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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style heroMachine Here's an old favorite from 4th Edition, in her final outfit before the transition to 5th Edition -- Solitaire: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38823[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine OMG! It's a kitsunemimi outbreak! Let's just leave the CDC out of this one, shall we? Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Kitsune, a Japanese-American superheroine: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38813[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: Cosmic Centurions Here he is, Zorick Thule: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38806[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: Cosmic Centurions Enemies of the Cosmic Centurions Zorick Thule (personal Jester of Lord Dark Matter, the Harlequin of Fear) Even someone like Lord Dark Matter needs to unwind and enjoy a good laugh now and then, and one of his minions is the right being for the job: his person- al 'court jester', Zorick Thule. Thule's job, like his counterparts of Earth's past, is to amuse his master; unlike his counterparts, however -- whose goal was to make people laugh with amusing but harmless antics -- Thule's ideas of what make people laugh tend to be slightly sadistic, and are always done at some- one else's expense (usually someone who's annoyed Dark Matter, but not en- ough to warrant his or her execution). On those occasions where Lord Dark Matter requires the execution of an under- ling who has failed him in some way, but feels that it would be a waste of Grom Jabar's talent and time, he gives the job to Zorick Thule -- who does his best to arrange a suitably amusing execution, and always without the victim-to-be being aware of it until it's too late. One such execution involved dropping the victim into a pool filled with piranha-like fish which devoured him within seconds, armor and all. Thule also takes particular delight in making people underestimate him due to his appearance, as most people don't consider a jester to be a threat of any kind. This sometimes proves unfortunate for some, as Thule has at his disposal a dangerous variation of the "joy buzzer" trick: a set of neural disruptors of the type used by Nightveil and Phantos. The discharge mechanisms are built into his gloves (which are insulated to keep him from getting zapped by his own weapons), and the power sources are disguised as copies of the power-bands worn by the Cosmic Centurions, only in red and black. His usual method of getting close enough to someone to use them involves asking for help in get- ting up off the ground (which is usually where he winds up if a hero's knocked him down); once he's gotten a good grip on his unsuspecting victim, he triggers the disruptors, rendering said victim helpless. Abilities: Zorick Thule's chief ability, if you could call it that, is the ability to make Lord Dark Matter laugh, usually at things that normal people would find horrifying. His other talent involves coming up with embarassing ways for those who have failed Lord Dark Matter to die. Unfortunately for those on the recieving end of this talent, he's very good at it. He is also a skilled acrobat. Personality: Think of the Frank Gorshin version of the Riddler from the Batman TV show, complete with the laugh, and you'll have a good idea of what Zorick Thule is like. Powers: None known at this time. Skills: Thule is a skilled acrobat, and has also recieved training in hand-to- hand combat; he has combined the two to create a surprisingly effective combat style. Weapons: Zorick Thule employs two weapons, the first of which -- the neural disruptor "joy buzzers" -- have been described in the above text. The second is an electro-shock prod, which is housed within a four-foot long red staff. Normally, he only uses it to deliver low-level shocks to the backsides of un- wary female members of Dark Matter's retinue (not surprisingly, Discordia, Nightveil, and all female members of the 1st Shadow Legion are exempt from this sort of "humor"; Thule might be looking for a laugh now and again, but not even he's crazy enough to tempt fate in that way -- besides, some of these women scare the living hell out of him). The power level, however, can be ad- justed upward to lethal levels. Appearance: Zorick Thule's facial features are unknown, as he is never seen in public without his jester's mask -- which resembles the helmet worn by the Dark- hunters, but with a huge grin added to it. The only things that are known is that he is a hairless male with silvery-gray skin and pointed ears. He wears a jester's outfit in red with black trim; the hat he wears is alternating red-and-black with bells attached to it. Physically, he stands at 5'6", and weighs 160 lbs. Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: Cosmic Centurions Egyptoid: PM sent. Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's statements like that last from Vitus that make me think that he fills the same sort of spot in your campaigns that Spock did in Star Trek: that of an observer of human society who makes accurate -- if sometimes unflattering -- comments on human nature. The history of the past few decades certainly supports that last comment of his, I'm sad to say. Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Many years ago, I was part of a Champions campaign which included Ironclaw co-creator Jason Holmgren as one of the players. His character was an escapee from PSI, a (then) teenage teleporter whose mental conditioning broke as a re- sult of a battle between PSI and VIPER, leading her to become a superheroine. Since I had done most of the on-paper pics of the PC team, I also did one of Shadowarp (which was the name of the character), based on his description. Recently, I broke out my copy of Shadowarp's character sheet and updated it to reflect the passage of time, after which I updated the pic as well. The pic where she's wearing a sleeveless and legless leotard, as well as a short cape, is the original design. The pic that shows her in a long-sleeved, legless leotard with a leather jacket is the current version of her outfit (at least as close as I could get it with Fabrica). I also replaced the PSI insignia with a letter 'S' on the belt. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38798[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]38797[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: Chronicles of the Agency (Golden Age) Shame on me... I almost forgot to post the pic of the boss lady herself: Agent Elizabeth "Libby" Belle [ATTACH=CONFIG]38796[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: Cosmic Centurions Here's Black Nova, just in case anyone forgot his previous appearance on the boards when The Arc originally posted his pic: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38795[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: Cosmic Centurions Enemies of the Cosmic Centurions Black Nova (Weapon of Lord Dark Matter, the Black Flame of Annihilation) When the survivors of the failed attack and invasion of Elysia returned and gave their account of the events leading to their defeat to Lord Dark Matter, one of the things that stood out was the existence of a being who was somehow able to use anti-energy as a weapon. The Positronic Man, as Lord Dark Matter would later learn was who this being was known as, represented a threat to his plans of galactic domination. He immediately commanded his scientists to devise a means of creating a being with similar abilities, one who would serve him -- after, of course, first giving orders for the execution of the commanders who had failed him. Using every scrap of data that had been collected by the ships of the abortive invasion, and engaging in covert attempts to gather yet more information, the scientists took several months to devise a process that would -- in theory -- create a being like the Positronic Man. They also undertook a search to find a suitable candidate upon whom they could test their process, finally settling on a low-ranking member of the Nth Legion of Infinity. Finally refining the process they intended to use, and after carefully preparing their candidate, the scientists placed him inside the mechanism and threw the switch... The first that Dark Matter or any of his minions who were in attendance knew that things hadn't gone quite according to plan was when the building housing the ex- periment went up in a blast of black flame. When emergency crews arrived at the scene of the explosion, they were confronted by the sight of a huge being striding out of the wreckage -- a being whose only visible facial features were the flames that were where eyes should have been, and an aura of cold, black flame that surrounded its entire body -- wearing what looked like a Legion uniform. When Lord Dark Matter arrived at the scene, the being turned to him and asked in a strange voice "Who art thou?" When Lord Dark Matter identified himself, all of those who served him were amazed when the being suddenly knelt before him and asked "What is thy bidding, my Master? Tell me how I may serve thee, for I am thy faithful servant." Lord Dark Matter told the being that there were those who opposed his destiny to rule the galaxy, and that it would be his mission to destroy them. He then asked the being what its name was. With what could only be described as an air of con- fusion, the being said that it had no name that it knew of. Lord Dark Matter smiled then, and said, "Then I shall give you one." "From this time onward, you shall be known as Black Nova, for you are the dark star that will shine the light of destruction upon all those who dare stand against me." Still kneeling, the being bowed before him and said "So be it, my Master." With a darkly satisified smile, Lord Dark Matter thought that it wouldn't be long before the accursed Cosmic Centurions -- not to mention those upstart newcom- ers, the Positronic Man and the Star Centurions -- discovered that their lives were about to become even more hazardous. Personality: None to speak of; Black Nova exists solely to do Lord Dark Matter's bidding, which usually involves the attempted destruction of any of his master's many enemies. He's not particularly imaginative when it comes to carrying out Dark Matter's orders, though, fortunately for his intended targets. On the rare occasion when he speaks to his targets, he sounds much like what Star Wars' Darth Vader would sound like -- if he were possessed by a Goa'uld. Powers: Although the scientists who attempted to transform the Legionnaire into an anti-energy being like the Positronic Man didn't succeed in their attempt, what they did manage to turn him into is dangerous enough. Housed within the special- ly-prepared body of the Legionnaire is not an anti-energy being, but what could best be described as an entropic energy elemental, whose powers are extremely dangerous to matter of any kind, whether living or non-living. His power also enables him to fly, leaving a trail of weirdly-luminescent black flame in his path. Black Nova is also able to survive in space without the need for life-support equipment. Black Nova is able to project blasts of entropic "flame" at his targets, immediately disentegrating them; only energy-shielded beings or objects -- or 'indestructible' super-materials -- are safe from his power. Because his powers are replenished by the entropic energies of his native dimension, they are self-renewing, enabling him to fight for extended periods of time with very little reduction in the strength of his attacks. Skills: While the consciousness that originally inhabited the body which Black Nova now occupies was destroyed when the entropic energy elemental took over his body, the knowledge of the skills that the Legionnaire had been trained in had been passed on to the elemental. Black Nova therefore possesses the skills of a member of the Nth Legion, but hasn't yet made use of them -- but it's only a matter of time before he does. Appearance: Black Nova looks like a 7-foot tall Nth Legionnaire wearing a modified version of the Legion's uniform, but surrounded by an aura of black flame and with flames where his eyes should be. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Cosmic Centurions I don't know what's wrong, but for some reason R'hn'ghali's pic doesn't enlarge when you click on it. Sorry about that. Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: Cosmic Centurions Centurion R'hn'ghali and her superior officer, Tribune Primaxus. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38794[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]38793[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: Cosmic Centurions Enemies of the Cosmic Centurions Tribune Primaxus (commander of the 4th Cohort, 1st Shadow Legion, the Hammer of Oblivion) Most of those worlds under the iron-fisted control of Lord Dark Matter were, for the most part, conquered with little difficulty. On some of those worlds, however, his control has not been as unopposed as he would wish for; the resistance move- ment on these worlds has proven to be surprisingly effective. When measures to bring the resistance fighters to heel undertaken by the Nth Legion fail to achieve the desired result, Lord Dark Matter sends in his top unit to rectify the situation: the 4th Cohort of the 1st Shadow Legion, under the command of one of his most brutal -- and effective -- commanders, Tribune Primaxus. A member of a simian/humanoid species, Primaxus has been in charge of Lord Dark Matter's counterinsurgency unit for many years, and to date, has never failed to carry out his orders to crush any resistance movement that may prove to be a threat to his master's control of a conquered world. He does not negoti- ate with rebels for any reason whatsoever; his personal philosophy regarding rebels can be neatly summed up thusly: Search and Destroy. The only exception to his "no prisoners" policy is when Grom Jabar, Lord Dark Matter's personal exe- cutioner, joins him in the field in order to seize captives for one of his elaborate executions. Primaxus is assisted in these endeavors by his trusted aide, R'hn'ghali, a member of the serpentine N'gahri race. Abilities: Primaxus has the abilities common to his race: increased stamina and strength (STR 30), and can move at a fairly fast rate on the ground, either on all fours like an Earth primate, or on two legs like any humanoid being. He can also brachiate (swing from limb to limb when in forest or jungle) with great ease. Personality: Primaxus isn't the most pleasant being to be around. His attitude regarding his master's enemies could almost echo Conan's sentiments in Conan the Barbarian ("I'm not here to make friends...I'm here to crush the enemy, drive them into extinction, and to hear the grieving cries of their families. That's all I care about."). Nice guy, isn't he? Powers: The only power that Primaxus has is a genetically-engineered "healing factor", which enables him to rapidly recover from even the most serious and life-threatening injury, given time. Skills: As a member of one of Lord Dark Matter's most elite units, Primaxus has recieved full training in both armed and unarmed combat (as practiced by the Legion), and is also an expert with the full range of weapons employed by Lord Dark Matter's forces. Weapons: While he has, in the past, used advanced weaponry in the course of his duties, Primaxus' favorite weapon is a huge hammer with a long handle. He fights with it in the same style as Ajax from the movie Troy, and just as effect- ively (if not more so). Appearance: Primaxus is 6'6" tall, weighs 400 lbs., and has dark gray fur covering his entire body except for his face. He also has black eyes. As an officer of Lord Dark Matter's forces, Primaxus wears the standard officer's uniform of the 1st Shadow Legion. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Just so she gets equal time, here's someone who's another of the White Lady's followers: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38792[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I just got a new batch of cleaned-up pics from The Arc (thanks again, Arc), and this is one of them. This pic is of a character from one of David Weber's non-Honor Harrington novels, In Fury Born. The central character of the story is Alicia DeVries, a former Terran Empire "drop commando" (sort of a combination of Delta Force and Marine Force Recon soldier) who winds up hosting the essence of Tisiphone -- the last of the Eryines, the Furies of Greek mythology -- after the latter saves her from death when the colony world on which she and her family live, after a "pirate" attack in which her family is murdered. DeVries later becomes mentally linked to an "alpha- synth" -- an advanced artificial intelligence -- that is later named Megaira, and is essentially an extension of DeVries' own personality. The Alicia/Tisiphone/Megaira gestalt then begins the search to find those responsible for the massacre of her family. A little explanation about the pic: Megaira and Tisiphone don't actually have human bodies, much less facial features; Tisiphone is basically an energy being, while her AI "sister" Megaira can produce realistic images of human beings on a video screen, complete with individual voices. The "faces" on either side of Alicia in the pic were meant to represent the non-human elements of the gestalt personality; the face on her right is of Megaira, while the one on her left is of Tisiphone. The outfit that Alicia has in the pic is meant to represent the outfit she was wearing in the story's epilogue, in which she becomes a member of the Terran Empire's Justice Depart- ment with the code name 'Fury'. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters displayed or otherwise mentioned in this post; they are the creation of David Weber. This picture is presented here solely for entertainment purposes. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38791[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: Cosmic Centurions Pamun Dyrakk, a.k.a. the Positronic Man: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38788[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: Cosmic Centurions Mentor-Prime, agent of the Starsoul and advisor to the Star Centurions: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38787[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Cosmic Centurions The last of the first to be chosen to become Star Centurions, Powerstar: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38786[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: Cosmic Centurions The fourth and youngest of the Star Centurions, Dwarfstar: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38785[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: Cosmic Centurions Ursus, the third of the Star Centurions: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38784[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: Cosmic Centurions The second of the Star Centurions, Starstorm: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38783[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine These folks were inspired by one of The Arc's earlier posts (the Hordes of Light one): Archfoes of Lord Dark Matter and his forces, and ally to those who fight against him, the White Lady and her faithful followers -- the Guardians of the Light -- can always be counted upon to hold the line against the darkness. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38782[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Another denizen of Rome World: When the family of Dr. Leonidas Paraskeva -- the creator of the Legio Ferrum battlesuit technology -- was killed as a result of a terrorist attack by men in Visigoth battlesuits, he set out to use his technology to create the instrument of his vengeance. The discovery that the Visigoth battlesuits had been created using his technology only served to fuel his determination, and before long, he managed to create a battlesuit which was even more powerful than those he had designed for the Emperor. Taking the name of the warriors who had fought for his homeland in ancient times, Leonidas Paraskeva now battles those who seek to terrorize and mur- der the innocent as the armored vigilante known as Spartan. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38781[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Lady Shadowflame, a temporally-displaced sorceress from the Valdorian Age who now defends the innocent people of our time from mystic threats. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38768[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
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