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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Re: A question of balance To the actual question, can we agree on the usefulness of any particular ability when point totals vary, campaigns vary, GMs and players vary…even sessions vary?
  2. Re: Invisibility vs IPE what's the fuss? Does that mean that Invisibility only gets the ½ DCV for the first shot as well?
  3. Re: Scaleable immunity One of the things I liked about Hero was that there were no absolutes. Of course that is simply a matter of preference. I generally like your approach, however, I feel 10 points is awfully cheap to be completely immune to most fire attacks. I am not really keen on adding another Advantage to compensate. Your approach seems to work well with cold as well, but what about acid, poison, radiation, ect. I really do not want to have to be a scientist to figure out how much damage everything should do. I agree that Life Support does not scale like most of the rest of Hero. I really can not offer a fix either, so I guess I should just keep my invalid criticisms to myself.
  4. Re: Vampires, RKA No Range, Continuous, Desolid I would go so far as to guess the reason it was built with Continuous was so the vampire would not have to continue to make attack rolls. I can see a bite that continues to cause damage, but I suspect this was so the vampire can roll once, grab, bite and suck for as long as needed.
  5. Forget the crunch. Convert the fluff! I have seen too many conversions get wrapped up in the numbers. Use the background material for your write ups. Personally, I think Hero accomplishes the background material better for most settings that most game systems that were specifically written for them.
  6. Re: +½ to ignore DCV or ½ DCV...you decide What I am saying is that I see IPE allowing you to make surprise attacks. IPE != Invisibility
  7. Re: Experiments in Character Construction Guns don't kill people. Bullets ripping through their bodies kill people.
  8. Re: Experiments in Character Construction Much like the ½ DCV for inability to sense an opponent. Just sayin'.
  9. Microscopic Diagnostics I can see your argument for Microscopic, but I would not require it. The Detect is built as an understanding. I do not think the understanding needs to be at the Microscopic level. Could you buy Penalty Skill Levels for Mechanics, Only vs. Penalties for Stepping Down the Time Chart?
  10. +½ to ignore DCV or ½ DCV...you decide Considering AoE, One Hex, Accurate, yes. I just never thought of it in terms of +½ to put target at ½ DCV. My gut reaction is to ban such application, but maybe it is not as bad as all that. After reviewing the rules for Inability To Sense Opponent, I concede that I was wrong. Although I do not see the rules implicitly drawing the conclusion that Invisible Power Effects are the same as say Invisibility, I think it is a very logical conclusion.
  11. Re: Diagnostics Is Microscopic really needed? I would also go with the Detect, but since this is Hero…I serve up Telepathy (Machine Class of Minds) or KS (Machines): 20-.
  12. Re: Experiments in Character Construction People don't dodge bullets, they dodge a person's aim. I believe 'in combat' targets would still be at full DCV vs. IPE. I would have to double check on that. If you want to deny target's their DCV against guns, knock yourself out. This will make gun play more deadly which may be exactly what you want. I prefer a more cinematic style.
  13. Re: Looking for input or an example on a character build idea If the Spider-Brain is truly limited in abilities, it may be simply SFX. Clairsentience, Extra-Limbs, Stretching and low level Telekinesis all with Concentration and Focus.
  14. Why do you hate VPP? It sounds like most of the effects are just attacks. I would say stick with Energy Blast and Indirect. Now, when you are ready to get creative, I say go with a Multipower or…dare I say it? Variable Power Pool. You could use Armor, Change Environment, Clairsentience, Clinging, Damage Reduction, Damage Resistance, Darkness, Density Increase, Desolidification, Dispel, Energy Blast, Enhanced Senses, Entangle, Extra Limbs, Flash, Flight, Force Field, Force Wall, Growth, Hand-to-Hand Attack, Images, Invisibility, Killing Attack, Knockback Resistance, Leaping, Missile Deflection & Reflection, Shape Shift, Stretching, Summon, Suppress, Telekinesis, Transform and Tunneling. I know some of these are generally not allowed in a Variable Power Pool without express permission. I would allow them only if an appropriate pre-defined write up was offered before play.
  15. Re: Top Eleven Adversaries of Arnold Sara Conor I have to disagree about Conan. I have not read Howard, which may have skewed my tastes.
  16. Darkness and Negative Penalty Skill Levels I like Darkness to the Smell Group. You might want to use Sticky and/or Uncontrolled with some handwavium so you can spray a mobile target and not just a hex. Sprinkle some Negative Penalty Skill Levels vs. Social Skills and maybe Concealment and Stealth?
  17. Shuuuuuuun Shuuuuuuun the non-believer. No! Wait! He has converted. Welcome. Once you have a firm understanding of the rules, you really only need the rule book. Unlike other systems which add stuff with each new book, new Hero books show you how to use the same building blocks. It's sort of like math. The numbers don't change…just their applications.
  18. Re: arcane lock Change Environment anyone? Or how about my all time favorite...Extra Dimensional Movement?
  19. Re: FH Gripes Combat Luck was my epiphany for how far you could take SFX. Of course the Wish spell from the Fantasy Hero Grimoire raped the concept and shot its dog.
  20. Re: FH Gripes What if Wolfmen don't have nards?
  21. For shizzle, Kizzle Shrizzle! I should like to add that Killer Shrike does not only offer a plethora of information for converting material from The Game Which Shall Not Be Named, but also brilliant insight into world design. His suggestions on Magic design alone are worth a look. There should be a sticky or F.A.Q. stating that no one is allowed to post to the Fantasy Hero forum until after they have reviewed Killer Shrike's site. Really.
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