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HERO Member
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Everything posted by CourtFool

  1. Sloop Got anything in a sloop?
  2. Lost another one to The System Which Shall Not Be Named …and goodbye.
  3. Llama = The Hypocrite Agreed. While the end result is much the same, one fewer Hero player, I can at least respect and agree to disagree with someone on that point. It is the refusing to 'think outside of the box' that really gets me. In all fairness, it is human nature to want to stay within one's comfort zone and I am just as guilty as anyone of this. So label me hypocrite and move on.
  4. Charges vs. Cost END In my opinion, Charges seem arbitrary and just don't 'feel right'. I much prefer some kind of END or mana design. However, this 'simple' design decision vastly changes magic application.
  5. Lost another one to The System Which Shall Not Be Named
  6. Wooden Ships WorldWorks Games' Maiden of the High Seas G.U.R.P.S. Swashbucklers has a layout for the top deck for a Galleon and a large Sloop. I found the Iron Crown Pirates supplement substandard to G.U.R.P.S. Swashbucklers. CORSAIR : The Definitive D20 Guide to Ships was far too focused on D20 to be of any use to me. I really do not need ship and crew feats. I have been searching for top deck plans as I plan for most of the action to happen there. I have also considered using appropriate scaled models. I believe 1" = 2 meters ~ 1/79 Someone please correct me if my math is off. I believe there are a few model ships in the 1/72 range. I have found quite a few wood model plans for ships which are quite detailed but rather difficult to convert into a clean plan to use for RPGs.
  7. Re: A new culture/race/realm, a good supplement? Funny you should mention Halflings. If I dislike Dwarves, I hate Halflings.
  8. I can't focus What about INT and Perception?
  9. Madness and Mayhem My opinion: M&M is simpler on the front end. Hero is simpler on the back end.
  10. Look, ma, Roman Vikings I like the idea of a 'realm' splatbook. The problem I see is maintaining a balance between vagueness so it fits anywhere and making it interesting. Cities might be easier. Just my own preference, but I have never been fond of Dwarves or their more human like stout relatives. Another problem…appealing to a large enough base. Although I guess that does not matter if you do not care about publishing.
  11. CourtFool


    ...now, about those pesky dragons... I am not a historian, but my guess would be to torture and hold people. No one can hear you scream from the bowels of the dungeon.
  12. Re: You have spoken the name that should not be uttered.
  13. Re: Help with an ability I have to go with a handfull of Crammings and/or a VPP.
  14. You have spoken the name that should not be uttered. Not all package deals are created equal.
  15. Re: Megascale Move(damage) question I do not remember off hand. I do not think Megascale increases damage. I think you still use the inches for the damage calculation whether they represent meters or gigameters. Unrealistic? Yes. Balanced? Somewhat.
  16. Re: Possible New Player/GM with Questions There is a Champions book which provides insight into how to run a supers campaign and then there is a Champions Universe book which provides a campaign setting. They have been updated to 5th edition. There is also Millennium City and Vibora Bay which provide detailed cities for your Champions Universe. You could also argue that Dark Champions and Hudson City could be useful for a four color campaign.
  17. My beef with all Hit Location charts
  18. Speed your roll So demand a explicit list before game. The character simply has not realized he/she is capable of or does not know how to do any of the tricks not on the list. Keep the list short.
  19. Re: A question of balance Fantastic. I could use some more.
  20. I call BS. I keep hearing this argument. I believe it to be a myth. Such a creature does not exist in the wild.
  21. Re: [Campaign] Firefly (Hero Central) I thought we already established that.
  22. Re: [Campaign] Firefly (Hero Central) Are you still running this and are there any openings?
  23. Re: A question of balance For me, Hero does that.
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