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Everything posted by Armitage

  1. Re: Power Game. Give it a try. Takofanes' VPP has Change Environment 1" with enough MegaScale that the hex engulfs the entire planet (turning the Sun black), so that's apparently not illegal. H5R, p. 242. "Characters may not apply the Attack Versus Limited Defense or No Normal Defense Advantages to Tunneling as a cheap way of Tunneling through any substance regardless of its DEF." If you made it NND (Force Wall), you could bury anyone who wasn't protected by a Force Wall, as long as the ground was DEF 3 or less, but that's all.
  2. Re: How do I build: Foci enhanced powers Start by designing the basic Multipower, without the Focus enhancements. The enhancements could then be done as an Aid, with enough Variable Effect to increase the Reserve and all of the Slots simultaneously, or just the slots if the Reserve is already bigger. In the Focus description, there's a section on Multiple Foci. In a nutshell, if a Power requires more than one Focus, but operates at reduced effectiveness if only some of the Foci are lost, the value of the Limitation is reduced by -1/4. So if you had a 4 Slot Multipower and 5 OAFs, one for each slot and one for the Reserve, it would be a -3/4 Limitation on the Aid.
  3. According to the write-up of the Concealment Holster in the Equipment Guide, levels of Concealment Skill, only to hide one particular item, have a -2 Limitation. Would the same or a lesser Limitation apply to levels with a Skill that can only be used with one particular Power that has Requires a Skill Roll? e.g. Mega-Sensor 1) Sensor: Detect [something] 14-, OAF (-1), Requires a Systems Operation Skill Roll (-1/2). 2) Expert System: +2 Systems Operation, OAF (-1), Only for Mega-Sensor RSR Rolls (-x). Would the Likmitation on Slot 2 be -2 as well, or less?
  4. Re: A Focus that can Shrink to be hid. A small knife has a +0 PER Modifier for concealment. A sword has a +4 to +6 PER Modifier for concealment; we'll use +5 for the example. Using the Concealment Holster from the Equipment Guide as a base: Shrinking Sword: +5 with Concealment (10 Active Points); Only to Hide the Special Sword (-2), OAF (-1). Total cost: 2 points. You could then conceal the sword on your person as easily as a pocket knife, the special effect being that it actually turns into a pocket knife.
  5. Re: Slow reload/flintlocks, muskets etc. Something similar is in the FAQ: Q: I’d like to build a weapon for my character that has a “cool-down†period between uses. How can I represent this? A: With Extra Time, more specifically defined: Extra Time (must have been at least [X interval of time] since last use). The value depends upon the shortest possible interval between uses, and since it won’t affect the first use in most encounters, the GM will probably want to reduce the value slightly.
  6. Armitage


    Re: x3 Toren Atkinson, lead singer of the Cthulhu-rock band The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, was a mutant extra as well. I'll have to find out if he made it on screen.
  7. Re: Help a confused mind The net character points added to the character (Powers minus Disadvantages) are divided by 5 and added to the target's BODY to determine the amount of Transform damage needed. e.g. Adding 100 points of powers and 20 points of Disadvantages to a character with 12 BODY. 12 + ((100-20)/5) = 28. So it would require 56 points of Transform damage to complete the change.
  8. You have a character with a cybernetic implant that leats him plug a CD or DVD into his head and play it using his optic and auditory nerves instead of a screen and speakers. Play, Stop, Fast Forward and Rewind. That's all. The power seems similar to Read Data in UNTIL Superpowers Database 2. Rapid can be removed, since he can't scan the disk any faster than he could watch on TV. Discriminatory would be needed, since basic Detect would simply tell him how much was on the disk. But would Analyze be needed to fully view the contents? Or since it's such a trivial effect with no impact on combat, would you make it a 3 point Detect like the various minor Detect-based Talents? There is a big difference between being able to extract data from a computer with your mind and watching a DVD in your head.
  9. Assuming the following power construct: Transmit with Normal Sight (2 Active Points); OAF (-1), Sense Affected As Normal Sight and Radio (-1/4) if you applied MegaScale as a Naked Modifier to increase the range of Transmit, would the cost be based on the 2-point Transmit or the 27-point Normal Sight with Transmit?
  10. And I use the term very loosely. The Justice Society of Justice. Indianapolis, Indiana. Interviews with Mr. Silent and Doktor DiscorD. http://www.comicbookresources.com/columns/index.cgi?column=litg&article=2360 http://www.comicbookresources.com/columns/index.cgi?column=litg&article=2366 And their MySpace pages. http://www.myspace.com/deaconaeon http://www.myspace.com/doktordiscord Ignoring the fact that they're super-heroes with MySpace pages... Doktor DiscorD really bugs me with the whole "I'm Kewl. You can tell because I can't spell." "cops are [expletive]s. no one likes you when you're a cop. they drive around with a superiority complex, getting fat on public funds and usually harass people who've done absolutely nothing besides being black, being young, and having fun" Good way to cultivate a positive relationship with the authorities. "We also don’t concern ourselves with drugs." Translation: We don't want to annoy our dealer.
  11. Re: HERO 5th LARP? Why there are no pre-existing super-hero LARPs...
  12. Sentinel, a third-generation legacy hero. He's the grandson of one of the world's first costumed super-heroes. Renegade, a third-generation legacy villain. She's the granddaughter of one of the world's first costumed super-villains. Their grandfathers were arch-enemies. Their fathers were arch-enemies. They...fell in love. She never really wanted to be a villain. She was perfectly happy doing graduate work at the university, but her father and grandfather insisted she enter the "family business". So it was fortunate when Sentinel arrived to deal with her first criminal endeavor and quickly realized her heart wasn't in it. They stopped fighting and started talking, and things continued from there. Now, whenever her family plans a crime for her, she makes a phone call and Sentinel is waiting to stop her. As a result, she's only wanted for a string of Disturbing the Peace charges, having never gotten a chance to commit an actual crime. Her family is becoming convinced that she's the unluckiest villain in history, or that the latest Sentinel has added psychic powers to his repertoire. Neither one has found the right way to tell their family, and they are both all too familiar with the Montagues and Capulets. Something has to give, and soon.
  13. Re: Mystery Men write-ups? I just found some posts that were made to rec.games.frp.super-heroes back in 1999. Mr. Furious http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/984e21c337a34f9a The Shoveler http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/b4618b10d6d5d9b7 Blue Raja http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/faa0c4ed8c2c6535 The Bowler (Ball designed as a Follower) http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/7329533f3954acf0 Carmine the Bowler (The Ball) http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/d8d9240c5e9f4fc0 The Spleen http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/b5cc15339971d89c Invisible Boy http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/71143258d909bcff The Sphinx http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/6a0d9200f9179cf3 Captain Amazing http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.frp.super-heroes/msg/c1ba61c776fe2e54
  14. Re: Laser targeter? Combining the Limitations in Dark Champions with the bonuses from 5ER. +1 OCV, +1 vs. RMod. OAF, Real Weapon, Limited Range (64"; -1/4), Not in Adverse Conditions (-1/4). Adverse conditions referring to smoke, fog, brightly colored background, etc. For rifles you could add Required Hands Two Handed. I definitely don't use the +2 OCV, +8 vs. RMod in Dark Champions/Hero System Equipment Guide. But the Telescopic Sights are messed-up too.
  15. If you have a Major Transform that induces amnesia, do you need Based on ECV if the special effect is a drug that physically prevents the brain from accessing the memories and it could be resisted by someone with a strong enough physiology, i.e. BODY higher than the Transform damage?
  16. Re: Help: Elephant Man? If you want a less natural-looking elephant man, there's the Great Old One Chaugnar Faugn. The best image a quick Google search produced is about half-way down this page. http://www.ociojoven.com/article/articleview/950847/1/101/
  17. Re: Replacing the AP Advantage Although Killing Attacks with this variant tend to do more BODY than straight attacks when the defenses are about equal to the damage. The STUN ends up less though. 2d6 KA, AP (7 BODY, 19 STUN, -6 DEF) 3d6 KA (11 BODY, 29 STUN) Against 8 DEF, the AP KA would do 5 BODY and 17 STUN. The standard KA would do 3 BODY and 21 STUN. 2d6 KA, APx2 (7 BODY, 19 STUN, -12 DEF) 4d6 KA (14 BODY, 37 STUN) Against 12 DEF, the AP KA would do 7 BODY and 19 STUN. The standard KA would do 2 BODY and 25 STUN.
  18. Re: Replacing the AP Advantage I use a variant rule that was described in an old issue of Adventurer's Club. Armor Piercing reduces the target's defenses by 1 per DC of the attack. Buying AP multiple times causes multiple reductions and part of an attack can be AP as well. 2d6 Killing Attack, Armor Piercing. Target has -6 Defenses. 2d6 Killing Attack, Armor Piercing x2. Target has -12 Defenses. 2d6 Killing Attack, 1d6 bought Armor Piercing. Target has -3 Defenses. Hardened Defenses negate Armor Piercing equal to their PD/ED per level of Hardening. 15 PD/ED, 5 Hardened would provide 14 vs. the first attack, 8 vs. the second and 15 vs. the third.
  19. Re: Best way to model a booming voice? Ultimate Metamorph, page 154. Size Alteration Powers. Stentorian Voice Hearing Group Images Increased Size (1,000" radius; +2 1/2), +4 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (68 Active Points); Set Effect (Only to make character's voice really loud; -1), Instant (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Limited Effect Normal Hearing (-1/4). Total cost: 21 points. The radius could be reduced if you didn't need people 2 kilometers away to hear you.
  20. Re: Nickelback "Saving Me" Power - SPOILER!!! In the Wild Cards series, there's an ace gang leader named Warlock who claims to have the power to curse his enemies so that they die within 24 hours. In reality, he has the psionic ability to perceive a "mark" on the face of someone who's going to die within 24 hours. GURPS Wild Cards designed it as Precognition, Only to See Imminent Death, Always On. So maybe Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Only to Perceive Imminent Death (-2), Precognition Only (-1), No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2), Vague and Unclear (-1/2). Total cost: 14 points. He also affects vampiric behavior to cover the fact that he's terrified of mirrors for fear of seeing the mark on his own face.
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