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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/05/politics/pennsylvania-state-senate-gop/
  2. You may be right on that. My apologies! Got it. :X Yeah, I have nothing but contempt for those individuals. Wholly agree I wonder how much of the operational equipment (mail, laptops, etc) were recovered so far? That seems like an infosec / opsec / etc nightmare
  3. I won't call everyone supporting that crazed foolery such things But I posted that interview literally to explain/show how a lot of the media people arguing for unity argue in a completely, utterly, disingenuous manner. literally pushing nazi manifesto concerns as 'not really racism but valid concerns' while simultaneously arguing the other person is 'just as racist' The thought leaders of this movement are pure cancer
  4. I feel it's necessary to completely outline how this stuff was behaving 2 years ago. Exactly what they are and have been doing to pretend it's not a problem and to force their meaningless points to make themselves look good. "More white people die than black people!" And he pushed and pushed that, and pushed and pushed to try and make him sound 'anti semetic' as a fun game. It's literally playing the game of "I'm not a nazi" and "we are both basically nazis!" at the same time.
  5. They don't care. The point is sides, not honesty. I literally blocked a friends' friend trying to discuss this stuff with me because I saw through their dishonesty almost immediately. If you want to listen to a breathing example of rationalized dishonesty and how they try and use it to manipulate a conversation, listen to this. Eye the text stream comments if you don't "get it"
  6. Sort of, but I don't trust him to not attempt another coup. Hell, I don't trust him not to build contacts and supports for another coup in the oncoming years, especially if his 2024 campaign doesn't look too hot...
  7. DJT sent them at armed guards at Capitol Hill, either anticipating there wouldn't be sufficient protection for congress (!) or expecting there was, meaning he was expecting his supporters might get shot at. Which puts it into perspective when he said, or started to say "I'll be there with you!" and then never showed up I WONDER WHY
  8. The 'legal' and political coup attempts for the last couple months. You know, since the election...
  9. And in Trump's speech he essentially set himself up for a 2024 election run. Because he literally is maximizing damage to everything and everyone. I still think things are going to get worse over the next two weeks. I don't think he can actually help himself. Even if so, how do you all think the next election cycle will go? For someone who literally caused a coup?
  10. Please, I wholly appreciate any and all video that we can collate of the event. Because I want to counter all the BS I'm already hearing. From 'antifa did it' to 'they were just chilling and standing around'. I agree except maybe for those who entered the building. Those people can go eff off.
  11. I doubt he even believes in that... I mean, other than the fact that he obviously is wholly fine with it and probably is more than a little racist. But does he fervently 'believe and would advance this agenda at any cost'? I don't think so? But it's probably the only thing I can think of that he has advanced so thoroughly. Other than that, what cause or agenda or aid has he provided at all?
  12. More on why I keep on saying its the propaganda that's helping create this situation From the day before the insurrection event oh yes, he was apparently there for it Plus this
  13. Yeah. A lot of people are going 'why are you guys reacting so badly' when there's a big difference between protests against violence from the cops in their own cities clashing with cops, and literally trying to attack (and probably kill) the governing bodies to literally install Trump as dictator for life. None the least of which... do you (you as in the 'royal, general you' of the 'audience' I am speaking to) actually think installing Trump stands for something? Other than Trump? Whatever symbol you want to make of it is a clear lie because you know Trump doesn't actually care about any of it. It's an effort deliberately to 'revolution' over Trump and what Trump wants, and nothing more. Anything more meaningful or beneficial than that will not happen, will not come, because he does not care about any of it. Just himself. He even freaking said "I'll be there with you!" and went home to watch on TV and tweet about it
  14. Exactly. They know/think the US is prime for collapse now, and they want to be in prime position for feasting on its 'corpse'.
  15. I literally doubt he has the willpower to prevent himself from causing as much damage to his perceived enemies (read, everyone who doesn't adore him) as opportunistically possible. Only his sheer inability to make preparations and coordinate with people in a way that reasonably asserts other people exist is preventing him from doing so.
  16. For thirty years I listened to people like Limbaugh and Alex Jones figuratively and literally call their opponents literal demons, and push to consider democratic voters enemies. I'm not disagreeing, I'm all for outreach. But letting those people lie unchallenged for decades is literally the other part of this equation.
  17. We are going to see more activity like what happened in Nashville on Christmas now 😕 Not just in the US either, but focused there.
  18. Given I blame him and his predecessors for creating this, I wouldn't be surprised. Pretty much exactly. The real question is what the military will do. I don't make any guesses there.
  19. I mean, this is literally rejection of reality for the innuendo of conspiracy. Only one of those two validates their feelings. They just have to ignore the numbers and look at all of the (carefully tailored) innuendo 'evidence' Keep in mind those feelings have been crafted over decades by right wing media. If you want someone to blame, look at Tucker Carlson, Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and the new generation of grifters like Tim Pool and Crowder
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