost to use magic. Concentration, Extra Time and Requires Skill Roll to visualize reaching into the Charter and grasping the Charter marks needed. Side Effects for trying to use unfamiliar Charter marks or misusing known ones. Side Effects could be swapped with Foci when using the invented alphabet.
  7. Re: New Advantage: Robust Immunity Fire Blast: Energy Blast 1 PIP, Robust Immunity (+2) (6 Active Points) Interesting concept, but I like that Hero separates offensive and defensive abilities. I also like that Hero does not have absolutes.
  8. CourtFool


    Do you have Elves in your fantasy world? If you do, what are they like?
  9. Re: A Few Questions From A First Time GM
  10. n00b alert! You are new here, aren't you? I pimp KillerShrike every chance I get.
  11. Re: Quick Hero Let me know if you continue to have problems. I could e-mail you a copy. I never considered multi-classing. That is definitely an interestesing idea. It would require some re-writing as there is already some over-lap. It has always been my opinion that every adventurer should have Stealth. Thank you for your feedback.
  12. Re: Quick Hero I do not want to go anywhere near copyright material, but I could certainly come up with some new ones to add in. Thanks for the feedback.
  13. Re: Quick Hero I will give this some thought. I assume you are referring to the official character sheet. This would be easy enough to do. I intentionally left out the cost of everything for two reasons. One, I thought it would be less confusing; fewer numbers for people to ask questions about. Two, not everything came out costing exactly the same. I did not want power gamers taking the more expensive packages every time. That being said, it might generate interest in what 'point buy' really means. With more work, I might be able to get the cost to match up exactly. I had left Disadvantages off because this is often a foreign and frightening concept for players of The Game Which Shall Not Be Mentioned. Additionally, Psychological Limitations are pointless since the players would simply ignore them when they are inconvenient. At least that has been my experience.
  14. Don't twist my Aarn I just found out you are planning on doing a book on Aarn. To quote a recent movie line, "I am as happy as a tornado in a trailer park."
  15. I am great at coming up with ideas. I am terrible at finishing them. In that vein I am offering up what I started with Quick Hero. My idea behind Quick Hero was to put together a document that would allow someone to throw together a character in minutes. This would be a document that would provide options for people that are familiar with fantasy role playing. Ideally, this would be an aid to bring Hero to the unwashed masses of The Game Which Shall Not Be Mentioned. What I had hoped to do with this document was to run 'pick up' games online. Find a couple of interested players, let them make a few selections and get right into the meat of a game. This document is far from finished. I fear I will never finish it. It still needs spells created. The magic system needs to be defined. I just thought there might be an off chance that someone might find something of use in it. That is the reason I am offering it up. Do with it as you may.
  16. Those Pesky Languages I have always thought languages were overpriced, so you would think I would be all for anything that might reduce the cost. However, the cost break for relationships never seemed enough to make a difference in my games. Therefore, I really have not paid much attention to the language chart. Yes, yes…I know. Yet another worthless post from the llama. If languages play a large role in your campaigns I would suggest doing a little research and creating your own chart with a more comprehensive list of languages and their relationships. I would also suggest re-evaluating the cost of languages to allow more granularity. I believe this would make the relationships between languages more important. However, I do not know how to add granularity without increasing costs. Maybe you could do something similar to TriStat’s skill system. One character point = 10 points in Languages that you may distribute however you like.
  17. Prescription Hero Oh great! Just what we need…another noob adding to the player base. There goes the neighborhood. sarcasm> Welcome aboard, Monster. Please fasten your safety belt, smoke only in the designated areas, do not play Hero while operating heavy equipment, tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Side effects may included elitism, lengthy rants over rules, conversions of other role playing settings and write-ups of mundane items. Hero. Big. Black. Better.
  18. This proposal is only for cinematic campaigns. Those looking for granularity and/or realism should completely ignore this proposal. Cost - # Languages 5 - 1 10 - 5 15 - 10 20 - All Known Languages 25 - Any Language including languages the character has never been exposed to before. The character is considered completely fluent in and capable of imitating dialects for every language known. I have always thought that languages were overpriced. This seemed even more evident with characters that are fluent in many languages. And do not even get me started on a concept like a sentient computers or spells that allow you to understand languages. I know there are a couple different ways to approach such concepts, but none of them really felt right to me. Universal Translator has the pesky accent and skill roll issue. Detect seemed rather vague and did not allow for speech. Some of you may recognize that this proposal was heavily inspired by TriStat’s Progression Chart.
  19. Ask a vague question... I think someone should develop teleportation devices like transporters from Star Trek.
  20. Just some thoughts I have been giving this some thought. I have tried to think of something that will not require a lot of additional mechanics or calculations. I am sure the bonuses and penalties would need to be adjusted to make this work. This is really a rough draft. Whenever you are successfully hit by an attack you must make a CON roll. -1 per 3 DCs of the attack, +1 per 2 points of PD or ED, -1 for chest hit, -3 for head shot. If you fail by 2, you are knocked down and CON stunned. If you fail by 1, you are CON stunned. If you fail by more, you are knocked unconscious.
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