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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. First US president to deliberately try to start a civil war as part of his re-election campaign?
  2. As someone growing up in Canada who walked a block through a blizzard with -40 windchill to get to school, I've also never experienced a snow day
  3. It's this pattern to begin with why I deeply hate the Trump movement. Slavish devotion to a man who threatens entire states (New York, California) that he is supposed to represent.
  4. I'd love to learn about what you discover. I've been wanting to put together educational resources to break propaganda channels for a while, even just basic science educationals. So I'll be interested in what you find.
  5. I've literally been thinking about this for two weeks - that QAnon feels like an ARG someone designed. A big part of what Trump does is encourage a sense of participation. They feel involved and feel motivated.
  6. That's kind of functionally the only purpose I can pin down, here. Besides trying to influence the Georgia runoff. And that's really frightening, and also infuriating. I don't know anything about the Obama spying program, so all I can say is... if that's what justifies pulling our entire future into a possible civil unrest, I am not a happy camper.
  7. My thought is that it's red meat to throw at their base. A lot of what a congressman does is grand standing for the explicit purpose of pleasing their voters.
  8. https://medium.com/indica/i-lived-through-a-coup-america-is-having-one-now-437934b1dac3
  9. I don't disagree how similar it is. I don't know if the democrats tried the same level of legal campaigning and so on...
  10. No point in impeaching him. I'm just watching the legal stuff play out.
  11. Pretty much what I expected. Who needs voting, anyway?
  12. I think it was Turkish. But yes, this was part and parcel to the clustereff that was the Kurd events.
  13. Yeah, I'm not inclined to misuse the term 'treason'. But I will point out that the biggest Liberal scandal was Bhengazi for a while. 4 dead Americans. I feel like it would be worthwhile to put together a list of how many of those-level incidents Trump has been responsible for. Anyone remember the tweet that almost started a war with North Korea?
  14. I know it's been bad. I've been a clear doomer as you can tell. I'm remarkably sympathetic to your struggles particularly with coronavirus. But I am wholly not sympathetic even to a few friends of mine. Because, not to you but to me, I am watching the President of the most powerful country in the world absolutely refuse to acknowledge he lost and tweet relentless conspiracy theories to the end result of apparently trying to incite a civil war to stay in power. (edit- I'm trying not to be alarmist. I think this'll get worse, not better, but may take years yet to get there) I'm perfectly fine entertaining voter fraud scenarios. But everything he's sharing can unfortunately be easily disproven, as almost none of the actions they've taken in actual court have ever gone anywhere. The location where you actually need evidence to go forwards. Even the Dominion software thing is apparently based on OAN claiming a company released a report on the software... that the company itself said "no we did not release any such report". So am I supposed to say "go ahead president, try to cause a literal civil war based on innuendo alone." 😕 It's been a literal nightmare for me.
  15. Even people I know who generally are agreeable to some measures or are in the danger zone of covid are still suckered by the election conspiracy stories. Even the ones I explicitly know have been thrown out of court for lack of evidence. They clearly don't even know that component of them - they're completely subject to a pile of insubstantial rumor without details, so it's impossible to discuss any one because they genuinely lack the detail to disprove any of them.
  16. Exactly why I don't trust any of these jackals to begin with. Exactly why I hate these jackals even more than the old ones. It's almost like they are saying "how dare you not kill and murder for us based on baseless proclamations that 'feel right'." Maybe this isn't the bus you are waiting for if you ever want to vote again.
  17. Local friends still think there's so much fraud that we shouldn't call the election yet. They still quote stories that are disproven or failed in the courts due to lack of evidence. Didn't even try to talk to them about it. They are super thrilled by the hundred thousand people in Washington marching.
  18. The law firm leaving is interesting. I didn't know that about the Supreme Court. That does mean that the Electors have less justification for doing anything weird.
  19. Well, any coup is going to be through the Supreme Court. Actual deployment of military isn't realistic... at least not without the Supreme Court 'giving' him the election. So that's my main concern at this point.
  20. There are videos of Hillary literally saying that whenever Trump is losing something, he claims everything is rigged and everyone is conspiring against him. That was 4 years ago. All of this was entirely predictable. It took me and my family around 1 full year to renew our Canadian Passports, and we finished and received them pre-pandemic (because getting them would have been impossible otherwise). So yeah, we've known it was going this way. As Liaden says, things accelerated a lot because of the pandemic, but not so much apparently as I personally expected (post pandemic). So we'll see where it goes from here. Ahh... that's pretty awful. 😕 Tell them "fool facial recognition. Wear a mask."
  21. You might be right, I hope. I'm trying to be less doomer.
  22. It looks like SCOTUS has ruled on ACA. That is at least a bit of relief
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