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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Bet that the FTD folks and the 'Nam vets just love this guy... Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine You just like cutting ahead of people in line, don't you? Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: Black Falcon 3.5 I'd already posted this one over at the DC-type Heromachine thread, but I thought that it'd only be fair if I put it here as well. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38723[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: Gorilla Grond - from typo's are mighty heroes made (6E) Thanks. I just wish that it had been possible to make him look a little more scruffy-looking; unfortunately, there aren't enough options on Fabrica to do that. Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: Gorilla Grond - from typo's are mighty heroes made (6E) Was this what you had in mind after that little typo? [ATTACH=CONFIG]38722[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Some more evil for Egyptian World: Prior to his creation of the Legion of Set, the Dark Pharoah carried out several experiments in order to perfect his cybernetic and genetic augmentation pro- cess. One such experiment involved the transformation of a homeless vagrant unfortunate enough to be considered suitable for the Dark Pharoah's purposes. In a series of operations which took several days, the vagrant's lower body was surgically removed, and his upper body attached to a genetically-engine- ered and cybernetically-enhanced serpentine body. A second pair of arms was also attached to his upper body in another series of operations. During the recovery period, the Dark Pharoah employed a combination of psycho- logical conditioning and cybernetic mind control to ensure that his new servant would be loyal to him and him alone. Once the conditioning process was over, and his new minion had learned to control his new body, the Dark Pharoah gave him the name by which he has since become known to the inhabitants of Egyptian World: Steel Naga. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38721[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's my shot at Black Falcon: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38720[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! About the hemophiliac limitation: I didn't do the character writeup for that character; I only did the on-paper pic of him for the GM. Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Some more alternate-Earth goodies, this time from Rome World: Several years ago, a superhero team from Champions-Earth found itself in a series of adventures in which they traveled to a number of alternate Earths. One such world was an Earth in which the Roman Empire had never fallen, and was in its year 1990 when the Champions-Earth heroes arrived upon it. The heroes ran into trouble almost immediately, as several Legionnaires attacked them and tried to take them prisoner; somehow, Claudius Maximus -- the reigning Emperor -- had not only learned of their existence, but that they were also from another universe. Eager to seize the secrets of multiversal travel for himself and the Empire, he had ordered his men to capture the heroes. Unfortunately for the Legionnaires, being given the order was not the same as being able to carry it out. The heroes not only defeated the Legionnaires on that occasion, but several other times as well before finally making their escape from what they would later call Rome World. Needless to say, Claudius Maximus was not pleased with that development; not only had an opportunity to extend Roman dominion to other worlds slipped through his fingers, but his soldiers had been unable to defeat a half-dozen outworlders in spite of outnumbering them 10 to 1. Embarassed and enraged by this failure, the Emperor summoned his best engineers and scientists, and charged them with the responsibility of developing a means of fighting super- powered beings that could be used by the Legions. Thus did Project: Legio Ferrum (Iron Legion) come into being. Of the two pictures below, the first is of the standard Legionnaire battlesuit, while the second is of the Centurion command battlesuit. Both types have the following capabilities: a strength-enhancing exoskeleton which enables the wearer to lift up to 50 tons, "electro-bolt" blasters in the gauntlets which can stun or kill an oppon- ent (depending on the power setting), an energy-beam projector in the chestplate (the model mounted in the Centurion armor is more powerful than the model used by the Legionnaire armor), and an advanced communications and sensor suite. A back-mounted thruster system enables both subsonic and supersonic flight, and a sophisticated minicomputer regulates all functions of the suit, leaving the wearer able to concentrate on the business of fighting. Although the designers and creators of the battlesuits hadn't consciously planned it, the life-support system which was incorporated into the design proved to be able to protect its wearers from NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) hazards. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38712[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]38711[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 "Ave, Imperator! Morituri te salutant!"
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The occasional ally of the Regulators, and the certified PITA of the Dark Queen: The Emerald Sage [ATTACH=CONFIG]38710[/ATTACH] Quote: "Certainly, I can help you. I just need you to retreive something from the Dark Queen's stronghold first..." Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here she is, the evil boss-lady that The Arc's Flying Munkies work for: The Dark Queen [ATTACH=CONFIG]38709[/ATTACH] Quote: "I'll get you yet, my pretty! And your oversized gecko, too! AaaaHaHaHaHa!!!" Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Odd... she doesn't look like a Swiss watchdog. Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! When I gave Villainous Scum an idea for a Southwestern U.S.-based supervillain group back when he was running his Vibora Bay campaign, one of its members was a powersuit-using fellow who was called Longhorn. The helmet of the armor had a pair of long, horn-like projections on it which were the projectors for a energy beam weapon, which was capable of destabilizing the molecular structure of most nonliving matter. And he was huge. Major Tom 2009 "Look out for that bull...look out for that Schlitz malt liqour bull..."
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Every would-be world-conquering megalomaniac needs faithful minions to do his (or her) dirty work, and Dark Pharoah is no exception. Using his blend of advanced cybernetics and genetics, and employing the genetic material of both mammals and reptiles, Dark Pharoah has created an army of fearsome monstrosities. The picture below is of one of these soldiers -- a Legionnaire of Set. Standing over seven feet tall, the Legionnaires have the power of winged flight, extraordinary resistance to damage, and razor-sharp superalloy claws in their hands and feet. Venom glands in their mouths and hands enable them to either spray a paralytic venom at a foe (in the same way that a spitting cobra does), or introduce it directly into his body by slashing him with the claws. Legionnaires also possess senses that are superior to those of normal human beings (heightened sense of smell, infrared vision, and ultrasonic hearing), and are very agile in spite of their huge size. While they normally only carry a very large khopesh sword, there are occasions where they will use heavier and more modern weapons. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38706[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And now, here's something from the dark side, also from Egyptian World: The chief threat to the peoples of Egyptian World is a mysterious individual whose identity is unknown, but whose mastery of cybernetics and genetics is unparalelled. He is known only by the name which he himself has used when addressing others -- Dark Pharoah. Shown along with Dark Pharoah are his two "pets", which he has augmented both cybernetically and genetically. Horus (the falcon) has been altered in such a way as to give him even greater eyesight and flying speed, and his talons have been replaced with razor-sharp superalloy claws. A cybernetic implant within his head enables Dark Pharoah to see whatever the falcon sees, and allows Horus to recieve commands from his master. Seth (the cobra) has been genetically engineered not only for greater than normal size, he has also been given two sets of venom glands. The first set of glands produces venom which has been enhanced for greater lethality, while the second set produces a non-lethal paralytic venom which leaves its victim helpless, but very much alive. A special switching system enables Dark Pharoah to select which type of venom he wishes Seth to use on a target, and is controlled by the same type of implant that is in Horus' head (and has the same functions). Special sound-dampening devices have been implanted within Seth's body, enabling him to move with absolute silence. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38705[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the next alternate-Earth superheroine pic, this time from Egyptian World: Transformed against her will into a winged cat-girl by the evil Dark Pharoah (the chief supervillain of Egyptian World, a combination of Doctor Destroyer and the super-geneticist Teleios), Siasekhimerit-Tamit escaped and, using her new powers, became the superheroine Sekhmet. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38704[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Remember the 4th Ed. Champions supplement/worldbook Champions in 3-D? Well, I decided that with all the practice I've been getting in with the Fabrica lately, I'd take a shot at coming up with some hero and villain pics for a few of the alternate Earths that were covered in the book. First up is a superheroine from Confederate World, a descendant of John S. Mosby who has adopted her ancestor's famous nickname for her heroic identity: Gray Ghost. Like Shadowcat of the X-Men and Excalibur, the Gray Ghost can become intangible through an act of will, passing through solid walls and other obstacles as if they didn't exist. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38699[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Weird that you should mention a character named Lone Star. In a campaign that I was part of years ago run by Villainous Scum, he had an NPC group called the New Texas Rangers that made a "guest appearance" during the Vibora Bay campaign. The members of the group were: Ranger X (the team leader and a mutant, IIRC) Yellow Rose (a female cosmic-energy projector) Lonestar (a Guardian/Vindicator type, he wore the same general type of suit) Texas Girl (a female brick) Doctor Astral (a bald mentalist who had the disadvantage of being a hemophiliac) Hottie (sort of like Radium of Project: Sunburst, in that she was an energy pro- jector and was somewhat radioactive) Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: Cosmic Centurions The first of the Star Centurions, Draco: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38691[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine That was awful. Appropriate, but awful. Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And now, someone who's a little bit more "old school": [ATTACH=CONFIG]38682[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's my take on SSgt. Baloo: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38681[/ATTACH] EDIT: HUZZAH!! I finally managed to post a pic! Now if I can just get a bigger picture to show... Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: How would you make a Possessed Minute Man Robot? I'd say look in 5th Ed. Champions Universe. Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: Planets of SF Author Hats A little-known fact about Weberworld: although the vast majority of people living there are unaware of it, their world is home to lifeforms that shouldn't exist -- but do. For the most part, they are content to stay in the background and "off the radar" as far as the human population is concerned -- but let a threat to the human popul- ation rear its ugly head, and it's Katy Bar The Door and God help the poor dumb SOBs (alien or otherwise) who are up to no good where humanity is concerned. Sometimes, though, it's not an entire group coming to the rescue, but a single entity of great power. In such cases, said entity will often join its essence to a chosen human being (usually under circumstances which aren't the best where the chosen human is concerned), sometimes with the effect of awakening latent abilities within him (or her). Major Tom 2009
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