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Posts posted by Maccabe

  1. I often find myself without a group yet with 1 player. For fun I imagine trying to run a serious campaign and I wonder if anyone here has had any luck running a Solo game without the NPC 'sidekicks' being "Martin Stew" types. How many NPC's would you create for such a "team"?

    Genre isn't really an issue, though Silver Age Television style seems the best for such a venture.

  2. I'm pretty sure it's some form of MIND CONTROL or TELEPATHY, based on CON,no range, etc.

    My problem is at what level, how many d6's? HERO isn't great for absolutes but I've never heard of anyone resisting the effect of truth serum.

  3. Re: Spell Resistance


    Magic Resistance: Force Wall (ED), Self Only,Only vs Magical Attacks, All or Nothing, Persistant.


    That way you can set the Resistance equal to [2.5 x ED], thus 4 ED= 10% Resistance [ I play-tested this]

    Magcial Attacks Only doesn't cover things that effect ED like breath weapons

    All or Nothing means that low powered spells [those less then say 4DC] will NOT affect the character but "higher level" ones will FULLY effect them

  4. Re: Jokes


    Question:What caused Adam & Eve to have their first fight?

    Answer: After they realized they were both naked they covered up with fig leaves,

    Eve then turns to Adam and says "Does this make me look fat?"

  5. Re: How to portray alcoholism...


    Actually, it puts me in mind of a 'WKRP In Cincinnatti' episode.


    The DJs are doing a community service piece about drink-driving. They have a guy from the local sheriff's department in their booth, with a reflex tester thingie, and the plan is that they will get drunk on-air and the guy will measure just how messed up their reflexes become. Trouble is that one of the DJs starts off with reflexes just this side of dead, and which actually get BETTER as he gets drunker - which upsets the guy from the sheriff;s department considerably. =QUOTE]


    That was "Doctor" Johnny Fever

  6. Re: Multipowers with the Charges limitation on the reserve.


    It seems that the latter set up was more limiting then just 16 uses on the reserve. The former would give each slot 16 uses, while the latter only allows 4, 4, & 8 uses .

    Personally I'd prefer a more uniform number of charges but thats simply taste.

    So to answer your question-They are both right, it depends on what the player wants.

  7. Re: Abjurer


    I'm not sure about D&D 3.5 but in AD&D 2nd a specialist can have spells from other schools except those directly opposed. So if you feel like your character is TOO defensive and nothing else you might conisder other spells.

    If you want to get really creative you might buy some spells as harder [RSR], you might consider buying a offenisve power, like flash defined as hallucinatory blindness ( an illusion).

    I respect your wishing to stay true to charcater concept, but I'd want my players to have something more then just defenses

  8. Re: How to give Players their "Great Responsabilities"?


    Funny me and one of my players talked about this just yesterday, the old "why do (normals) act that way" refering to NPC's making stupid mistakes. My answer was; "PC's have that something special about them which allows them to see/percieve things that others may not notice and to make changes in the world because they are the (only?) ones who can".

    Why are these people playing a supers game yet not acting like heroes? Depending on what they are , or are not, doing maybe they need to learn what the price is of being a hero. Death of a DNPC, or "Uncle Ben" is not the only way to "wake them up", you could always do an alternate dimension where villians take over the world becuase the heroes didn't stop them in time.

    Likewise, their Watched / Monitor, may say;"Hey I'm paying you to act, now go out and work or you're fired " or the equivalent. The villian may attack a place the near where the PC's work in secret ID, go violent in an area near the PC's and smash their car, etc. I guess what I'm saying is make it personal so long as you've let the PC's know what is expected of them if they fail to act. In the end you can always find other players.

  9. Re: Unusual Combat Style - Attacks of Opportunity


    I'd say make AoO an Optional Combat Maneuver something like Sweep or Targeting a Hex (Area of Effect the hexes directly if front of you.) Move By might also work.

    Originally I was thinking making it a Talent but then only a few people would have it and IIRC in D&D 3.5 AoO was open to everyone.

  10. Re: All-or-Nothing Mental Defense


    This somehow reminds me of Dungeons and Dragons Magic Resistance, either you avoid the effect or you take it in full, barring a saving throw.

    You might try putting it in a Force Wall so that the effect is All damage below a certain point is negated, then just limit it so that any effect beyond the defense is taken in full. The value of such a limit depends on the power level of the game and the DEF of the Force Wall.

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