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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. When someone asks if you are a god, you say, 'Yes!' From what I remember, no. This ain't your father's Forgotten Realms.
  2. Re: Seeimgly Strange Characters to Model She's hawt!
  3. Re: Ultimate Skill (STR Min 13) Thank you for the Universals. I think they were long needed.
  4. Re: Failed PS: Artist Roll? I thought it was rather clever. As a player, I would not have been upset if this had been done to me. I would also not mind some rolls being made for me by the GM. Perception rolls would seem appropriate.
  5. Someone wake up Savien I bet Savien would be in too if he has the time.
  6. Arrrrr, ye scurvy dog! I would be very interested. Unfortunately, I have a pretty full plate right now with a table top game Monday and Friday nights. When are you planning on playing?
  7. ...did it still make a sound? If a Tree Falls in the Woods: The druid is immediately teleported to a place in the woods where a tree has fallen less than a second before. If no trees in the entire world have fallen in the last second, the spell fails.
  8. Who can I turn to? Number of the Beast: Upon incanting 9 and 8 million, 675 thousand, 3 hundred, a demon, in the form of a lonely bard who pines for a maiden named Jenny, is summoned.
  9. Re: The cranky thread I loose again. I applied for one of three positions within my company. I am of the opinion that I am a perfect fit for these positions. I lost to three co-workers. That is what stings the most. One of them, I do not mind. He pulls his weight. He knows his job, he does it well, he is a team player. The other two do not deserve the promotion. One can not handle pressure. I can not tell you how many times she 'snapped' and I had to do her job because she was too stressed out. Not to mention she does not know anything outside of her comfort zone. The other one screws around all day doing extra curricular work instead of doing the less glamorous work that still needs to be done. We have over 30 different clients and he only works one. Instead of learning how to do any of the others, he busies himself making minor tweaks to a database for the one client. If it were not bad enough loosing out to these smucks, I will now have to pull their weight and do 4X more work. I guess it will not be 4X considering how little Mr. One Client actually does.
  10. Re: Help Required. Undead PC I think full Life Support and Does Not Bleed covers the basics. It will probably be a bit expensive.
  11. God love Project Gutenberg! No. Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates
  12. Re: "Divine Shield": ultimate defense One of the things I have always enjoyed about Hero is that there are no absolutes.
  13. Re: Hero System for Horror gaming It could be the players do not want to play Horror, or at least a game where their actions are inevitably pointless and their characters are powerless weenies. Crushing the hopes and dreams of others may be cool for the crusher, but the crushee may have a different perspective.
  14. Re: Hero System for Horror gaming No. d02 is teh c00lz!!!!!!111!1!1111!1
  15. Re: Externsteine Reminds me of Standing Stones of Sundown. An adventure I plan to use sometime from an old, old Dungeon magazine.
  16. Re: Having players help w/ the logistics (esp. SPD chart) I have never had a problem with the SPD chart. In fact, the SPD chart fixed all the problems I had with 'roll initiative'. I have an over-sized D12 to indicate the current Phase. I ask the player's who act in Phase X. If I get multiple responses, I ask for Dex. This requires the players to look up two things. Usually after the first few Turns, everyone knows when they go and it just a matter of me figuring out when the NPCs go. I do not like the randomness of 'roll initiative'. Faster people should go first. This just feels right to me. You can argue what is more realistic or what fits the genre better. It is just my preference.
  17. Health as a... What? No horse benchmark under Constitution?
  18. Silly rabbit, alignments are for mechanics Welcome to Hero. Alignment is only one of many conventions Hero did not bring along. You are not overlooking it. It simply is not needed in Hero. I am sure there will be plenty of responses telling why you should simply discard the concept. I am also a member of that camp. However, you specifically asked how to include it in Hero, so I shall endeavor to offer you suggestions to that end. Disadvantages can go a long way to re-create the concept. Specifically Physical Limitation, Psychological Limitation and maybe even Hunted if you want to include 'retribution' from the gods. You could probably bring them over as is from The Game Which Shall Not Be Named and attached Advantages and Limitations to abilities which require someone to be of a certain alignment to use.
  19. Re: Tri-system experiment I have done a sheet for my own taste that strips out all of the costs. As I see it, the cost are all figured in HD. I do not need to see them on the output. Still, dX and M&M are much more streamlined. I recently got a chance to play in an M&M game. I like that skills are cheaper. I like the streamlined character sheets; if you use something similar to the archetypes used in the book. I like that it only uses one die. I like no Hit Points or even Body. I am still not convinced that it is as versatile as Hero. I do not think you could do any genre with it. I glanced over True D20 as well and was not overly impressed. Why do away with classes (roles, whatever you are going to call them) in M&M only to bring them back in True D20?
  20. Fernando de la Vega Once again I am exploring the Pirate genre. I thought I would throw some characters together in case I ever had a chance to run a pick up game and needed some pre-generated PCs. I do not have any background because my imagination is a little rusty these days. Basically, this is a priest, who, for whatever reason, has found himself on the outs with the church and now runs with Pirates. For those of you familiar with Firefly, I was thinking a little of Shepard Book. Fernando de la Vega Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 12 DEX 6 13 CON 6 10 BODY 0 18 INT 8 16 EGO 12 20 PRE 10 10 COM 0 2 PD 0 3 ED 0 3 SPD 8 5 REC 0 26 END 0 22 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 50 Cost Power 12 Blessing: Luck 4d6, Delayed Effect (+1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +3/4) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Powers Cost: 12 Cost Skill 12 +4 with Conversation, Oratory and Persuasion 0 AK: Spain 8- 0 Acting 8- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 3 Conversation 13- 0 Deduction 8- 3 High Society 13- 3 Linguist 0 1) Language: English (basic conversation; literate) (2 Active Points) 1 2) Language: French (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points) 0 3) Language: Latin (basic conversation; literate) (2 Active Points) 0 4) Language: Portugese (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points) 0 5) Language: Spanish (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 3 Oratory 13- 3 PS: Priest 13- 0 Paramedics 8- 3 Persuasion 13- 0 Shadowing 8- 0 Stealth 8- 0 WF: Clubs, Unarmed Combat Skills Cost: 34 Cost Perk 4 Fringe Benefit: Priest, Right to Marry: Can perform the marriage ceremony Perks Cost: 4 Total Character Cost: 100 Base Points: 100 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 You may notice the lack of Disadvantages. This was intentional. It is quite possible that the aforementioned imaginary pick up game that may or may not ever happen may very well be with people who are not entirely familiar with the concept of Disadvantages. In general, I find people rarely play the Disadvantages of pre-generated characters. Yes, I could make them all something other than Psychological Limitations, but I find it rather difficult to come up with enough points out of the other categories. Besides, if I find a group interested and they like the characters, I could let them come up with 50 points worth of Disadvantages on their own and then run 100/50 which is what I probably would have run anyway.
  21. You sir, are a cad. How dare you insult KillerShrike’s culinary skill?
  22. Wizards are already overly powerful There are no restrictions in the Turakian Age setting book to do with wizards and armor. There are options for providing restrictions in Fantasy Hero.
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