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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. 1) they don't care or 2) they think its 'justified'. Enough people have 'suggested something's bad here this election' so it gives them a permission slip to end democracy
  2. Mussolini and the fascists managed to be simultaneously revolutionary and traditionalist;[83][84] because this was vastly different from anything else in the political climate of the time, it is sometimes described[by whom?] as "The Third Way".[85] The Fascisti, led by one of Mussolini's close confidants, Dino Grandi, formed armed squads of war veterans called blackshirts (or squadristi) with the goal of restoring order to the streets of Italy with a strong hand. The blackshirts clashed with communists, socialists, and anarchists at parades and demonstrations; all of these factions were also involved in clashes against each other. The Italian government rarely interfered with the blackshirts' actions, owing in part to a looming threat and widespread fear of a communist revolution. The Fascisti grew rapidly; within two years they transformed themselves into the National Fascist Party at a congress in Rome. In 1921, Mussolini won election to the Chamber of Deputies for the first time.[18] In the meantime, from about 1911 until 1938, Mussolini had various affairs with the Jewish author and academic Margherita Sarfatti, called the "Jewish Mother of Fascism" at the time.[86] March on Rome In the night between 27 and 28 October 1922, about 30,000 Fascist blackshirts gathered in Rome to demand the resignation of liberal Prime Minister Luigi Facta and the appointment of a new Fascist government. On the morning of 28 October, King Victor Emmanuel III, who according to the Albertine Statute held the supreme military power, refused the government request to declare martial law, which led to Facta's resignation. The King then handed over power to Mussolini (who stayed in his headquarters in Milan during the talks) by asking him to form a new government. The King's controversial decision has been explained by historians as a combination of delusions and fears; Mussolini enjoyed wide support in the military and among the industrial and agrarian elites, while the King and the conservative establishment were afraid of a possible civil war and ultimately thought they could use Mussolini to restore law and order in the country, but failed to foresee the danger of a totalitarian evolution
  3. Just felt like reminding people who honest-to-goodness people like Scottish Fox wanted to use for their opinions. I'm only noting it because SF was banned (so I'm not calling him out personally, but his reference), and because I find the conservative 'faux counterculture against the outrageous left' grift of people like Tim Pool and Crowder reprehensible.
  4. I felt like sharing some of the 'influencers' pushing for Trump's attempted coup tonight
  5. I literally thought lying about an actual pandemic would be the end of a presidents' popularity... and his entire party / news network.
  6. Herman Cain was forgotten pretty quickly. Guess we'll see how it goes this time around?
  7. One guy got a huge stink. Now we got war criminals, corrupt allies, and possible pay-for-play. What will we get for it?
  8. Do they understand that Cali has more than twice the economic power as all of Russia, with almost a third of the people? What do they think funds their armies?
  9. Since covid, we've been essentially at a Cold Civil War.
  10. The problem is the populace supporting this genuinely believe that the non-trump voters in places like Pennsylvania and Michigan aren't part of this equation. That trump had to win all four of these locations, because he just had to. The fact that there are literally millions of people who's votes don't matter to them apparently doesn't enter their thought. That, in fact, not everyone likes Trump.
  11. Essentially the new GOP strategy isn't "stop abandoning an increasingly secular and scientifically-literate youth to the perils of climate change and predatory wealth/religious-cult authoritarian leaders", it's "kill the younglings (for not listening to our lifestyle, built largely by predatory wealth/religious-cult authoritarian leaders, that will end your future anyway)" The only amazing thing to me is they managed to use overt sexism to tunnel between highly secular gamers and religious maniacs for as long as they have
  12. Already passed the raw total per year. World War II 1941–1945 1,076,245 1m/4yrs = ~250k/yr. US deaths coronavirus: 286k+/yr* (and counting) *year... since Jan, or March? I'd do March, if we are doing a war comparison. Which is relevant for the next bit: The rate of population still has some time to get there. Which who knows what this next month will do. https://www.google.com/search?q=us+population+1941 133 million in 1941 328 million in 2019 ratio of 2.46616541353 250k/yr*2.46=615k/yr
  13. And threats and violence for years to come. (edited to clear brief old rant. just wasn't happy with it)
  14. https://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSKBN28H2V1 (edit, ignore this. I mathed completely wrong) So... the FCC is giving 2 million dollars per household to set up broadband in rural areas~ Also this. So I can add fearing for my life from my neighbors murdering me for no reason, as a part of their 'new political movement with Trump'. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-arizona-gop-asks-supporters-if-theyre-willing-to-die-to-overturn-trumps-election-loss/ar-BB1bKoNU
  15. Wow. Just wow. I shouldn't be surprised, but wow. Where's this?
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