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Everything posted by Armitage

  1. Re: Battle of Detroit Dead List? There was an Icestar who was a member of the Champions 1st-3rd Edition. He was also a member of the team in the Champions and League of Champions comics. Off to find the issue with his stats... High STR, CON and INT, superhuman DEX, increased PD and ED. Multipower with Ice Blast EB, Ice Shard RKA, Ice Entangle and Radius Ice Entangle. Elemental Control with ground-level Flight (Ice Slide), Ice Force Wall and Ice Armor (costs END to activate). Vulnerable to fire, adrenaline junkie, sucker for a pretty face, brash and arrogant.
  2. Re: Ultimate Brick "Realistic" Throwing Tables [Nitpick] It was actually Dean Shomshak who originated the equations and tables in "How Far Did Grond Throw You?" in Adventurerer's Club #20.[/Nitpick] I won't reproduce the meat of the article here; legal reasons, or whatever. Horizontal distance was calculated as (Initial Velocity x cos45) x Travel Time Doubling the force (+5 STR) doubles the initial velocity and doubles the travel time as well (the equation used was T = (V x sin 45)/5). Since both factors in the distance are doubled, the range is quadrupled. The thrown object is thrown at a greater velocity and it gets higher before gravity slows it down and brings it back to Earth so it stays airborne longer. Personally, I've never been good at ballistic trajectory equations.
  3. Re: Ok, this is a Stargate question? I think the Earth ships use Asgard hyperdrives. They're Porches to the Goa'uld's VW Beetles. The Asgard live in another galaxy and have no trouble stopping in to visit Earth regularly.
  4. Re: Help with Psych Lim Some possibilities from The Master List of Limitations http://www.globalguardians.com/masterlists/masterlistindex.php Mad As A Hatter Very Common, Total: 25 Points Type: Psychological Limitation Description: This is the classic "Joker" Disadvantage, and represents a character who is not only insane, but is fucking bonkers on top of it. A character with this Disadvantage does random and possibly odd things for any reason or for no reason at all. His mind is so disconnected from reality that he sees no reasons behind anything, and wants none. He is capable of killing or sparing, on a whim, and often engages in seemingly random actions for inconceivable reasons. He speaks nonsense and non sequitur, and prefers it that way. The character cannot act in a rational manner, even when world-threatening circumstance requires it. Player Characters should not be allowed to take this Disadvantage. Certifiably Insane Infrequently, Minor: 5 Points Frequently, Minor: 10 Points | Frequently, Major: 15 Points Very Frequently, Severe: 20 Points Type: Social Limitation Description: It is a matter of public record that the character was institutionalized for insanity. How well this is known is indicated by the frequency. At the minor level, the character is "much better now" and allowed to walk around freely. However, those who find insanity unpleasant to think about will avoid the character, some employers will not hire him, and any "crazy-sounding" statements will be viewed with extreme suspicion. At the major level, the character is still considered insane, and will be locked up and/or drugged if he does not escape. At the severe level, the treatment the character will receive is lobotomy or euthanasia. It is not necessary for the character to be insane to take this Disadvantage, or indeed to take any Psychological Limitations whatsoever. After all, just because you aren't delusional doesn't mean they won't lock you up for screaming about robot assassins sent from the future. Just ask Sarah Connor. Creepy Very Frequently, Minor: 15 Points | Very Frequently, Major: 20 Points Type: Social Limitation Description: Something about the character makes people's hackles rise, and raises goosebumps. They feel very uncomfortable around the character, no matter how personable he may be. At the minor level, this merely makes people avoid the afflicted person. He will find it difficult to be invited to social gatherings unless his presence is mandatory, and seldom has good luck with romance. At the major level, people will actively attempt to drive him off, by force if necessary.
  5. Re: Reality TV and your Hero The Amazing Super-Zeroes webcomic http://www.amazingsuperzeroes.com/index.php At the begining of the comic the team is formed from the winners of a reality show.
  6. Re: Playing cards as offensive weapons... Ricky Jay, the guy who played Captain Amazing's publicist in "Mystery Men". He's a former stage magician. According to a Google search, his record is throwing a card 190 feet at 90 miles per hour.
  7. Re: Undetectable Firearms One of the Power Examples for Invisible Power Effects is a Plastic Pistol: RKA, Invisible to Metal Detectors (+1/4). H5R, p. 261. The value of IPE is halved if only either the source or special effect is Invisible, not both, i.e., an invisible gun with visible shots or a visible gun with invisible shots. Or you could just declare it a Special Effect, the same way a character with a stone club wouldn't buy it Invisible to metal detectors. It simply isn't what the detector detects. If necessary, you could balance it with a slightly lower Focus DEF or a greater chance of malfunctioning, or something.
  8. Re: Recharging Things? H5R, p. 112. Adjustment Powers. "With the GM's permission, a character can use an Adjustment Power just to affect a target power's Charges. Divide the Active Points in the power by the number of Charges it has. Using the resulting "point total" for each Charge, apply the adjustment Power as per normal." So in your example, 5 points of Aid would restore 1 Charge to the RKA until it faded or the Charges were used.
  9. Re: Zero-G Martial Arts Help Breakaway-Custom Maneuver, +1 OCV, +2 DCV, Shove +10 STR (target moves back 1" per 10 STR), Target falls, must follow escape. 4 points. Choke-Choke Hold with OCV penalty reduced to -1. +1 point. Escape-standard Martial Escape. Grab-Martial Grab affecting 3 limbs instead of 2. +1 point. Joint Break-Standard maneuver. -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab 1 limb, 2 DC KA, no hit location damage reduction. 5 points. Nerve Pinch-Nerve Strike with +1 OCV instead of -1, must follow Grab. 4 points. Reversal-Standard maneuver. -1 OCV, -2 DCV, +15 STR to Escape, Grab with same attack. 4 points.
  10. Re: Zero-G Martial Arts Help Zero Gravity Combat, UMA p. 86 Breakaway (Shove/Thow hybrid following Escape) Choke Escape Grab Joint Break Nerve Pinch Reversal
  11. Re: Wow....that is a useless power for sure.... Inspired by a short-lived super-hero named Grasshopper I found while wandering Wikipedia. Leaping 2", MegaScale (1" = 1,000 km; +1); Upward Movement Only (-1) (Life Support sold separately)
  12. Re: Wow....that is a useless power for sure....
  13. Re: Anybody out there playing Doctor Who Hero? Re: the Cybermen write-up. I haven't seen Army of Ghosts/Doomsday. Does the gold vulnerability come up in these episodes? The fake Cybus Industries website that the BBC created mentions that some of the early Upgrade prototypes had an unusual allergy to gold, but they corrected the problem before going into production. http://www.cybusindustries.net/lumic.htm "Of course there were always going to be teething troubles. Some of the early designs appeared to be allergic to gold, but we were able to eradicate that in the later stages of development."
  14. Re: Modular Bionics Essentially, I'm adapting the bionics from GURPS Ultra-Tech 1 and 2. Bionics normally look completely natural, unless you buy cheap models which provide a Distinctive Feature. They normally can't be removed (Restrainable -1/4, as is normal for cybernetics), but there are versions which can be snapped on and off a modular socket and versions which can be removed in a few minutes with electronics tools (which would be Inaccessible). So if they're Accessible, normal limbs would be IAF. OAF would be the cheaper gleaming silver arm with red LEDs running down its length.
  15. Re: Autofire question And that's only because the amount of Autofire needed for the 16,666 shots per Segment it's actually capable of would be disgusting.
  16. Re: Modular Bionics It snaps into a modular housing that's specifically designed for ease of removal. If someone knows it's there, a grab and a firm twist will pop it free.
  17. If you have a bionic limb that someone could remove in a few seconds by twisting it in its socket, would you call that Accessible?
  18. Re: Entangle that costs end to maintain? The Ultimate Speedster has several Entangles that have to be maintained by the character or they immediately disappear. They use the Lockout Limitation, although the character in question has to spend a Half Phase Action maintaining the Entangle rather than spending END. As Killer Shrike said, you could also just make the Entangle Susceptible to not having END pumped into it. It wouldn't have to be Continuous, it just wouldn't heal then.
  19. Re: Anybody out there playing Doctor Who Hero?
  20. I thought I remembered seeing this in a rulebook somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. If several Powers are provided by a Focus and the nature of the Focus causes a Side Effect, is the Limitation applied to all of the Powers or just one (maybe the largest)? e.g. an OIF spacesuit provides Armor and Life Support, but the suit's gloves impose a -3 penalty on all manual DEX-related rolls.
  21. Re: The First Trademarkable image. Marketing. Endorsements. IMC, the first hero to don a costume did so on the advice of his publicist.
  22. Re: Wow....that is a useless power for sure.... Actually, that was the guy Pyre-Archer mentioned. He was a lounge singer who specialized in songs with colors in the title and he'd change color to match. During an interview he said "If I'm an Ace, I'd hate to see a Deuce", coining the term. He committed suicide after being blacklisted during the McCarthy Hearings. (It's so sad that I didn't even have to look that up.)
  23. Re: A third sense type A sensor that detects emitted or reflected radar waves without generating them itself. Passive Radar Wikipedia A radar detector would qualify, detecting vehicles by their own navigational radar. Or detectors using someone else's radar as the signal source, like they used in World War II. There are also systems that can detect aircraft using reflected ambient TV, FM radio and cellular phone signals.
  24. I'm assuming the answer to this is yes, but I couldn't find it explicitly stated, so I figured I'd ask. Is throwing considered inherently partially Indirect, like Stretching, since you can throw objects over intervening obstacles in the proper circumstances? e.g. throwing a grenade over a car to hit someone crouching behind it, or throwing a car to hit another vehicle parked behind a low hill. Obviously, in both cases you'd be 0 OCV for your inability to perceive the target, but that's why you use Area Effect attacks.
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