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Posts posted by Maccabe

  1. Re: Teleport as a defensive move


    Some time ago I gave Cheshire Cat a very similar ability, I called it Micro-teleporting. I used Force Field, but now I might consider Combat Luck or even DESOLIDIFICATION.

    That way the attack hits the lined up opponent as you want, or at least gets you out of harms way. Have fun with it !!!

  2. Re: Points Equality


    So far as I know HERO is the only system where everyone is (points) equal.

    I've seen DC comics RPG give out random creation points for diffferent backgrounds. Marvel stats and powers aren't always equal among characters, neither is Villians and Vigilantes.

    With experienced players variable starting values would work just fine as it takes some skill to handle such diversity beginners should start off equal to prevent problems later.

  3. :eek: I'm surpized that no one has thought of this yet today. Which super beings do you most associate with being UNLUCKY ? This cannot be someone already written-up in Enemies etc. Example: I always though that Apache Chief from Challenge of the Superfriends was Unlucky, he got knocked out of hero form (ie Stunned at least) so easily it was pathetic.

    So who do you think is Unlucky?

  4. :rolleyes: Yes you read the title correctly. We have to be fair here, if there are novice superheroes then there must be novice supervillians...

    Maybe the villian forgets to wear gloves leaving fingerprints at the crime scene. He hasn't chosen a name yet.."I AM POWER-GUY" ? What do you guys think?

  5. :confused: There are many monsters from myth etc that can use seemingly different attacks in 1 phase like Beholders. One of my players asked about this and here's where I am on this;

    + SPEED only for mutiple attacks (cannot use phase to do anything but attack and must hold phase until 1 segment before you normally would react)

  6. Re: Endurance Reserves


    Does being knocked out affect an Endurance Reserve ?

    No, the endurance is still there HOWEVER to use a power in the Reserve requires the users constant attention (being knocked out stops you from using powers in the Reserve.)

  7. Re: Force Fields


    Aside from a FF with PD and no ED on top of a FF with ED but no PD,I wonder if you mean something like;

    Force Field (vs Fire based attacks only) on top of say Force Field (vs sonics) could easily both be used at the same time without stacking.

  8. Re: BOECV Question


    Let me see if I understand your question; You want to use a power with Based on ECV on an object with no ECV /Ego. Other powers based on ECV affect a mind, the mind of a target, you aren't attacking this objects mind but it's Phsyical body and for some reason you use ECV.

  9. Re: Failure and the PCs


    :sneaky: Of course a PC can fail,either by bad rolls or incompetence.

    If a player were to do something so extreme as to end the game

    (as you say) then I figure it was time for an "out"

    Time Travel, say a group from the future goes back in time and they try

    to correct what the PC's did/didn't do in a session. "Dream Sequence" is another good "out" , if PC's fail no big loss-it was only a dream.

  10. Re: Supress & Dispel: How effective?


    I am GMing a PC who is a "witch-hunter", this character has Suppress:Magic

    to get past magical traps etc. 10d6 Suppress With the power limitation Only vs Magic (-1/2) it is effective enough to Suppress most 30pt defences (which is the powerful level of the game -> Standard power level)

    I'd suggest that any Drain, Suppress etc be built with some limitation such as this not only to ensure effectiveness but to keep it from being too powerful.

  11. With a Friday the 13th just past and Halloween coming up soon I

    thought it would be nice to see if anyone ever had an adventure centered

    on these themes.

    I once did an adventure where the players went to a world where

    it was ALWAYS Halloween (Halloween Forever I called it) The players

    had to find a way of defeating MISTER BIG UGLY AND SCARY in order

    to free the people trapped in that world.

  12. I was wondering how everyone out there handled this question.

    Do you only allow PC's to spend EXP on things they used/learned during an adventure?

    How about "free time" either during or between adventures, for working on

    spending EXP? (Example: being in a cluttered room and trying to learn how to "bounce" your EB- combat levels)

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