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Everything posted by Lyinggod

  1. Thanks. That group, up until, recently had been playing d20 & Starfinder ?. Friday’s tend to be bad for me so I must keep searching ?
  2. I am looking for a HERO (or any non-d20) game of any genre in Kitsap county or East Jefferson county in Washington State; Silverdale, Pouslbo, Bremerton, Port Orchard, etc is all good. PM me if anyone knows of a group that has room for a reliable player. I am very rusty at GMing but I would be willing to share in the duties once I am up to speed. If you find this and it’s an old post, feel to PM me if this applies to you. If I've found a group, we may need players or I may still be in search of the mythically elusive “non-d20” game. Thanks
  3. 142 downloads

    This is the Hero System Universe Timeline written by Steven S. Long and based on work by Steve Peterson and Steven S. Long. I found this online and noticed that it was not available here. It is a 4 page high level brief description of the significant events in the Hero System Timeline from 100,000 BC (before the Turakian Age) through the year 3000 A.D...It was written for 5th edition but it is version agnostic.
  4. Version 1.1


    This is an Excel spreadsheet that generates Hero Designer prefabs using Custom Skills and Custom Powers. It works best for creating lists of items such as equipment. It does not add (or extract) advantages or limitations though these can be added in Hero Designer. It can separate groups of data into Lists. Once appropriate data has been entered, paste the resulting output in to an empty HDP file. For Equipment: Captures Name, Description, Price, and Weight. For Skills: Captures Name, Description, Skill cost, End Cost, Skill roll. Options for custom skill or skills using the Power Skill For Powers: Captures Name, Description, Real Cost, End Cost Description Example: Given the following block of text if entered in the Description area of the spreadsheet: <i>Creates a small bubble of acid that is hurled at the target</i><p>Ranged Killing Attack 1 point (vs. PD), Penetrating (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (15 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) This is applied to the Display area of a HD power resulting in: (Note italics and separation of first and second line. Creates a small bubble of acid that is hurled at the target Ranged Killing Attack 1 point (vs. PD), Penetrating (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (15 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) Instructions are included for use and sample data to get a better idea of how this works. This was designed in the Open Office spreadsheet and converted to XLS. I have not been able to verify its full functionality in Excel. If there are issues or questions, please let me know.
  5. I have been mulling this over and after some thought, it seems that this is not the best idea. The use of the 3rd die as a "wild" die seems that weights the values of the overall die roll as to how the magic goes wonky (positive, negative, or neutral). It seems to me that using 2 matching dice for pairs and then a 4th die as the "wild" die makes the overall distribution of wonky magic more uniform. I haven't worked the math on this, but it feels better to me. This is still a work in progress so I might go back to the 3rd die as a wild die option but for now.....
  6. Thanks for your extensive response. My group is all D&D players who don't currently understand the Hero System spell/power creation and therefore we are using the spells from the Hero System 5th edition Grimoires I & II. I am using -1 / 20 AP for the magic roll as a -1/10 seems a bit high to me especially considering the wild magic effects. In my campaign, magic is based on the weaving of magical threads to create desired spells. The threads are slippery and akin to knitting with wet spaghetti noodles and sometimes the spells shift a little or a lot but not.to the.point of spell failure. I am looking to put together a system where magic can be unstable at any time, not just on a failure. I liked an earlier post suggesting that on rolling 3 of kind on the magic roll, regardless of success, results in spell slippage. I developed this to include the idea that on a roll of 3 of a kind the player rolled an extra die to determine if the Minor Side Affect (or Major on a critical) manifested; positive, negative, or neutral. I didn't do the math at the time but your post inspired me to look into this. It turns out to be about 2.7% of 3 of a kind occurring. 10% seems to be a better number to me. I also want to keep the number of dice rolled to a minimum as I am already getting some flack of having to roll to activate spells and spell to hit rolls (unlike D&D!) :/ I need to mull this over further. Perhaps, make double use of the Magic Roll where two of a kind (same color dice) results in slippage (16% chance) and the third different color die used to determine the positive, negative, neutral result while the total if the 3 determine actual success or failure. Thanks for your suggestions
  7. This is specifically for a post apocalyptic campaign (ie: Thundarr) that I am developing. Magic has returned to the world but, unlike most fantasy worlds, there are no magic colleges or long term spell development. Casters generally have to figure it out for themselves. Controlling magic is like fishing with dynamite while blind folded; crude but generally effective if you throw it correctly. The assembly of magic spells I'd like weaving​ of threads that could unravel before the spell is complete, or slip a bit, thereby resulting in the quirky or disastrous effects. This is the dealing that I am trying to capture.
  8. I am looking to design a magic system where magic cannot be easily controlled and it is realtively easy to loose control of magical energies. The current idea that I am working with is something like: Roll of 3: Overpowered results, effective active points & advantages double in spell or other very excessive effect (GM's choice) Roll made by 4+: 50% increase in effective active points and advantages in spell or other excessive effect (GM's choice). Roll missed by less then 4: Fizzle, pop, Sparks or other some sfx. Roll missed by 4+: negative effect similar to mad by 4+. Roll missed by -10 or rolled 18: negative equivalent of rolling a 3. Does anyone​ have any better ideas on how to better capture this chaotic wild magic effect?
  9. I have uploaded the export template that I use create package deals similar to what is found in the various genre books. Hopefully some will find it useful. http://www.herogames.com/forums/files/file/378-basic-package-deal-export-template/
  10. Version 1.0


    This generates an unformatted HTML output that is similar in layout to package deals/templates as found in the Hero System genre books with a few minor modifications. The actual output is intended to be pasted into a layout program such as Indesign, Scribus, Word, Openoffice, etc. where the actual final formatting is applied. The attached images include examples of actual HTML output, the output pasted in to a text editor (in this case NOTEPAD), and the final result of formatting in a layout program. This uses javascript to overcome some quirks with Hero Designer export templates. The output has only been tested in the Chrome browser so your mileage may vary. I have included documentation within the HDE file that hopefully make things clear as to how it works and why it works the way it does.
  11. I am doing something similar for a post apocalyptic game using Indesign. I have a Hero Designer template that outputs a tab seperated output similar out to the package deals/templates in the books. I can upload it here if you are interested.
  12. Version 1


    This is for campaigns where the point cost of the spell to the character is not the "correct" real cost. Example: The actual real cost of a spell is 30 real point (100 active cost). If, in the campaign, all spells cost 3 characters points then when the character buys this new spell then the spell from this prefab is added to the regular character sheet to reflect/track the expenditure of 3 character points. A second character sheet/HD file is used to track the actual spell and mechanical information (power, limitations, advantages, etc) plus END cost. Designed for 5e and 6e, This is a list of the spells names from the Hero System Grimoire I. They have been converted to 3 point Custom Powers and POWER skills for campaigns that treat spells as either individual skills or charge a fixed cost for each spell. These default to treat all spells skills as INT based and all CUSTOM POWER spells as 3 point spells. Instructions are included that hopefully make it easy to change the skill base characteristics and point costs in mass. You will still need the Hero Designer Grimoire I HD pack and/or Grimoire I book for the mechanics/descriptions of the spells.
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