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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Re: Addition to the core library Going beyond the above would start edging too far in the direction of "The Big Book of Hero Character Classes"...
  2. Re: battle Wear vs. Town Wear Bad GMs. I've had more than enough experiences with them in my gaming career.
  3. Re: What can you do with five points? Retire: 5 pts Wealth
  4. Re: First Contact Could Be Tomorrow! 15 points of Wealth, please. And a 60 PRE, 60 INT and 60 EGO.
  5. Re: battle Wear vs. Town Wear Why would a fantasy world with active heroic adventurers have the same social standards as a modern, First World nation?
  6. Re: My Players looted the room I have never had good luck with a "playing the origin" game, whether the one time I tried to GM such, or the nigh-uncountable times one GM I used to PBeM game with tried to run such. Even when the players knew that the "origin event" was coming, it's never been a fun experience.
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS POWERS: What Do *You* Want To See? So mainly a compendium of power writeups... I can't think of anything that the above description wouldn't cover that really fits the "critical omission" criterion.
  8. Re: Time Travel in Sci Fi and Games....The Good, The Bad, and the Oh so Ugly... Said conflict was actually
  9. Re: A couple of brain cells connected... Yet there is still some science: "Apply the pigment in this way to produce this result" at a minimum. Color mixing, which minerals work best as sculpting media, what clays have the right consistency for pottery... art is not independent of nor in opposition to science, but is an aesthetic application thereof.
  10. Re: My Players looted the room Here's another question: are you running the game as a "resource scrounge"? Can these 4 color supers get access to whatever mundane "stuff" they might want (so long as it provides flavor rather than game mechanical advantage), or are they "scraping by"?
  11. Re: Strangest Perk you've seen? 1 Knows what time it is, and cares
  12. Re: Time Travel in Sci Fi and Games....The Good, The Bad, and the Oh so Ugly... There's an obscure time travel game called Continuum that has (IMO) an absolutely awesome and highly playable take on time travel; so much so that I wouldn't want to play time travel any other way. The tagline for the game is: "If you could learn to span time at will... what form of civilization would you be entering?"
  13. Re: Taser Shockwave Because they are intended to be used by infantry. And they still don't issue them to tankers...
  14. Re: What Happened to the Hominids Who Were Smarter Than Us? Boskop... Boskone... Coincidence? I think not!
  15. Re: What Happened to the Hominids Who Were Smarter Than Us? With full sarcasm, yes I did.
  16. Re: What Happened to the Hominids Who Were Smarter Than Us? I like the "They moved to the stars" option; they probably named themselves after the Navigators that took them there. After all this time, though, they've probably shortened the name...
  17. Re: Wold Newton As long as FutureMan doesn't go insane and decide to destroy all humanity in order to save the future- what? Oh, that's right... Sorry.
  18. Re: What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world Sapient mana?
  19. Re: Expanding the 6E Character Abilities Guidelines and Characteristics Comparison Ta Honestly, I have no beef with the published tables and thus have no need to create my own.
  20. Re: Wold Newton Actually, my personal edits* tend toward the following: 1. Dropping characters/source material I don't know well or am unfamiliar with. 2. Dropping some connections to open them up for GM or Player use. FREX, I like to use the "core" families (Savage and Clayton) as ancestors of contemporary PCs or NPCs, so I edit the descending family lines accordingly. *I call this "de-cluttering". (I also "de-clutter" the Champions Universe whenever I use it, albeit using different criteria.)
  21. Re: Wold Newton I have given consideration to using the Wold Newton material, edited for personal taste.
  22. Re: What styles are going to be covered in 6E Ultimate Martial Arts? IIRC, 4e Ninja Hero had optional rules for creating the kind of maneuvers found in Strike Force. Emphasis on "optional"...
  23. Re: How can you make the stone age cool? GURPS Lands out of Time covers a "humans and dinosaurs" setting that could easily be limited to Stone Age tech.
  24. Re: A couple of brain cells connected... Then how can magic be taught?
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