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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. I am preparing to run an espionage campaign. I want it to be cinematic. I am thinking along the lines of The Bourne Identity and MI-5. Maybe as far as Alias. As much as I love Bond movies, I feel many of them cross the line of 'believability'. I was originally thinking 100 base points and 50 points from Disadvantages. After trying to stat up some characters this weekend, I am thinking I need to go 150 base and 50 Disadvantages. Has anyone else run this sort of game, what point level did you use and what point level would you suggest?
  2. Consider yourself sold...or holey. Thread necromancy! Buy it or Harbinger will come to your house and fill you full of holes!
  3. Re: mr. Monk (Character conversion for DC) Fantastic write-up. Now let me get overly critical. Why an 8 STR? Are you basing that on average is 8? If so, why not an 8 BODY and PRE? I have to disagree with the 30 INT. I would go with 20…maybe 25 then tack on some Enhanced Perception and Skill Levels. I would not allow Psych Lim (Only eats food he prepares, only drinks Sierra Springs water) with all of this other Disadvantages. I think it is a combination of his Phobias and OCD.
  4. Sit down, gamist! Somewhat off topic, but, I find this very un-cinematic and disagree on preference.
  5. Look, ma! We're nomads. What exactly does this 'base' provide the characters? If it just serves to prevent a surprise attack, it sounds like Danger Sense to me, not a base. If it just provides a defensive bonus, buy it as Skill Levels flavored with Extra Time, Focus and Limited Power.
  6. Re: The Ultimate Skill I like the Skill Multipliers and Untrained Skill Use options. I plan on implementing them in my next campaign.
  7. The Ultimate Spill Why do you think I kept bugging Steve to finish the (censored) thing?
  8. Re: Multiple Strikes I would build it as a power construct with Area of Effect (Any Area, Selective). Then he could do a line or even an 'S' shape if needed, provided the ninjas were kind enough to occupy hexes next to one another.
  9. Re: Killershrike.com temporarily offline Thanks for keeping us in the loop. There would have been hell to pay had I accessed your page during this change over and gotten a page not found error. Scramble the fighters!
  10. Re: Fantasy Zero My current character in the Three Kingdoms campaign which is 25/25, low fantasy, no magic (yet). Broderick "The Scamp" of the Boar Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 10 DEX 0 8 CON -4 8 BODY -4 13 INT 3 8 EGO -4 13 PRE 3 20 COM 5 2 PD 0 0 ED -2 2 SPD 0 4 REC 0 16 END 0 17 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 1" SWIM -1 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: -4 Cost Skill 20 +2 Overall 0 AK: Homeland 8- 3 Acting 12- 1 Bribery 8- 1 Bureaucratics 8- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 3 Conversation 12- 3 Deduction 12- 1 Disguise 8- 3 High Society 12- 0 KS: Religion 8- 1 Language: Thranish (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 1 Oratory 8- 0 PS: Lord 11- 3 Persuasion 12- 3 Seduction 12- 0 Shadowing 8- 0 Stealth 8- 1 Streetwise 8- 0 TF: Equines 4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons Skills Cost: 48 Cost Perk 2 Money: Well Off 4 Fringe Benefit: Lord of the Boar Perks Cost: 6 Total Character Cost: 50 Pts. Disadvantage 0 Dependent NPC: Rebbecca (Broderick's older sister) 8- (Normal) 0 Distinctive Features: Handsome (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 5 Hunted: Daniel (Broderick's scheming, older brother) 8- (As Pow, NCI, Watching) 5 Psychological Limitation: Curious (Uncommon, Moderate) 5 Psychological Limitation: Doubts His Ability To Lead (Uncommon, Moderate) 5 Psychological Limitation: Feels Responsible for his Subjects (Uncommon, Moderate) 5 Psychological Limitation: Lecherous (Uncommon, Moderate) 0 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to his Father (Common, Strong) 0 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to the King (Common, Total) 0 Reputation: Scamp, 8- Disadvantage Points: 25 Base Points: 25 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  11. Re: Look ma! No INT! For the record, I was playing Devil's advocate. I do not have a problem with Multipowers. I was simply stating some of the arguments I had heard others make against Multipowers. I completely agree with you that players will save as many points as possible. All the more reason to lump all of the Limitations on the Pool instead of the Slot. They will use the same 3 or 4 Limitations on the Pool instead of mixing them up on different Slots. If you have 4 Limitations that will save you a -1 on the Pool, you are not going to take 4 different Limitations to save a -1 on each Slot. You may add 1 or 2 more Limitations on a Slot that really can not be applied to all of them.
  12. Look ma! No INT! The complaint I have heard about using Multipowers for magic is that all spells will have the same exact Limitations. Placing Limitations on the pool (which affects all slots) provides decent returns. Placing Limitations on individual slots is not worth it point wise. As an aside, I have considered building magic with Multipowers and not allowing Limitations on the pool but insisting on Limitations on the slots. This would mean there is a high 'buy in' for spells, however, adding additional spells would be cheap. There are plenty of ways of making INT important to spellcasting. Hero does not force you to make it so. It is simply up to the GM. There have been several good examples given. A few non-Hero mechanics you could use is that a spellcaster may only know INT number of spells; or INTx2. You could also say the active points of a spell may not exceed INTx2 or INTx3.
  13. Thread derailed. My work here is done. I do it for the attention.
  14. Re: Hero System and Rpg.net d02 kix heros but!!!11!!!!111 d02 4 eva!!!1111!!!1
  15. All your settings are belong to Hero I have heard it said before and I believe it has some merit. If you wish to play The System Which Shall Not Be Named, then play it. If, on the other hand, you want to play Hero in a certain setting...well, that is much easier to do. Throw out the mechanics and convert the fluff.
  16. Avast ye scurvy kobold! A pirate warforged! He can't swim. He can't drown either, so who cares?!
  17. Yeah, but... In my humble experience GMs have enough trouble trying to run three dimensional NPCs much less balance every encounter perfectly to everyone's character and/or make sure everyone gets their fair share of the spotlight. It has also been my humble experience that at least one player will min/max every half point out of their character until they outshine everyone else. Obviously, this is not an argument for nor against whether Limitations should be worth points. This is just my own 'real world' experience which makes a lot of these arguments merely academic exercises. Yes, I realize I have been playing with the wrong people. No, I have nothing against academic exercises. This is just my two cents worth that no one asked for.
  18. It's all about all de fences Why stop ad PD and ED. Why not 'One Ability to Defend them all'?
  19. Re: Possibilities With New Stats I smell FUDGE. For one short-lived Fantasy campaign I ran once, I created Mana which was derived from PRE and was basically END for Magic.
  20. Re: MtG (Fallen Empires) Hero Conversion I have not thought about Fallen Empires specifically. I have toyed with the idea of a MtG style of magic, where a practicioner's power is directly propotional to the amount of land the practicioner owns.
  21. Re: Generic DND Level and Class conversions Assuming you are thinking of running these pre-designed adventures for a group you already know, allow me to suggest another approach. Consider the type and difficulty each challenge is suppose to present and then design the encounter in Hero from the ground up with those considerations and your PCs in mind. For example, Orc (F3) + 10 Orcs would mean one challenging leader + 10 cannon fodder. The cannon fodder could be used right out of Bestiary or MMM. Add some additional skill levels and a higher BODY for your leader Orc and away you go. 5th level theif + 6th level fighter = a moderately experienced NPC with some basic combat and more advanced 'thief' type skills + a moderately experienced NPC with some more advanced combat abilities. Working from the ground up with Hero will probably take you just as much time as trying to get your 'conversion' numbers just right.
  22. Discourse on Killer Shrike's Stuff I love you, Killer Shrike, but I can not help but feel like I am studying for a college exam every time I read your stuff.
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