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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: Else Earth: Schreckensherrshaft ( The Reign of Terror) aka Terror Inc. I've already posted his pic to the DC/Heromachine thread, but since this was the thread that inspired the pic, here he is -- Baron Terror: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39809[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Next up is a solar-powered Japanese superheroine named Rising Star: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39808[/ATTACH] Unfortunately, I don't know what the Romanized version of her name is, or I would have posted that before giving the translation as well. Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Just got the latest bunch of pics back yesterday from The Arc (thank you, thank you), and here's the first one. I did this one after reading through Enforcer84's Terror Inc. post, and took a stab at doing Baron Terror: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39807[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... OK, I didn't think that it was even remotely within the realm of possibility that a Drhoz campaign could be more demented than the Kingdom City campaign... but that was before these Rogue Trader posts. It's with dubious pleasure that I can now say that the bar for what I consider demented has been well and truly raised to new heights (). As for the bit about Xanthis making Emperor Palpatine feel inadequate -- the closest thing that I can think of that would look like that is the scene from near the end of the Headmaster Gideon storyline in Charmed (the one where Leo reenacts the Palpatine/Luke Skywalker scene from Return of the Jedi -- and he's doing Palpatine's part)(). Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Actually, I do know about that one. And while I haven't seen any of the Monty Python movies, I have seen some of the MPFC shows on PBS when they've been on in the past -- so I'm not a total heretic here where Monty Python is concerned. Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Go ahead and try. My point-defense system needs testing anyway, and what better way than a full-up test against a pitchfork-and-torch-waving mob? Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... OK, I'll bite. What movie are you talking about? Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Welll...that's not quite what I'd come up with, but this is funny as hell. Of course, King Arthur and his archer buddy probably wouldn't think so, given their condition... Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions You do realize, of course, that the next pic that'll show up in the near future is going to be your fault, right? You just had to make me wonder what a villainous version of Black Falcon would look like ()... Major Tom 2009 Indulging in a WKRP Butler's Evil Chortle...
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Egad! Thine avatar hath been well and truly Jarted, friend John T. Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Proof indeed that Smut Fields can manifest anywhere in the Multiverse... Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the second of the Marvel-based pics, and this one was the result of a question that The Arc asked me: had I ever done a pic of Red Wolf (the Amerind member of the Rangers)? He told me that he'd tried, but couldn't make the wolf's-head headdress come out right (neither could I on my first attempt). After my first try at it, I had an idea as to how the headdress could be done, and the pic be- low is the result (the part that really took the longest to do was his buck- skin leggings): [ATTACH=CONFIG]39753[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Just got the latest batch of pics back from The Arc, and here's the first of two Marvel-based pics -- Ghost Rider (movie version): [ATTACH=CONFIG]39752[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: Else Earth Corporations Hmmm... I get the feeling that if any group in your campaign had a good chance of opening an interdimensional doorway to an alternate Earth -- say, the alternate Earth code-named Merlin -- these folks are the ones that'd manage to pull it off. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine One of the newest members of the Hand of Darkness is Vulpa, a fox-like alien whose specialty is the control or subversion of enemy computer sys- tems: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39731[/ATTACH] With the specialized gear at her disposal, Vulpa is able to not only search for and retrieve classified data from supposedly-secure computers, she is also able to disable an enemy's security systems or to turn his own weap- ons systems against him, provided that they're computer-controlled. Although she has recieved the same training as the rest of Lord Dark Matter's forces, Vulpa isn't a frontline combatant, as her skills make her too valuable to risk in a combat situation. She does carry a plasma pistol for self-defense, however, even if she doesn't have many opportunities to need to use it. There are unconfirmed rumors among Dark Matter's rank-and-file that DeFang and Vulpa have a very close (some go so far as to say intimate) relationship -- of course, the reason that said rumors are unconfirmed is that no one in the Nth Legion is crazy or suicidal enough to try to confirm them. After all, it doesn't help one's chances of long-term survival to irritate someone who can disembowel you with a flick of his wrist. Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine During a battle between a Sky Ranger unit and several of the Iron Baron's Panzerfaust troopers, the Sky Rangers recieved some unexpected -- and very timely -- aid, in the form of a woman wearing a winged battlesuit. After the battle was over and the Sky Rangers were able to talk to their new ally, she identified herself as Steel Eagle: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39727[/ATTACH] Once they returned to their secret base, they were surprised to discover that not only was Steel Eagle actually Dr. Arabella Burke, one of the scientists who had designed their battlesuits, but that she was also the American-born great-great granddaughter of Ulric von Wulfcragge. When she discovered that her great-great-grandfather wanted to reestablish a National Socialist regime, Dr. Burke felt that she had to do more than help to arm those who would fight the Iron Baron, so she designed and built the Steel Eagle battlesuit to join the soldiers of the secret alliance in the field. Although they aren't shown in the pic, the wings of the Steel Eagle battle- suit have eight hardpoints for mounting specially-designed equipment and/ or ordnance. The usual mix is an ECM (Electronic Counter-Measures) pod and an ECCM (Electronic Counter-Counter-Measures) pod on the inner hardpoints, with the remaining six occupied by fire-and-forget missiles with high-explosive warheads; when a bombing mission is called for, how- ever, the missiles are replaced with four laser-guided "smart bombs", which she delivers on target in a manner not too dissimilar to the Stuka "dive-bombing" attacks of WWII. In addition to the underwing armament, the Steel Eagle battlesuit is also equipped with a pair of high-powered laser projectors, one in each gaunt- let. These are used either for strafing attacks against ground targets, or to defend herself against airborne opponents. Unlike the battlesuits used by the other members of the secret alliance, the Steel Eagle battlesuit is capable of Mach 2 flight (with no underwing stores other than the ECM and ECCM pods); its flight speed drops to just under Mach 1 with a full underwing load. Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine When several of the New Republic's plans were disrupted by the intervention of battlesuited soldiers -- battlesuits which were clearly designed with the same technology to which it had access -- Ulrich von Wulfcragge commanded his scientists to devise a battlesuit design for use by the troopers of the New Republic. After several months of trial and error, the Iron Baron's scientists did precisely that, and the result of their labor was the Panzerfaust battle- suit: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39726[/ATTACH] However, because they didn't have the expertise and assistance of someone like "Professor Grey", the suit created by the scientists was much larger than those used by the secret alliance; as a result, only the largest and strongest of the New Republic's troopers could wear the suits. The Panzerfaust makes use of two different weapons; one carried, and the other built-in. The first is a hand-held, rapid-firing pulse laser rifle which the operators refer to as a "Beam Schmeisser" and, like the blaster rifles used by the Musketeer troopers, is powered by a detachable powerpack. The second is built into the gauntlets of the armor, and is the reason that the suit has the name that it does. The gauntlets house a pair of two differ- ent systems which work together: a plasma generator, and a small-scale force field generator. When confronted with an obstacle that has to be dealt with -- whether a reinforced wall or a Main Battle Tank -- the Panzer- faust operator brings the dual system online, building up a plasma charge inside a containment field created by the force field generator. Once the plasma charge is at full strength, the operator strikes his target while simultaneously opening a small area of the force field, releasing a jet of high-temperature plasma. The result is similar to what happens when an anti-tank weapon such as the TOW missile hits its target, as the blast not only penetrates the obstacle, but also inflicts lethal damage upon anyone in the blast area (this is particularly true where tank or vehicle crewmen are concerned). Fortunately for the alliance, there are only a few of these suits in existence, as there aren't that many troopers of the New Republic's forces who can wear the armor due to its size. Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Foresight, the only female member of Executive Sanction: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39725[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Also from Allies, it's Major Star, leader of the U.S. Government superteam Executive Sanction: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39724[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine From Allies, it's the C.I.A. agent who doesn't have to work too hard to find himself in a hairy situation -- he's already a hairy situation. Presenting -- Felix 9: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39723[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The robotic bodyguard from High-Tech Enemies -- Mr. Tanner: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39722[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the pic of the Musketeer battlesuit (for whatever reason, the pic didn't get attached to the above post: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39721[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine When the New Republic attempted to carry out an operation in Paris, France -- an operation which was stopped by a multi-national unit of the battlesuit troop- ers of the secret alliance -- the French government quietly (but very firmly) requested to join the alliance, and that its scientists be included in the battle- suit design process. After a considerable amount of negotiations, the French requests were granted, and -- within the space of two months -- their first battlesuit design entered production. Taking a page from their history, the French called their unit the Musketeer, after the soldiers from pre-revolution France who served the King: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39720[/ATTACH] The most distinctive feature of the Musketeer battlesuit is its "hat", a part of the helmet which was designed to resemble the headgear of the original Musketeers -- a broad-brimmed, plumed hat. At first glance, one would think that the helmet's odd design would interfere with the suit's flight capability, but the designers (with the help of "Professor Grey") found a way to get around that particular hurdle. Part of the armor's systems is a limited shield generator, which projects a computer-controlled aerodynamic force field around the upper body. The field is only active while the suit is in flight, but while it is, it provides some protection from ground fire. While the Musketeer has no built-in weapons, its operators are by no means un- armed. Their primary weapon is a blaster rifle, which is capable of firing either armor-piercing bolts, explosive blasts, or stun-shots. The rifle is powered by a detachable powerpack, and Musketeer operators carry a total of six powerpacks each (one already loaded in the rifle, and five spares). Their unit strength is slightly greater than that of the original King's Musketeers, as there are a total of 113 of them -- a Captain, two Lieutenants, ten Sergeants, and one hundred PFCs. Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Crikey...sounds like Guildenstern's player's wife could be a member of the Inquisition. Who else would make threats like that? Major Tom 2009
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