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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Japan, as the fourth member of the secret alliance, makes use of two different -- yet complimentary -- battlesuit types: the Kunoichi stealth battlesuit, worn by female operators who are also trained in the field of battlefield reconnaiss- ance, and the Steel Dragon battlesuit which is worn by frontline combatants: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39662[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39661[/ATTACH] The Kunoichi, as a recon unit, is equipped with several systems which work together to enable its wearer to avoid detection -- a holographic "chameleon- field" camouflage generator, a sound-suppression system which neutralizes any sounds caused by the operation of the suit, and an infrared camouflage system which enables the suit to match the temperature of its surroundings. The result is a suit which is invisible not only to any technological detection device, but also to the Mark I eyeball as well. The Steel Dragon, on the other hand, was designed to not only be a formid- able weapon in the hands of its wearer, but -- as the most elaborately-de- signed battlesuit used by any of the alliance's members -- also to be the most frightening psychological weapon that the Iron Baron's forces would face in battle. Unlike the U.S., Russians, or the British, the Japanese design- ers opted to produce a battlesuit whose external appearance resembled that of the samurai warriors of their feudal past, down to the kabuto-style helmet with its "demon-mask" faceplate. Both suits are equipped with the same high-tech backup weapon: an energy blade which is reminiscient of the similar swords featured in a certian sci-fi film franchise (and which prompted a high-ranking U.S. member of the alli- ance to remark in private to his British and Russian counterparts that the Japanese design team had spent way too much time in front of their DVD players, if they were coming up with things like that). EDIT: I forgot to include the fact that the Kunoichi was also constructed using RAM (Radar-Absorbent Material) technology; as a result, the suit has a very small radar cross-section (the largest return that a radar scan would register would indicate an object no larger than a hummingbird, rather than a full- sized human being). Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The battlesuit worn by the British members of the secret alliance is known as the Aero Knight, and like their Russian colleagues, apparently subscribe to much the same sort of 'knights to the rescue' philosophy -- especially where the defense of the innocent is concerned (who says that chivalry went out of style along with knights on white horses?). [ATTACH=CONFIG]39652[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The battlesuit used by the Russian members of the secret alliance -- the Bogatyr battlesuit: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39651[/ATTACH] The Bogatyr is named after the superhuman warrior-knights of ancient Russian legend, and those who wear the suits have apparently taken that imagery to heart -- in a combat situation, the bulk of a Bogatyr unit will engage the enemy while the rest ensure the safe evacuation of any innocent bystanders from the area. Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine A large part of the assisstance provided by "Professor Grey" to certain nations of Earth involves making their armed forces -- at least, selected members of them -- far more capable and formidable than simple training alone can make them. To this end, he provided those nations that he originally made contact with -- the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Japan -- with the means to produce endurance- and strength-enhancing battlesuits. Shown below are examples of the U.S. version of this technology, the Sky Ranger battlesuit: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39650[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39649[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39648[/ATTACH] Not only does the Sky Ranger battlesuit come in both male and female models, there is also a Heavy Weapons Trooper version, which is worn by male person- nel only (due to the size and bulkiness of both the built-in weapons and the hand-held ones as well). The Sky Ranger, like the other battlesuit models oper- ated by the other members of the secret alliance against the New Republic, is equipped with an antigravitic flight pack, allowing the wearer to fly. The suit also provides full NBC (Nuclear/Biologic/Chemical) protection, as well as life support in areas where there is no breathable atmosphere. Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the pic of "Professor Grey" that should've been in the previous post, but didn't take for some reason: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39647[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Grey scientist who is providing secret assistance against the Iron Baron and his New Republic -- "Professor Ezekiel Grey": [ATTACH=CONFIG]39646[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Sooo...do these guys fly around in giant, space-going zeppelins carrying hordes of Nazi space-saucers? Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine R'hnos, another member of the Hand of Darkness: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39636[/ATTACH] R'hnos is the unit's heavy-weapons specialist (of course, what he considers to be heavy weapons are classified as crew-served weapons by the militaries of other worlds). He is also the most physically powerful of the unit, and has an incredible resistance to damage. He uses this strength and resistance to damage in a rather spectacular fashion: whenever there's a wall or other obstacle that the Hand of Darkness needs to get through as quickly as possible, R'hnos charges directly at it, trusting in his strength and sheer mass to burst through. While he isn't considered to be a unarmed combat specialist, that hasn't stopped him from engaging in the occasional brawl with his opponents. Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Lygara, another member of the Hand of Darkness: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39635[/ATTACH] Lygara is from the same world as Starstorm, and is also something of an evolutionary throwback, as evidenced by her tail (a physical feature that current members of her race no longer possess). Her specialty is close-quarters combat, and her choice of weapons reflects this: a katana-type sword and a pair of short-range plasma pistols. In add- ition, she is also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Khameleos, a member of the Hand of Darkness, an elite Force Recon-type unit in the service of Lord Dark Matter (De Fang and Ultram are two other members of the unit): [ATTACH=CONFIG]39634[/ATTACH] Khameleos has the power to blend with his surroundings without leaving any trace whatsoever, and his specialty is silent sentry removal. Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Got some new pics back from The Arc today, and here's the first one -- N'h'gaa, the half-humanoid, half-serpentine advisor to Kraessius: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39633[/ATTACH] Although she possesses great intelligence, she is careful to appear not too intelligent -- there are few things that'll shorten a minion's life expectancy faster than your superior suddenly deciding that you're too smart for your own good (or his, for that matter). In addition to her intelligence, N'h'gaa also possesses some very powerful physical abilities, the first of which is her ability to move at great speed across virtually any terrain. While she uses her speed primarily as a defen- sive mechanism, she can also use it for offensive purposes. N'h'gaa has at her disposal two methods of attack, the first of which are the razor-sharp claws on her hands. The second is the ability to either deliver a venomous bite to a victim, or to project a spray of venom into his or her face, in much the same way as a spitting cobra. Fortunately, her venom is a non-lethal neurotoxin that only paralyzes her victims. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Aliens in Dark Champions If all else fails (and you have a copy of it, or know someone who does), you could always refer to the Dark Conspiracy RPG core rulebook for ideas on how to run and use aliens in a Dark Champions campaign. Granted, the setting is placed a few years in the future, but it shouldn't be too hard to adapt most of what's in there for the purposes of running an "aliens living in secret among us" campaign. Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The newest recruit to the Daughters of the Web, Brown Recluse: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39609[/ATTACH] The youngest member of the team at this time (she's 16 years old), Brown Recluse has the power to project energy-bolts from her hands which strike their target with considerable force. If that was the only property of her energy-projection powers, it wouldn't be cause for concern. Unfortunately, Brown Recluse's energy-bolts cause effects within human beings which mimic the effects of her namesake's venom -- dermal necrotitis which, if untreated in time, causes the affected areas of her victim's body to become gangrenous and -- in extreme cases -- eventually resulting in his or her death. Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I expect that there's a far greater likelihood of said woman shrieking at the top of her lungs whilst running insanely in terror as far away from Guildenstern as humanly possible. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hmmm...after the most recent posts, I'd be keeping an eye on the Spider -- just to be on the safe side (). Just out of curiousity, who's the chica in the green outfit standing next to the Bat? Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The last of the Daughters of the Web is also their most deadly and vicious member -- Widowmaker: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39563[/ATTACH] Possessing razor-sharp fingernails on her hands which are capable of shredding steel, Widowmaker is also able to envenomate her victims with them by means of a venom which her body is able to produce. This venom, which is identical to that of the Black Widow spider, has been further enhanced by the Spider Queen's scientists to be even more lethal (as well as being even more painful than Funnel-Web's venom). Normally, Widowmaker is a self-controlled combatant; when enraged, however, she becomes a berserker, slashing at everything in her area. For this reason, the others keep a respectful distance from her when- ever they're in combat. Widowmaker is something of an individualist, and her uniform reflects this perfectly; while the other Daughters of the Web bear the red spider- symbol on their uniforms, Widowmaker has chosen instead to bear the red hourglass symbol of the Black Widow spider on her uniform. Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The third of the Daughters of the Web is, without question, the most devious of the group -- Trapdoor*: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39562[/ATTACH] Trapdoor has the power to create a minefield-like area of traps, which resemble the ambush positions of trapdoor spiders. These mine-like traps are virtually in- visible to the naked eye, and even metahumans with enhanced senses find it incredibly difficult to spot them (and that's only if they know to look for them in the first place). These traps work best when the victim's attention is focussed on something other than a trap, and the Daughters of the Web excel at distracting a victim from noticing that he or she is standing in a booby-trapped area. The trap is triggered when the victim comes to within 5' of where a trap has been placed, at which point the cover of the trap opens up and a mass of webbing is launched at the victim. Once the victim is completely ensnared, the webbing re- tracts back into the hole that it came from, and the cover closes itself. The web- bing is not only strong enough to bind all but the strongest of metahumans, it also has a chemical composition which causes it to emit fumes similar to those of chloroform or halothane, which rapidly render the victim unconscious (unless the victim is immune to such things, that is). *Trapdoor has no relation to the member of the Predators with the same name; given their similar specialties, however, it's likely that they'd become occasion- al partners in crime (amongst other things). Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The second of the Daughters of the Web is perhaps the strangest one of all -- the mysterious Orb-Weaver: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39561[/ATTACH] Not only does Orb-Weaver possess the power to entrap her victims within an "orb" of pure force, she can also use her power to protect herself from energy or physical damage by surrounding herself with a force field. She can also con- trol the level of permeability that her "orbs" have, depending upon whether or not her mission is to take someone prisoner (in which case, breathable air is able to pass through the field), or to kill them (in which case, the field is totally sealed and the victim slowly suffocates). Orb-Weaver seldom speaks when in the field, unless it's to one of her "sisters" -- and then only if she's got something important to say. Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine When the Spider Queen has someone whom she wants "made an example of" -- or simply kidnapped -- she gives the job to four very special superhuman oper- atives who are collectively known as the Daughters of the Web. Like so much else about the Spider Queen and her Spider Society, it is not known if this title is simply a figurative one, or one that actually denotes a familial relationship. In any case, these four women are without a doubt some of the most dangerous adversaries that any metahuman will ever face. The first of the Daughters of the Web is one of the two most dangerous ones of the group -- Funnel-Web: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39560[/ATTACH] Named for the Australian spider of the same name, Funnel-Web is the group's close-quarters combat specialist. The "fangs" mounted on her forearm bracers are not only capable of penetrating all but the most impervious body armor, they can also deliver a venom identical to that of the funnel-web spider -- a venom that, like the venom possessed by most of Australia's venomous wild- life, is not only insanely toxic but excruciatingly painful as well. Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Lucius, if I'm remembering correctly, the GM in a Morrow Project game is called the Project Director. Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm really beginning to suspect that Brother Guildenstern was actually Marfeldt the Barbarian in a previous life... Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine When I gave Villainous Scum the idea for the Outlaws, I had also planned on giving him the concept for the team's agent corps as well. Unfortunately, the campaign came to an end before I could do that, so I didn't get around to doing the pic of what they would have looked like. The pic below represents what such an agent -- known as a Rustler -- might have looked like: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39552[/ATTACH] The basic outfit is a red jumpsuit similar to what someone like a trash collector might wear, except that it's made of a combination of Kevlar and fire-retardant materials. Storage pockets on the arms and legs provide additional carrying space for ammunition or other vital gear, while the primary load-bearing gear is a special harness that holds a sidearm in a shoulder holster-type arrangement, while a blaster weapon similar in size and appearance to a sawed-off shotgun rests in a sheath on the back of the harness. A pair of stun grenades hang from attachment points on the opposite side of the harness from the sidearm. A web belt worn about the waist provides storage for the blaster weapon's powerpacks, while a Bowie-style knife hangs from a sheath on the rear right-hand side of the belt. While the jumpsuit provides some protection from gunfire, it was felt that addit- ional protection was called for, so an articulated armored vest was added to the uniform as well. The remainder of the uniform consists of a cowboy hat, a pair of protective black goggles, and spurred boots. The spurs might be considered a strange addition to the outfit, except for the fact that not only are the rowels razor-sharp, but that each Rustler has recieved martial-arts training which in- corporates their use in close-quarters hand-to-hand combat. Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Mojave Green, the wife of Saguaro Jack and a cold-blooded killer who really hates cops: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39551[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Saguaro Jack, a "made man" in a local crime family who's currently on a paid retainer to the Outlaws: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39550[/ATTACH] Together with Gunslinger and Big .50, he provides fire support to the team with the "spineguns" built into his gauntlets (basically, these are Gauss SMGs that fire armor-piercing explosive fletchette rounds). Major Tom 2009
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